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181. Hvidovre Curling Club ... Hvor Ellers? Om curling, turneringer, resultater, medlemsskab og tr¦ningstider http://www.hcc.dk/ | |
182. City View Curling Club Founded in 1957 to serve Southwest Ottawa and Nepean. Site features club contacts, news, list of events, information about divisions, and membership form. http://www.cityview.ovca.com/ | |
183. CortinaNet - Cortina, La Perla Delle Dolomiti Cortina d'Ampezzo, BL Storia del curling, il camp di gioco, l'equipaggiamento, informazioni sulla societ . http://www.cortinanet.it/pages/attivitasportive/curling/index.html | |
184. Toronto Curling Association Provides useful information to curlers and prospective curlers in the greater Toronto area. http://www.torontocurling.com/ |
185. Start Angaben zur Verwaltung, zur Mitgliedschaft und zur Halle. Dazu aber auch Daten zu den Turnieren, Vorstellung der verschiedenen Clubs und allgemeine Informationen ¼ber den Curlingsport. http://www.curling-solothurn.ch | |
186. Curling Supplies - Killam Industries Ltd. Presents The Hammer Classic & The Hamm Manufacturers of the Hammer and Hammer XL curling brushes. http://www.hammerbrush.com/ | |
187. Haddo House Curling Club Details about the club and its venues, fixtures, teams and tables. Photo gallery. Near Aberdeen, Scotland. http://www.haddohousecurlingclub.co.uk |
188. Odense Curling Club Hold, resultater, nyheder, aktiviteter http://www.odensecurlingclub.dk/ | |
189. Eisstock O Curling Presentazione del curling e dell'eisstock e loro differenze. http://www3.tiscover.com/italia/giornalisti/eisstock.html | |
190. Westvillehackchat A humourous newsletter for the Westville curling Club. Lists news, events, the Ship Hector and contact details. http://www.geocities.com/westvillehackchat |
191. Willkommen In Der Curlinghalle Biel - Bienvenue Dans La Halle De Curling De Bien Informationen zu Kursen und Ausbildung, Turnieren, Links zu Clubs sowie ein Hallenplan werden gezeigt. http://curling-biel.ch/ | |
192. Curling Accessories - The EXTENDER This new curling accessory will extend your curling for years. http://www.drew.on.ca | |
193. Stratheden Curling Club Contains rinks, fixtures, results and pictures. http://www.strathedencurling.co.uk/ |
194. TÃ¥rnby Curling Club Klubinformation, turneringer, billeder og online curling. http://www.taarnbycurlingclub.dk/ | |
195. Carleton Heights Curling Club Brief description and contact details are presented. http://www.ncf.carleton.ca/chcc/ | |
196. Newcastle Curling Club The club welcomes all curlers, from entry level to competitive and provides basic instruction at the beginning of the season. Lists leagues, bonspiels, events, schedules and newsletters. http://www.newcastlecurlingclub.com/ |
197. SPORTSCRIBE.COM - Curling Features Rob Sinclair's column, calendar, trivia, forums, leagues, teams, news, and links to official associations. http://www.sportscribe.com/lgs7.html | |
198. Curling Club Stoos Informationen ¼ber den Curlingsport, Neuigkeiten zum Club sowie Angaben zu Turnieren und Pressemitteilungen. http://www.ccstoos.ch/ | |
199. Olson Curling Supplies Supplies sports clothing, curling brooms and shoes. Also supplies ice equipment for rinks, club, and events. http://www.olsoncurling.com/ | |
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