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101. History history. wpeF.jpg (4143 bytes). history. When the University of Alberta curling Clubwas forming the competitive league in the summer of 2000 they also discussed http://www.uregina.ca/kinesiology/campusrec/National Curling Championships/histo | |
102. International Curling Club That is the legacy of the club s history. Even to this day the best rocks at theInternational curling Club are the blue granite stones old Dick Topping curled http://www.avaloninn.ca/curling/history.html |
103. Early Curling Rink History - Assiniboia Assiniboia curling Club Early history. The first curling rink in Assiniboiawas built in 1915 and contained two sheets of curling ice. http://www3.sk.sympatico.ca/we123/EarlyRink.html | |
104. History In 1976 a number of members of the Nutana curling Club organized a cash bonspielwith two main objectives. How good was the Labatt s curling Classic? http://www3.sk.sympatico.ca/jhoffman/history.htm | |
105. Bemidji Curling Club-Sport History (history of curling as provided by the US curling Association, headquarteredin Stevens Point, Wis). curling is a team game, where http://www.bemidjicurling.org/Sport_History/sport_history.html | |
106. CUMBERLAND CURLING CLUB Information about club, history, news, tournament schedules. http://cumberland.ovca.com | |
107. Duluth Curling Club To display members only information. DULUTH curling CLUB history. 1926State Champions. Wally Larson, John Mason Ed Nicolaison, Lyonel http://www.duluthcurlingclub.org/history.asp | |
108. Curling Club History - The Deep River Curling And Squash Club (DRCSC) In Deep Ri curling Club history. The Deep River curling and Squash Club (DRCSC)homepage is presently at http//lachlan.bluehaze.com.au/drcsc/. http://lachlan.bluehaze.com.au/drcsc/history_cl.html | |
109. Deep River Squash Club History - The Deep River Curling And Squash Club (DRCSC) Deep River Squash Club history. The Deep River curling and Squash Club (DRCSC)homepage is presently at http//lachlan.bluehaze.com.au/drcsc/. http://lachlan.bluehaze.com.au/drcsc/history_sq.html | |
110. Ste Rose Curling Club History For easier printing use pdf files. STE ROSE curling CLUB HISTORYResearched Written By Paulette Delaurier Marie Luke. In the http://www.town.sterosedulac.mb.ca/curling_club_history.htm | |
111. The Joy Of Effort - A History Of Physical Activity The Pakenham curling Club, (PCC) also has a history dating back nearly as long asthat of AlmonteÂs. After a while under the bridge, the rink in Pakenham was http://www.virtualmuseum.ca/pm.php?id=story_line&lg=English&fl=&ex=00000091&sl=1 |
112. Curling Basics Animated examples of curling terms. http://www.curlingbasics.com/ |
113. Curling (by Thomas Vogelsang) Offers overview of the sport, along with links to organisations, clubs, championships and tournaments, and bonspiels. http://users.adelphia.net/~tvogelsang/Curling.htm | |
114. Curling Juniorenzentrum Biel/bienne Angaben zum Zentrum, den verschiedenen Teams und mit einer Linkliste. Dazu auch eine kurze Entstehungsgeschichte ¼ber den Curlingsport. http://cjzbiel.ch | |
115. Alpine Curling Supply, Monroe, Wisconsin Provides equipment for the sport of curling. Products include, brushes, shoes, sliders, clothing, gloves and other related accessories. Also a full line of rink and ice equipment. http://www.alpinecurling.com/ | |
116. Royal Caledonian Curling Club Official site. News, events, sponsors, competitions and development by region. Scotland. http://www.rccc.org.uk/ | |
117. Flexmore Webpages Governing body for the sport in England. News, photos, and links. http://www.zen7542.zen.co.uk/ | |
118. Dansk Curling Forbund :: Curling, En Stensikker Sport Her stilles information til r¥dighed for de, der er interesseret i at vide noget om curling. Derudover vil der v¦re resultater fra de danske turneringer, og vigtige internationale st¦vner. http://www.curling.dk/ | |
119. Untitled Document Information on leagues, fees, bonspiels, and rentals. http://www.ottawacurlingclub.com/ |
120. Home Page La FISG comprende sport come il pattinaggio di figura e di velocit , l'hockey, il curling e lo stock sport. Informazioni e storia, regolamenti, societ , gare, campionati e risultati, comunicati stampa. http://www.fisg.it/ | |
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