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1. Acquisitions, Serials, And Collection Development This section of the Internet Public Library provides resources for Acquisitions, Serials, and Collection Development librarians. general resources section contains web sites that provide general information on or links to acquisitions, serials, and collection development resources. Book review services section offers links to book, cdrom, software, movie and video review resources. Publishers' catalogs, serials management and book and serial exchange services, sources of foreign acquisitions, shipping and labelling tools, and currency conversion sites. http://www.itcompany.com/inforetriever/acqsercd.htm | |
2. Internet Reference Resources -- Money/Currency general Money/currency. currency Taxes Miscellaneous http://www.lib.virginia.edu/reference/general/money.html | |
3. WWW Virtual Library: International Affairs Resources--General Resources For All Africa. Asia. general resources for All Countries. resources for Selected Countries statistics from the Economist Intelligence Unit, market and currency updates, newswires and links." http://www.etown.edu/vl/countgen.html | |
4. EconBiz - Virtual Library For Economics And Business Studies : Internet Resource Translate this page currency. general resources. Record 1 to 10 of 10 records. Sortedby Title http://www.econbiz.de/fach/FS_VWL0070405_e.shtml?step=20&l0=0 |
5. Eighteenth-Century Resources -- History EighteenthCentury resources on the Net. History. general resources. Internet Modern History Sourcebook Center for the Study of Colonial currency ( Virginia) Useful primary and http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/18th/history.html | |
6. EconBiz - Virtual Library For Economics And Business Studies : Internet Resource currency. Total number of hits (16). currency. general resources (8) InternationalMonetary System (4) European Economic and Monetary Union (4) currency. http://www.econbiz.de/fach/FS_VWL0070400_e.shtml?step=20&l0=0 |
7. SULAIR: Research Help: Reference Shelf This is a guide to general reference resources at currency Converters. Jonsson GovernmentDocuments Library s Internet resources GPO Access disseminates http://www-sul.stanford.edu/guides/genrefs.html | |
8. Rome: General Resources general resources. Bryn Mawr Classical Review Greek and Roman Weights, Measures, and currency. Courtesy of the Program in Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology http://www.dalton.org/groups/Rome/RGen.html | |
9. General Resources: The Gateway Annotated print, online, and Web resources from Ohio State University librarians on general Topics. Included are encyclopedias, dictionaries, periodical indexes, ejournals, online catalogs, Search GatewayOSU Libraries. general resources for All Subjects Wide variety of resources including quotations, dictionaries, biographies, currency exchange rates, tax forms, maps http://www.lib.ohio-state.edu/gateway/bib/general.html | |
10. Local And Interest-Free Currencies, Social Credit And Informal Credit Systems general resources on Local and InterestFree Currencies and other plans to start anew currency for the and organize the people and resources necessary for the http://www.ex.ac.uk/~RDavies/arian/local.html | |
11. Electronic Money, Or E-Money, And Digital Cash well suited for transactions that would otherwise be carried out with currency andthus are a general resources, Articles and Conference Papers About E-Money. http://www.ex.ac.uk/~RDavies/arian/emoney.html | |
12. Find Accounting Software Financial/Accounting General Ledger Full multicurrency general Ledger. Fast and user-friendly posting of entries Financial Payroll Human resources. Flexibility. Intregration Applications Between Macola ES and http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://pttf.com/c/rdr?i=3983I1-8352528&t=http%3 |
13. EMU And Euro Information, Articles, FAQ, IT Resources, Euro Links, Europapers, B and more, I have had no doubts that the single currency was the web rings Nationalinformation Euro Links largely historical but including UK general Euro Web http://www.sysmod.com/emu.htm | |
14. WWW Virtual Library: International Affairs Resources--General Foreign Languages Africa. Asia. general resources for All Countries. resources for Selected Countries needs, plus translating dictionaries, currency exchange rates, hotel database, reservations http://www.etown.edu/vl/forlange.html | |
15. General Resources And Other OnLine resources for the Family Historian. Index. general resources. Primary On-Line Sources Universal currency Converter. An Inflation Calculator USA based handy-dandy item. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/5209/resource.htm | |
16. Resources For Study Abroad currency Converters FX Converter Tells what the current exchange ratesare for nearly every nationÂs currency. general resources http://www.usc.edu/dept/education/globaled/rfsa/tourist&travelinfo.html | |
17. SELECTED WOMEN AND GENDER RESOURCES ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB USE general resources AND DATABASES FOR WOMEN/GENDER SEARCHES includes Links to examples of web pages illustrating the concepts authority, objectivity, currency, scope and more http://www.library.wisc.edu/libraries/WomensStudies/others.htm | |
18. Articles Of Agreement Of The International Monetary Fund to use the Fund s general resources; Other purchases and sales of special drawingrights by the Fund; Repurchase by a member of its currency held by the Fund; http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/aa/ | |
19. Financial Organization And Operations Of The IMF, Pamphlet Series - No. 45, Sixt II.8. general and New Arrangements to Borrow. II.9. IMF Financial resources andLiquidity Position, April 30, 2001. III.1. currency Weights in SDR Basket, 1996 http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/pam/pam45/contents.htm | |
20. LookSmart - Directory - Currency & Foreign Exchange Brokers currency Foreign Exchange Brokers general resources on foreign exchangeplus links to currency brokers and foreign exchange markets. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317836/us317913/us72595/us99147/ | |
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