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161. Welcome To Gay Argentina! Buenos Aires Gay Travel Guide Includes reviews of bars, restaurants and dance clubs. Provides information about hotels, walks, local currency and exchange rate and travel tips. http://www.thegayguide.com.ar/ | |
162. FRB: H.10--Foreign Exchange Rates, Web-Only Daily Update -- June 4, 2004 2)MAJOR currency MAR73=100 89.56 89.77 89.06 89.31 88.86 3)OITP JAN97=100 146.15 146.10 145.89 146.40 146.23 For more information on exchange rate indexes for http://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/H10/Update/ | |
163. Banco De México Central bank. Monetary and exchangerate policies, economic indicators, and currency information. http://www.banxico.org.mx/ |
164. Acquisitions, Serials, And Collection Development This section of the Internet Public Library provides resources for Acquisitions, Serials, and Collection Development librarians. General resources section contains web sites that provide general information on or links to acquisitions, serials, and collection development resources. Book review services section offers links to book, cdrom, software, movie and video review resources. Publishers' catalogs, serials management and book and serial exchange services, sources of foreign acquisitions, shipping and labelling tools, and currency conversion sites. http://www.itcompany.com/inforetriever/acqsercd.htm | |
165. MilePoint WorldWide Internet exchange site allowing people to convert frequent traveler miles into online currency. http://www.milepoint.com | |
166. Currencies Of The World A number of currencies (including recently replaced ones) sorted by country, with popular abbreviations, ISO 4217 currency codes, name and ratio of minor currency units and type of exchange rate regime. http://fx.sauder.ubc.ca/currency_table.html | |
167. TrustNet - Exchange Rates 23 exchange Rates vs US Dollar. currency, Rate (£1=), +/, Day Low, Day High, Date. Australian Dollar, 2.56, AUD, 0.00, 2.54, 2.57, 22-May-04. http://www.trustnet.com/general/rates.asp | |
168. Best Rate Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia - No. 1 Licensed Money Changer Licensed money changer, which provides online exchange rate and currency conversion http://www.bestrate.com.my/ | |
169. XE.com - The World's Favorite Currency Site Click here! xe.com http//www.xe.com/, Independently Ranked as the World s Favorite currency Site Selected by The Times as the World s Second Most Useful Site. http://www.xe.com/ | |
170. XE.com - The World's Favorite Currency Site Independently ranked as the world's favorite free Internet currency tools and services. http://www.xe.net/ | |
171. Markets: Currencies currency CONVERTER. Amount From US Dollar http://money.cnn.com/markets/currencies/ | |
172. ExchangeRate.com - Exchange Rate - Currencies - Graphs - International Currency ExchangeRate.com. XR QuickCalculator Select http://www.exchangerate.com/200plus_calculator.html | |
173. IfBG-Universität Göttingen-Banking-The World Bank Institut für betriebswirtschaftliche Geldwirtschaft http://www.gwdg.de/~ifbg/currency.html | |
174. Bloomberg.com: World Currencies ASIA/PACIFIC. currency, VALUE, CHANGE, % CHANGE, TIME. USDJPY, 113.0550, 0.1300, 0.1151, 0138. USD-THB, 40.8150, 0.0500, 0.1227, 0137. currency Calculator. http://www.bloomberg.com/markets/currencies/asiapac_currencies.html | |
175. Exchange Rates Although every effort is taken to ensure the accuracy of international exchange rates on this site, markets may fluctuate quickly. http://www.currencyguide.com/exchange.html | |
176. EuroQuick Converter -- Convert Between Any Currency And Euro. Free Download. Exchanges between any currency and Euro, supported languages English, Espa±ol, Frances, Deutch, and Italiano. http://euroconverter.htmlplanet.com | |
177. Tourist Currency Rates Tourist currency Rates (Monday 24th May 2004) Travelling abroad on holiday or business? Rates are updated daily at approximately 0930hrs. currency, Rate. http://www.moneyextra.com/rates/currency/tourist.htm | |
178. Travel To Saudi-Currency Converter currency Converter. http://www.saudia-online.com/currency.htm | |
179. The Bank Of Latvia > Financial Information > Exchange Rates Date 05/25/2004. exchange Rates of Convertible Currencies and Gold Set by the Bank of Latvia (lats per unit). AED, 0.15000000, 1000, KZT, 4.03000000. http://www.bank.lv/eng/main/finfo/notvalkur/ | |
180. Forex Trading, Forex, Currency Trading, Online Forex Trading RefcoFX serves the growing number of online traders interested in the currency market. Trade FX With Refco, Benefits of currency Trading. http://www.refcofx.com/ | |
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