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81. Ithaca HOURs Online: Home Page Pioneering local money program tbat inspired dozens around the US and the world. Website describes how it works, development and history of local currencies, media coverage over the years, how to start and maintain your own local currency, list of businesses accepting HOURS, and a local currency starter kit. http://www.ithacahours.com/ | |
82. MEASURING BIODIVERSITY The difficulty with this single currency approach is that the numbers of genes or characters cannot usually be 2004 The Natural history Museum, Cromwell Road http://www.nhm.ac.uk/science/projects/worldmap/diversity/ | |
83. A History Of American Currency By William G. Sumner A history of American currency With Chapters on The English Bank Restriction and Austrian Paper Money By William G. Sumner 2000/12 Beard Books 1587980045 http://www.beardbooks.com/a_history_of_american_currency.html | |
84. The History Of Previous Currency Unions UserSubmitted Commentary. The history of Previous currency Unions. by Sam Vaknin palma@unet.com.mk Does this Commentary have you thinking? Write a response! http://zena.secureforum.com/interactive/content/display_item.cfm?itemID=5546 |
85. History Of The Euro is history in the making. It is the largest monetary changeover the world has ever seen  join us in celebrating and finding out more about our new currency. http://www.euro.ecb.int/en/what/history.html | |
86. Book: American History As Seen Through Currency Dr. Edward Dauer and Joanne Dauer take a novel approach in exploring both the historical context of circulating US currency and the history depicted in its http://www.coinresource.com/news/news2003/heritage_american_history.htm | |
87. The History Of Global Currency And Monetary Issues The history of global currency and monetary issues. Hartford Web Publishing is not the author of the documents in World history Archives http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/25/index-be.html | |
88. Chronology Of Canadian Coins currency Act comes into effect, establishing the decimal currency system uniformly Pierre Napoleon Breton publishes the book Illustrated history of Coins and http://www.islandnet.com/~kpolsson/cancoin/ | |
89. MOA_ADV State history, old currency, topics of May 5 gatheringNEWS. For immediate use, March 30, 2001 No. 159. State history, old currency, topics of May 5 gathering. By EMILY CRAMER UNC News Services. http://cdl.library.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/moa/moa-cgi?notisid=ABQ7578-0119-29 |
90. »»currency-history Reviews«« currencyhistory. Book reviews for currency-history sorted by average review score Image, history, and Politics. Published in Paperback http://www.financial-book-review.com/currency-crises/currency-history/ | |
91. Hungary - National Bank Of Hungary Financial information including the history of the composition of the currency basket and its relationship to the forint, economic statistics, and legislative information. http://www.mnb.hu/ |
92. Exchange Rates Currencies and convertion calculator for exchange rates. Graph of last days values using data from the Federal Reserve Bank Menu . currency Calculator . Custom Table . Historic Lookup . currency http://www.x-rates.com/ | |
93. FXHistory - Historical Currency Exchange Rates FXHistory historical currency exchange rates. Click on Get Table to obtain the historical currency exchange rates from our exchange servers. http://www.oanda.com/convert/fxhistory | |
94. RR Rare Coins & Currency Offers US and World coins and currency, books, supplies and tokens. http://www.rrcoins.net/ | |
95. Crutchfield's Currency Offers currency, collectible checks, souvenir cards, Colonial and Continental notes, obsolete bank notes, as well as Confederate States of America, Southern States, US Federal Issues and Republic of Texas currencies. http://www.crutchwilliams.com/ | |
96. Currency Conversion Between 260+ Countries, Euro And Precious Metals Usermaintained database, providing conversion rates between most international currencies. Also produces wallet-sized conversion tables. http://www.forumsoftware.com/cctogo.htm | |
97. TTT Moneycorp Provides currency exchange and related services to the leisure and business traveller and wholesale currency services to the corporate market. http://www.ttt.co.uk | |
98. Travelhappy Planning information for countries around the world. Includes climate charts, currency, visa requirements, flying times, driving info and electricity voltages. http://www.travelhappy.co.uk | |
99. Libnicks Coins And Currency Selling all types of collector coins and currency. Online inventory with images, reading room, and auctions. http://www.webbtexas.com/libnick |
100. Currency Of Note, Inc., Online retailer of collectible paper money from around the world. http://www.currencyofnote.com/ |
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