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1. U.S. Issued Fractional Currency US Issued Fractional Currency. 1st thru 3rd Issue. Fractional Currency notes were issued from August 21, 1862 through February 15, 1876. http://home.earthlink.net/~icepick119/page8.html | |
2. U.S. Congress Concurrent Resolution On Taxing Cross-border Currency Transactions US Congress Concurrent Resolution on Taxing Crossborder Currency Transactions to Deter Excessive Speculation (H.Con.Res.301). Congressman http://www.ceedweb.org/iirp/ushouseres.htm | |
3. OANDA, The Currency Site: Foreign Exchange Services And Trading OANDA.com, The currency site provides currency and foreign exchange rates to investors travelers and online businesse Quick Converter. us . usD. Australia . AUD. UK . GBP OANDA, The currency http://www.oanda.com/ | |
4. XE.com - The World's Favorite Currency Site Need More currencies? use the XE.com Interactive currency Table. Like our site? Bookmark us or tell a friend! XE.com Quick currency Converter. http://www.xe.net/ | |
5. Currency Sales auctions of rare United States currency (Paper Money) us Bureau of Engraving and Printing. United States Treasury Dept Welcome to Glen Johnson us currency! The premier site for collectors of rare United States currency, and home of the http://www.uspapermoney.com/ | |
6. RR Rare Coins & Currency Offers us and World coins and currency, books, supplies and tokens. http://www.rrcoins.net/ | |
7. Crutchfield's Currency Offers currency, collectible checks, souvenir cards, Colonial and Continental notes, obsolete bank notes, as well as Confederate States of America, Southern States, us Federal Issues and Republic of Texas currencies. http://www.crutchwilliams.com/ | |
8. U.S. Treasury - FAQs: Currency Skip Navigation us Department of the Treasury Logo. News. Key Topics. Press Room. Organization. Offices. Bureaus. Coins. currency. Personal Finance. International. Taxes. http://www.ustreas.gov/education/faq/currency/ | |
9. FXConverter - 164 Currency Converter FXConverter or 164 currency Converter is a currency converter with up to date currency exchange rates in 7 languages. yy/mm/dd. us Dollar . usD. Afghanistan Afghani . AFA Zambian Kwacha . ZMK. Zimbabwe Dollar . ZWD. currency Code To. Euro . EUR http://www.oanda.com/converter/classic | |
10. ROCKFAX | Publications | Currency £/US$/EUR currency £/us$/EUR. currency conversion rates are a guide for your convenience only. They are updated several times each day. You http://www.rockfax.com/publications/currency.html | |
11. ExchangeRate.com - Exchange Rate - Currencies - Graphs - International Currency Home XR World Rates Per 1 us Dollar If your currency is not listed on this page click here Old Iraqi currency Exchange Ended Jan. http://www.exchangerate.com/ | |
12. Cash, Coins And Currency (US) By Comstock Stock Photography And Royalty Free Sto (SKU CSK117), Cash, Coins currency (us) by Comstock. 104 Images, 28MB, 21cm x 28cm 300 dpi. Look for other discs in Business, Finance http://www.fotosearch.com/comstock/cash-coins-currency-us/CSK117/ | |
13. United States Secret Service: Know Your Money - Counterfeit Awareness KNOW YOUR MONEY. Every year the public is victimized by the counterfeiting of United States currency and other us obligations. Those http://www.secretservice.gov/know_your_money.shtml | |
14. United States Secret Service: Know Your Money - Counterfeit Awareness After the us Constitution was ratified, Congress passed the Mint Act of April 2 system of the United States and the dollar as our principal unit of currency. http://www.secretservice.gov/money_history.shtml | |
15. US Vs. 8008 Dollars In US Currency, US Supreme Court. 1983 contemporaneous criminal proceeding. See, eg, United States v. us currency, 626 F.2d 11 (CA6 1980). Again, however, the pendency http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/legal/l1980/8008.htm | |
16. Money: What It Is, How It Works . TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE, Updated. Javascript must be enabled for these quizzes, us currency Quiz, 3/08/04. .Quick Review, 5/07/04. Money and Banking Quiz, 3/08/04. http://wfhummel.cnchost.com/ | |
17. U.S. Coins And Currency us Coins and currency Value. Image. Obverse, Reverse. Coins. Penny 1¢. currency. $1. George Washington 1st us President, The Great Seal of the United States. http://www.mistupid.com/currency/ | |
18. Markets: Currencies currency CONVERTER. Amount From us Dollar http://money.cnn.com/markets/currencies/ | |
19. U.S. Currency Flops Over The Years - May. 14, 2003 It was the first us currency to feature an historical female figure since the 19th century, when Martha Washington adorned a silverbacked note. http://money.cnn.com/2003/05/13/pf/banking/currency_miscues/ | |
20. Colonial America Learn about the history of the 13 colonies, colonial currency and religion, through photographs and manuscripts from the Library of Congress. http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/schools/clementems/colonial.html | |
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