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81. Brief Records For Performing Arts Orgs for the newspaper s listing of current events and activities in information on festivals and events, new puppet program in the performing arts (acting, dancing http://www.imcpl.lib.in.us/cgi-bin/irnget.pl?Performing arts orgs |
82. Muzi.com | Gallery : Arts : Performing Arts current events. Year 2004 Year 2003 Year 2002 Year 2001 Year 2000 Year 1999 Year 1998 Miss USA 2004. Muzi.com Muzi (English) Gallery arts performing arts. http://gallery.muzi.com/cc/english/10927.shtml | |
83. ***American Symphony Orchestra League: 59th National Conference: National Perfor visit www.chambermusic.org/events/npacconcert.asp They will also examine how current research can DC; Dale Schmid, Visual and performing arts Coordinator, New http://www.symphony.org/conference2004/npac.html | |
84. Paradise Performing Arts Center - Events Schedule The current members are Andy Corwin, Mack Bailey and Alex to appear in many secular music events in Northern a fundraising event for the performing arts Center http://www.paradisedirect.com/ppac/events_schedule.htm | |
85. Language Arts And Performing Arts: At the same time as the integrated math, literature and performing arts section of the curriculum is happening, so do the historical, current events and the http://depts.washington.edu/stepcofs/Curriculum/Final Sagmillerbloodquantum.htm | |
86. Radio List - The Biggest Internet Radio Stations List On The Net !!!! Performing Scenis Stage of Central Europe and Newly Independent States. Searchable database of performing arts links, current events, notice board, discussion forum. http://www.radio-list.com/Directory/Arts/PerformingArts/ | |
87. Te Puna Web Directory > NZ > Arts And Literature > Performing Arts > Theatre And Includes information about current and past productions dedicated primarily to theatre and stage performance. It has a programme of events, including details of http://webdirectory.natlib.govt.nz/dir/en/nz/arts-and-literature/performing-arts | |
88. Alamogordo, New Mexico - Flickinger Center For Performing Arts The Flickinger Center for performing arts is accessible to All Flickinger Center events are suitable for For current events being performed, please see our http://www.alamogordo.com/Old/flickinger.html |
89. Art Events, Carnegie Library Of Pittsburgh Resource Guide special performing arts projects and exhibitions throughout the year. Pittsburgh Region Ongoing events. Andy Warhol Museum Exhibitions Click on current http://www.carnegielibrary.org/subject/art/events.html | |
90. University Libraries - Database Wizard eg, academic programs, research resources, events, jobs and to provide fulltext of current issues of International Index to the performing arts 1988-present, http://ers2000.gmu.edu/sql/subdb.php3?Arts_&_Humanities |
91. The St Lawrence Centre For The Arts - Toronto Ontario Located in downtown Toronto and featuring online ticket ordering for current productions. http://www.stlc.com | |
92. International Gallerie Semiannual of the visual arts, music, photography, theatre and other performing arts, and travel. Includes abstracts and extracts from current and archived issues. http://gallerie.net |
93. Index Buffalo. performing arts center featuring offbroadway and first-run plays, musicals, concerts. Contains information about the theatre, current productions, educational programs, and contact details. http://www.sheas.org/ |
94. Movingpoets.com Charlotte. A professional performing arts company producing stage works employing original contemporary dance, theater, music, video, and visual arts. Includes current season, photos, reviews, history, and contact information. http://www.movingpoets.com | |
95. The Howard Gilman Foundation Supports performing arts in New York City, the White Oak Plantation in Florida as a wildlife refuge and retreat center, and cardiovascular research at Weill Medical College of Cornell University. Lists current grantees and staff. http://www.howardgilman.org |
96. Ensemble Tours - For Performers And Audiences Organizes tours for performing arts groups, both music and drama. Lists of current, previous and sample tours. Based in Scotland, United Kingdom. http://www.ensembletours.co.uk/ | |
97. GuideLive.com > Home Find events. by Calendar. Find events. By Type. The arts. performing arts events. Visual arts events on Movies, Restaurants, Concerts or weekend events. events. Today. Tue 25. Wed 26 http://www.guidelive.com/ | |
98. North American Performing Arts Managers And Agents Noprofit association dedicated to promoting the professionalism of its members and the vitality of the performing arts. Site includes information about membership, current members, and activities. http://www.napama.org/ | |
99. Sign On San Diego . Com > Comprehensive Guide To San Diego Events, Arts, Music, Hotels Visitors All Hotels By Neighborhood. arts performing arts events performing arts Locations Visual arts events Visual arts Locations. http://sandiego.citysearch.com/ | |
100. THE CHAPEL OF ART Centre of excellence for visual and performing arts. Contains past, current and future exhibition details, information about the Potters Path, and a feature on both historic and modern Criccieth. http://www.the-coa.org.uk/ | |
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