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Current Events Nationally: more detail | |||||
41. UMTV Series Now Available Nationally Via Satellite T.V., News Releases 2002, Phi The Global Village, hosted by Leonard Elmore, premiered nationally in late They presentan educated look at current events, helping to unravel mainstream media http://www.journalism.umd.edu/newrel/02newsrel/researchchannel.html | |
42. Current Topics: Raising Children, Parenting, Child / Youth Development and leads training workshops nationally and internationally. grandparents come totheir current living situations for their upcoming seasonalrelated events. http://familyinfoserv.com/currenttopics.html | |
43. Issues: Perspectives (March 1999): "Talking History" Now Nationally Distributed Talking History Now nationally Distributed. an informal syndicate of historiansseeking to improve the public s understanding of current events by setting http://www.historians.org/perspectives/issues/1999/9903/9903NEW2.CFM | |
44. CUNY Graduate Center: Science And The Arts Series Science the Arts Home. current events. Past events. Archive of past Science andthe Arts series events. A nationally broadcast radio show, live from our stage. http://web.gc.cuny.edu/sciart/sciart.htm | |
45. Frontiers In Ecology & The Environment: Media Kit Print 7800+ ESA Members, nationally and internationally. Global news stories on policy,breaking research developments, and current events SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES http://www.frontiersinecology.org/printmediakit.htm | |
46. Holland Hart LLP events current, of how to get your venture started, but will provide you withexposure to experienced bioentrepreneurs and a nationally acclaimed faculty. http://www.hollandhart.com/event.cfm | |
47. UConn Center For Students With Disabilities - What's New!? Collaborative Disability Bulletin Board s Calendar of events (PDF format current SCHOLARSHIPRESOURCES. students who are blind and visually impaired nationally. http://www.csd.uconn.edu/news.html | |
48. ATW - Chapters nationally and delivered locally based upon community need. Find a chapter near youand learn more about what is available to you in your area. current events http://www.atwinternational.org/chapters/ | |
49. Ellie Mae - About Ellie Mae - News/Events - Current Releases - Press Release of business, DeepGreen originated $1 billion in home equity lines nationally. includesforecasts, projections and predictions of future events or performance http://www.elliemae.com/AboutUs/NewsEvents/news/pr_061702_b.asp | |
50. Current Calendar current Workshops Schedule HereÂsa preview of our exciting calendar of events for2004 One hundred nationally acclaimed artisans offer folk art, furniture http://www.hancockshakervillage.org/curcal.html |
51. Coping With Traumatic Events - Parent Guidelines For Talking With School-Age Chi things are being done in their community, the state and nationally to promote Beaware of what is being said during adult conversations about current events. http://www.mentalhealth.samhsa.gov/cmhs/TraumaticEvents/schoolage.asp | |
52. Dept. Events - Chemistry At Boston College Weekly seminars highlight nationally recognized speakers in organic, inorganic,physical and biological chemistry. return to top. Other current events. http://chemserv.bc.edu/gradSt/deptEvents.html |
53. Family Research Council: Tuesday, June 8, 2004 "PG03G14" Through Press and current events, Family Research Council provides on breaking newsand events in Washington today and what the implications are nationally. http://www.frc.org/get.cfm?c=EE&row=11 |
54. Current.html Over 130 artworks by nationally recognized and emerging artists will be sold on Youngpeople will be able to discuss artwork, current events, and other issues http://www.soex.org/current.html | |
55. American Trails Calendar Of Trails And Greenways Events A Natural Connection sponsored nationally by the American 208 or www.AmericanHiking.org/events/ntd/index Washington,DC area; Discussion of current efforts to http://www.americantrails.org/Calendar.html | |
56. What S In The News About At the same time, the nature of current events allows the program information tobe WHAT S IN THE NEWS is distributed nationally via satellite and videotape by http://www.witn.psu.edu/about.phtml?show_id=64 |
57. About NIE - Newspapers In Education - The Cincinnati Enquirer Newspapers In Education. In existence nationally for more than 40 years, the NIE Lessonsare tied to current events and help learners extend their knowledge on http://www.cincinnati.com/nie/about/ | |
58. Current Events As happened last summer we have secured leading nationally known teachers and practitionersof Registrations are being accepted for our Summer Youth events! http://www.fpcasheville.org/Current Events.htm | |
59. Cache Chamber Of Commerce Events Other current Chamber events Don t Miss! for public television during his career,with many of his works airing nationally and internationally. http://www.cachechamber.com/chamber/events.asp | |
60. CIRCLE || Core Indicators Page public affairs most of the time; Talking often about current events with friendsor in a group of people to the pattern of civic engagement found nationally. http://www.civicyouth.org/practitioners/Core_Indicators_Page.htm | |
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