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Current Events Nationally: more detail | |||||
21. News And Current Events NEWS current events. be leading a discussion entitled Mild TBI current Thoughtson an interactive fiveweek series presenting nationally recognized speakers http://www.biawa.org/newsand.htm | |
22. Ririe Woodbury Current Events or RirieWoodbury Dance CompanyÂs artistic accomplishments throughout the last40 years, their work as ambassadors for Utah nationally and internationally http://www.ririewoodbury.com/events.html |
23. Monterey County - Current Events September 2004 events. The nationally renowned TomatoFest features 60 of AmericaÂstop chefs, 50 wineries, a tasting of more than 300 tomato varieties, a http://www.gomonterey.com/special_interest/current_events/sep.html | |
24. UW Dance Program - Current Events Spring 2004 For details and a schedule of events, call 2622353. Both local and nationally-knownsomatic arts educators will give presentations and master classes. http://www.soemadison.wisc.edu/dance/calendar/spring04/somaticrelease.asp | |
25. UW Dance Program - Current Events Spring 2004 Hedwig Dances Company, under the direction of nationally known choreographer JanBartoszek, has been touted a knockout by the Chicago Tribune and will http://www.soemadison.wisc.edu/dance/calendar/spring04/yu.asp | |
26. SAHC Current Events current events. Annual Meeting Celebrating the wilderness. The propertywas botanically surveyed in 1991 and is nationally significant. Rare http://www.appalachian.org/whatsnew/events.htm | |
27. CampaignRoundup0309 Apply Now, Your Guide to US Politics current events was carefully watched in lightof the events in 2000 campaign with a lead over Bush nationally among likely http://uspolitics.about.com/cs/raceforpresident/a/Campaign0309.htm | |
28. Public Policy, Goverment Guide, From Apply Now, Your Guide to US Politics current events. lawmakers, butpreviously ruled that establishing such restrictions nationally would require http://uspolitics.about.com/cs/greenparty/a/PubPolGovern.htm | |
29. Current Events And Trends In The Propane Industry Back, Our feature story highlights current events and trends in the propane industry toair on the weekend of May 8 9. Not only is the nationally syndicated do http://www.propanecouncil.org/industry/activities.cfm?id=52 |
30. Colorado Free University Event Sponsorship Opportunities Colorado Free University Event Sponsorship Host a nationally Known Speaker. Politics current events Ralph Nader, consumer advocate Steve Forbes, publishing http://www.freeu.com/sponsor.html | |
31. AFOA Current Calendar Of Events Calendar of current events. Alabama Forest Owners Association BD05187_1.WMF(19702 bytes). Speaker will be nationally known dog trainer, Billy Morton. http://www.alabamaforestowners.com/cal.htm | |
32. ART CONTESTS AND EVENTS NATIONALLY AND LOCALLY ART CONTESTS events nationally AND LOCALLY. of Art (Dartmouth) Located at DartmouthCollege, the museum has permanent collections and current art exhibits http://www.sunapee.k12.nh.us/smhs/academics/art/eventsandcontests.htm | |
33. Georgia Institute Of Technology :: Current Graduate Students Graduate students are a crucial part of Georgia TechÂs identity as aninnovative, nationally recognized research university. current events. http://www.gatech.edu/current-students/graduate/ | |
34. Georgia Institute Of Technology :: Business & Government nationally, Georgia Tech is one of the top ten universities receiving funds forindustrysponsored research, according to the National Science current events. http://www.gatech.edu/business-government/ | |
35. Federation Of Genealogical Societies This fund is a nationally supported program to finance the creation of findingaids and the microfilming of valuable research materials now current events. http://www.fgs.org/ | |
36. THE 12 TOP-RATED, NATIONALLY SYNDICATED, POLITICALLY-ORIENTED RADIO TALK SHOWS Drudge Show 1.25 million weekly listeners / nationally syndicated / Premiere Conservatism;Culture/Society; Government; News/current events; Politics/Elections http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1054164/posts | |
37. Ed Schultz Begins Airing Nationally On Democracy Radio, January 5 show host Ed Schultz will begin airing his new nationally syndicated show TOPICSNews/current events; US North Dakota KEYWORDS ED; EDSCHULTZ; KFGO; LIBERAL http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1043588/posts | |
38. ASTD Greater Tucson Chapter current events, 2004. Kimberly Morrill, MA, Partner in the nationally known PerformanceDesign Lab,Tucson, will present three case studies that identify http://www.runmyclub.com/ASTDTucson/EventCalendar.asp | |
39. The Beacon Council : News And Events : Press/Media And Current News News events. Press/Media current News. Press/Media current News. BEACONCOUNCIL PROMOTES MIAMIDADE COUNTY nationally INTERnationally. http://www.beaconcouncil.com/0302_details.asp?StoryID=62 |
40. Nationally Competitive Scholarship Committee--Major Scholarships Fluency in the host language is preferred and a strong background in American cultureand the host country current events are of particular consideration. http://www.alma.edu/academics/scholar/major.htm | |
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