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121. A Unified Field Theory A mathematical description of nature based on the geometry of SpaceTime. general Relativity,Energy-Stress tensor, a set of current densities and Quantum mechanics for Spin 1 Bosons. Space-Time dimensions calculated and not put in by hand. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/peter.hickman1/ |
122. Teens Homework Current Events MasterFile Premier Ebsco Covers 2,800 periodicals on current events, generalinterest, social science, business and education. 1,800 are fulltext. http://www.mesalibrary.org/teens/links/currentevents.asp | |
123. Organisms Which Thrive In Arctic Sea Ice - Krembs, Deming Arctic sea ice ecology, organisms from bacteria, viruses, and unicellular algae to mammals (polar bears, reindeer, fox, whales) text, maps and photographs (current and historical). NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) site provides access to widely distributed Arctic data and information for scientists, managers, decision makers and the general public on one of the last remaining frontiers. http://www.arctic.noaa.gov/essay_krembsdeming.html | |
124. Anti-liberal | Conservative Issues | Conservative Viewpoints | Welcome To Conser Discussion on specific news items and on current issues in general. http://www.conservativex.com/ | |
125. Jennifer (TzennH) Simpter's Homepage Family genealogy, travel portfolio and history, general favorites, newHouse information and pictures, cat pictures, current resume, and guestbook. http://www.tzennh.com/ | |
126. H-NCH Advocacy group provides current information on legislation and legislative proposals, hearings, and federal policy issues of concern to historians, archivists, librarians, and the general public. http://www2.h-net.msu.edu/~ncc/ | |
127. Sanctions Office of Secretary general provides a summary of current and historical sanctions, with links to related resolutions by country. http://www.un.org/News/ossg/sanction.htm | |
128. Owen Minns - Nonstandard Webspace Owen's nonstandard website. Personal information, professional information, a general resume, a design portfolio, a description of current projects, and contact information. http://oakspan.com/owen/ | |
129. Mounds View Basketball Association Site provides current member and the public with general information, practice, game schedules and game brackets. http://www.moundsviewbasketball.org | |
130. Perspectives On World History And Current Events - Home Departments events events (dinners, talks) supported by PWHCE. Correspondence GeneralCorrespondence; Henrik Stromberg responds to of links on the current crisis http://www.geocities.com/pwhce/ | |
131. Socialist Alternative US section in solidarity with the Committee for a Workers International (CWI). The site contains the current copy of Socialist Alternative's newspaper, Justice, an archive of past editions and documents and information of general interest for socialist, workers and youth. http://www.socialistalternative.org | |
132. Humanism - Church Of Humanism/Humanist Foundation Find history, current news, announcements, and general information on the Church of Humanism and the Rev. Joseph BenDavid. http://www.humanistfoundation.org/ | |
133. Australian Commonwealth Games Association Includes general information, history of the games, athletes, past results, medalists, media releases, and links. Send a message to a current team member. http://www.ausport.gov.au/acga/ | |
134. Home Excellent resources and information for and about the manual therapist; including general information, education, current issues, research, links, and a private members section http://manipulativetherapy.org | |
135. Upcoming Events Monday, June 21, 2004 at 800am Reno Livestock events Center Ticket Price $25.00General Admission. U of Nevada, Reno N Logo Last Updated 5/12/04 http://www.unr.edu/lawlor/current.htm | |
136. Peru Election 2000 The Centre for the Study of Democracy of Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada provides the public, academics, researchers, and members of the international policy community with the most current and comprehensive information on the developments that will affect Peru's general elections in 2000. http://csd.queensu.ca/peru2000/ |
137. Research Academic Computer Technology Institute Research and Development Institute under the supervision of the Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs. On its site you can find an outline of the organizations history and structure, list of publications and description of current research projects. http://www.cti.gr/engl_v/general/general_frames_page.html |
138. Free Greeting Cards, Ecards From USAGreetings Prev (Page 1 2 3 ) Next. current events Cards Classification. GeneralAnimated (9), Humor Interactive (6) Animated (2) All (8). http://www.usagreetings.com/html/currentevent/currentevent.html | |
139. Winders Of All Types Of Custom Coils: Toroid,Solenoid,Current Sensors Manufacturer of small to medium size inductors, toroids, solenoids, current sensors, common mode chokes, custom coils and air coils. http://www.coilwinder.com/ | |
140. Society Of Women Engineers An organization that stimulates women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers. Includes general information, how to join, a member directory, and current projects. http://www.swe.org/ | |
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