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Current Events Nationally: more detail | |||||
81. NYMT Index Music theatre company for young people, providing acting auditions, workshops and drama courses throughout the UK, and tour productions nationally and internationally. Contains information about current productions, auditions, workshops, and contact details. http://www.nymt.org.uk | |
82. Camp Chase Gazette: The Voice Of Civil War Reenacting nationally distributed magazine about American Civil War reenactment and living history; subscription information, current issue example. http://www.campchase.com | |
83. Sonoma County - January Current Events events include dinners, receptions, olive and oil tastings, open of the work of thenationally known local Paradise Ridge Winery and the current sculpture show http://www.sonoma.com/special_interest/current_events/jan.html | |
84. Larry Elder.com KABCAM/790 Mon.-Fri. 3-6 PM. nationally syndicated talk show about current issues from a black libertarian perspective based in Los Angeles. The Sage from South Central. http://www.larryelder.com | |
85. ChicagoPlays.com A trade and marketing association formed by an alliance of theaters to support, promote and advocate for the city's theater industry locally, nationally and internationally. Includes gift certificates, links and current productions, and contacts. http://www.chicagoplays.com/ | |
86. Alternative Press Review - News And Current Events http://www.altpr.org/news.html | |
88. Arkansas Governor - Current Events retiring late last year. Pickens, a Jonesboro native, was nationallyrecognized for his success in economic development. He worked for http://www.arkansas.gov/governor/current_events/ | |
89. Arkansas Governor - Past Events 2002 Past events. The governor talked about recent figures that show Arkansasis in the top 10 nationally in per capita income growth. http://www.arkansas.gov/governor/current_events/events_p2.html | |
90. The Southern Berkshire Chamber Of Commerce: Community Postings cooking lessons and an historic dinner for four by a nationally renowned chef Proceedsfrom this concert can help us directly in our current conservation efforts http://www.zenn.net/webreplace/users/SBCoC63.shtml | |
91. Boortz.com: Nealz Nuze Today's Nuze that he will stage scenes and present them to the audience as random events. BUSH SSPEECH TONIGHT In a nationally televised address tonight at the Army War http://www.boortz.com/nuze/ | |
92. WineCountry : Gold Country cookbook author, culinary instructor, wine expert and nationally syndicated radiotalk information on Amador wines, wineries, and special events.) By comparison http://www.winecountry.com/regions/goldcountry/ | |
93. Flinders University - Careers & Employer Liason Centre in addition to breaking news and events concerning higher and are open for all currentFlinders University business and government both locally and nationally. http://www.flinders.edu.au/careers/sub/whatson.php | |
94. Little Steven Online community. Pastore will also discuss current events, review movies, performskits, give sex advice, and interact with SIRIUS listeners. http://www.littlesteven.com/news.html | |
95. SMS: Swimming & Diving - SMS Swimming Nationally Ranked In 15 Events SMS Swimming nationally Ranked in 15 events Story Posted Nov. 21,2002 1031 AM CST. Collegeswimming.com released updated top http://www.smsbears.net/webapps/release?id=560 |
96. Sentara Healthcare - ExploreHealth With Sentara - Newspaper information about Sentara s signature clinical programs of distinction such asour nationally ranked heart program, listings of upcoming events or special http://www.sentara.com/explorehealth/newspaper.htm | |
97. News & Events of Government, is a nationally known author Home History and Mission CurrentInitiatives PSO PSO Collaborations News events Publications Awards http://www.uga.edu/outreach/artman/publish/index.shtml | |
98. Dartmouth News posted 04/12/04) Marye Anne Fox, a nationally known chemist events Calendar CurrentNews Recent News Press Toolbox About Us Contact Us Dartmouth Home http://www.dartmouth.edu/~news/ | |
99. Events At Oregon State University World Music Festival brings entertainment to Quad The MU Quad will come alive witha variety of nationally touring artists More events at Open Doors at OSU. http://oregonstate.edu/events/newsevents/events.html | |
100. CreativeClass.org Conference on Affordable Housing will have a keynote address from nationally syndicatedcolumnist Those are two notable events in what turned out to be a mixed http://www.creativeclass.org/hotpress.shtml | |
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