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21. Apartments, Villas And Hotel Alternatives In Greece- Barclay International Group Living outside the US and interested in what these rates translate to in your currency? Check out the currency converter at the bottom of the page http://www.barclayweb.com/COMPINFO/PRICELST/greecepl.htm | |
22. Apartments, Villas And Hotel Alternatives - Barclay International Group (800) 84 Property, City, Size, Price. Dublin Central Apartments Please note Prices shown here DO NOT include 5% Euro currency fluctuation. Rates valid for 2004. http://www.barclayweb.com/COMPINFO/PRICELST/ireprlst.htm | |
23. Asian Central Banks Consider Alternatives To Big Dollar Holdings Asian Central Banks Consider alternatives to Big Dollar Holdings. have to trim dollar holdings without spooking the US debt market or currency markets and http://www.globalpolicy.org/socecon/crisis/2004/0205dollaralternative.htm |
24. Dollarization - Global Policy Forum - Nations And States Such regimes aim at reducing the dependency of dollarized economies on Washington, and provide alternatives to the currency boards. http://www.globalpolicy.org/nations/sovereign/dollarindex.htm |
25. McKeever Institute Of Economic Policy Analysis: There Are Alternatives Project THERE ARE alternatives PROJECT. But the most successful local currency of all was the Austrian Depression scrip of 19323. A destructive financial system. http://www.mkeever.com/kent.html | |
26. McKeever Institute Of Economic Policy Analysis: There Are Alternatives Project THERE ARE alternatives PROJECT. allows any goods and services supplied locally using local materials to be paid for under the local LETS currency without the http://www.mkeever.com/manning.html | |
27. The Ecologist - ARCHIVE There are alternatives to the global economy. near the Pyrennees that, in the last few days of 1997, put FranceÂs successful new local currency on the map. http://www.theecologist.org/archive_article.html?article=228&category=46 |
28. Global Exchange : DebtCrisis.html and show that we are trying to come up with workable alternatives instead of by Yunus in the LA Times piece, debtor governments would pay local currency into a http://www.globalexchange.org/campaigns/alternatives/debtCrisis.html | |
29. Global Exchange : Immigration.html alternatives for the Americas 4. Labour Contents 6. Role of the State. the Americas (such as El Salvador), remittances are the main source of foreign currency. http://www.globalexchange.org/economy/alternatives/americas/Immigration.html | |
30. Fundsupermart.com - Make Better Investment Decisions (unit Trusts, Mutual Funds, Question Why are bond funds good alternatives to savings and fixed deposits? 2. currency exposure is this a bond denominated in Singapore dollars or if it s http://www.fundsupermart.com/main/research/viewHTML.tpl?articleNo=787 |
31. Detour Publications - Auto-Erotic, Cars culture, the auto economy, urban planning, international development and alternatives to the $9 CDN, $6 US Add to Cart Checkout currency Exchange Give http://www.detourpublications.com/catalogue/cars.html | |
32. Bibliography The United Nations Policy and Financing alternatives Innovative Proposals by Visionary Good Taxes The case for taxing foreign currency exchange and other http://www.ceedweb.org/iirp/biblio.htm | |
33. Jumping Jack Flash Kidswear - Other Ways To Shop We offer a range of easy alternatives for people who d like to shop another way. These must be drawn on an Australian Bank, in Australian currency. http://www.jumpingjackflash.com.au/customercentral/ways_to_shop.html | |
34. The Case For The Amero: Alternatives To The Amero Three alternatives have been proposed fixed exchange rates;; the establishment of a currency board;; the use American dollar notes and coins, also known as http://oldfraser.lexi.net/publications/critical_issues/1999/amero/section_08.htm | |
35. WebProWorld :: Exploring The Alternatives Hello Everyone, Brittany wrote about alternatives to the Google search engine. can t find the answer to my problem, or when doing a currency conversion (yahoo http://www.webproworld.com/viewtopic.php?t=11182 |
36. Fall Conference On Complementary Alternatives In Women's Health Care Title Fall Conference on Complementary alternatives in Women s Health currency Converter Universal currency converter International currency converter, ATM http://www.docguide.com/crc.nsf/congresses/EBD2904F521F54F685256E130054E125 | |
37. MONEY - ALTERNATIVES Compelling everyone to use the same currency reflects the impulse to centralize power, and there are strong economic and political arguments against it. http://www.newint.org/issue306/alternatives.html | |
38. Serbia - Democratic Alternatives: Special Reports: Publications: U.S. Institute In the search for alternatives to autocracy, the international community must consider a to influence Serb behavior, cutting off access to hard currency is the http://www.usip.org/pubs/specialreports/early/SerbiaDemocratic.html | |
39. Money - Your Money Or Your Life Part II, Complementary Currencies, Past and Present, describes both historical and contemporary currency and exchange alternatives. http://www.simpleliving.net/ymoyl/resource-fom.asp?sku=bmoney&mexp=authors |
40. Professor Hughes-Hallett: Press Release EMU, The Alternatives And How They All W EMU, the alternatives and how I shall review the conditions under which it would be both advantageous and appropriate to adopt a single currency in several http://www.davidhumeinstitute.com/DHI Website/Press/Archive press releases/Hughe | |
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