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21. Dawn's Virtual Currency Collection Web collection of us paper money http://www.currencygallery.org/ |
22. U.S. Dollar Live Currency Exchange Rates free real time tick by tick currency rates versus the us dollar for over 20 currencies. Links to cross rates are also available. Forex Directory. http://www.forexdirectory.net/quotesfx.html | |
23. Real Time Forex Dollar Charts Free currency charts for spot interbank rates versus the us dollar. 15 currencies to choose from, includes real time tick charts http://www.forexdirectory.net/chartsfx.html | |
24. Currency Quiz: 1 Site Map. currency Quiz. by Holly Hartman, Send this Page to a Friend! Question 1 When did the us Treasury first print paper money? 1776 1792 1862. http://www.factmonster.com/spot/quiz/currency/1.html | |
25. Currency Library - Foreign Exchange Rates And Interest Rate currency value in a foreign country? This table with tell you how. It also serves as a reference for official ISO 4217 codes and current exchange rates vs. us http://currencies.thefinancials.com/ | |
26. New York Currency Coverter Country, currency, us Dollar, EURO. Algeria Dinars, DZD = us$/78.7, us$, EURO. Argentina Pesos, ARS = us$/2.24, us$, EURO. Australia Dollars, AUD = us$/1.91, us$, EURO. http://www.books-maps.com/US_NY/converter.html | |
27. Switzerland Currency Coverter Country, currency, us Dollar, EURO. Switzerland Francs, CHF = us$/1.67, us$, EURO. Algeria Dinars, DZD = us$/78.7, us$, EURO. Argentina Pesos, ARS = us$/2.24, us$, EURO. http://www.books-maps.com/CH/converter.html | |
28. Where's George? ® 2.0 All you need to do is enter the denomination, series, and serial number of any us dollar bill, and your current usA ZIP or to track your Canadian currency! http://www.wheresgeorge.com/ | |
29. Donating Foreign Currency :: U.S. Fund For UNICEF - U.S. Fund For UNICEF Foreign currency. children around the world. You can send your foreign currency directly to the following address Travelex America Attn http://www.unicefusa.org/site/pp.asp?c=duLRI8O0H&b=25945 |
30. Donating Foreign Currency :: U.S. Fund For UNICEF - U.S. Fund For UNICEF children around the world. You can send your foreign currency directly to the following address Travelex America Attn. Jessica http://www.unicefusa.org/site/pp.asp?c=duLRI8O0H&b=25945&printmode=1 |
31. Latest News And Financial Information Reuters.com us Dollar Report. Reuters) The dollar eased slightly against major currencies on Tuesdayamid worries about climbing oil prices and the impact on the currency. http://www.reuters.com/financeCurrencies.jhtml |
32. Six Kinds Of United States Paper Currency By the 1990 s, when us Notes would count for less than a thousanth of us currency, it was considered about time to end this farcical, dishonest procedure, and http://www.friesian.com/notes.htm | |
33. Bloomberg.com: World Currencies When the us dollar is listed first, the valuation is expressed as the number of the units of the other currency per us dollar. When http://www.bloomberg.com/markets/currencies/americas_currencies.html | |
34. Rates - USD us dollar as of Monday, May 24 2004, 1905 EDT (200405-24 2305 UTC). Change, %, currency, usD per, per usD, 1 Day, 3 Mo, 1 Year, HLPI, Deriv. http://www.uta.fi/~ktmatu/rate-usd.html | |
35. MSN Money - Currency Exchange Rates: Investing Major Currencies. Name, In us$, Per us$. Argentine Peso, 0.34002, 2.941. http://moneycentral.msn.com/investor/market/rates.asp | |
36. Local Currency Converter currency in British Indian Ocean Territory Although the British Pound Sterling is the official currency, us Dollars are used more often than not. http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/time-zone/asia/british-indian-ocean-territory/c | |
37. History Of US Paper Money 1863 The Design The design of us currency incorporated a Treasury seal, the fine line engraving necessary for the difficultto-counterfeit itaglio printing http://www.ronscurrency.com/rhist.htm | |
38. Types Of U.S. Currency Types of us currency. obligation. These notes are the 2nd earliest type and longest issued us paper currency to date. The issuance http://www.ronscurrency.com/rctype.htm | |
39. Sarah And Alexander OUTSIDE OF THE us Please configure the price of the book at $17 American currency (us$) Postage and Handling Canada $10 American currency (us$) All other http://www.crystalinks.com/sabook.html | |
40. Today's Exchange Rates: Monday, June 7, 2004 The columns fcu/CAD and fcu/usD provide the quantity of foreign currency units that are purchased with one Canadian Dollar or one us Dollar, respectively. http://fx.sauder.ubc.ca/today.html | |
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