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181. College Football: Rivals.com Contains coverage of college and professional sports with articles, game summaries, current standings and statistics. http://www.rivals.com/ | |
182. Washingtonpost.com Provides current Men's and Women's news updates. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/sports/leaguesandsports/tennis/ | |
183. Amherst College Athletics: Men's Squash Contains pictures, quick facts, a roster, coaching staff, archives, and a season preview. http://www.amherst.edu/sports/current/m-squash/ | |
184. The University Of Southern California Trojans - Official Athletic Site - Men's G Trojans. Player statistics, game schedule, results, current standings and press releases. http://usctrojans.ocsn.com/sports/m-golf/usc-m-golf-body.html | |
185. Athletics: Men's Lacrosse Statistics, player roster, game schedule, current standings and news articles. http://www.union.edu/News/Sports/Athletics/Spring/MensLacrosse/ | |
186. Women's Lacrosse - Rowan University Athletics Profs. current standings, statistics, past results, roster, news articles, recruiting details and coaching staff. http://www.rowan.edu/sports/spring/lacrossew/index.html | |
187. NBC 4 - Home 1, 0511-2004. Hot-Button Issues Sound off on controversial issues in currentevents. 14, 05-16-2004. sports Are you the Monday Morning Quarterback type? http://forums.ibsys.com/index.cfm?sitekey=la |
188. NBC10.com - Home 1, 0511-2004. Hot-Button Issues Sound off on controversial issues in currentevents. 14, 05-14-2004. sports Are you the Monday Morning Quarterback type? http://forums.ibsys.com/index.cfm?sitekey=phi |
189. TNT NBA Thursday Upcoming events. Tuesday, May 25th @ 9pm(ET) NBA TipOff Presented byGatorade Tuesday, May 25th @ 915pm(ET) Minnesota Timberwolves http://www.tnt.tv/Title/Display/0,5918,447471,00.html | |
190. UM - 6/8/04 What s really going on with the sports programs at Michigan, Michigan State andthe rest of the Big Ten? Expanded Coverage. Go sports on TV sports coverage http://www.detnews.com/um/ | |
191. Asia Daily BMW Asian Open on Thursday, the first European Tour event to be staged on mainlandC (photo Getty Images) Hindustan Times China Golf Ireland Photos sports. http://www.asia-daily.com/ | |
192. Panorama Magazine - Sports sports Boston Red Sox Major League Baseball Fenway Park, 4 Yawkey Way, 617482-4SOX.May 10Â12 at 705 pm, vs. Cleveland Indians. May 20 21 at 705 pm, vs. http://www.panoramamagazine.com/panoramamagazine/current_events/sports.asp | |
193. TradeSports Trading & Betting Exchange, Best Lines & Bonuses. What is Tradesports? TradeSports is a Trading Exchange not a Sportsbook.The advantages of using the Exchange include Value Exchange http://www.tradesports.com/ | |
194. TradeSports Trading Betting Exchange, Best Lines Bonuses. TradeSports is a trading betting exchange registered in Ireland,company number 352224. © 2002 About TradeSports Rules Help http://www.tradesports.com/jsp/intrade/contractSearch/xml/ContractSearch.jsp |
195. Current_Events_and_News http://on.starblvd.net/meet/Current_Events_and_News/ | |
196. Current_Events_and_News http://on.starblvd.net/meet/Current_Events_and_News/&sbt | |
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