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1. Religious Movements Homepage: UFO Cults General discussion of religious movements related to UFOs, with short profiles of several groups. From the New Religious Movements Homepage. http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/ufos.html | |
2. Scientology --- The Mission To Combat Cults General Secretary Coming To CW?? The Mission to combat cults general secretary coming to CW Scientology From roger gonnet roger.gonnet@worldnet.fr Subject http://www.holysmoke.org/cos/nazis-in-france.htm | |
3. General Information On Cults General Information on Cults. The following is a partial list, we do not endorse any particular entry. GENERAL ARTICLES, INFORMATION ON CULTS. http://lamar.colostate.edu/~ucm/general.htm | |
4. Ex-cult Resource Center general Information Groups Resources and Organizations Bookstore Links general / Articles. Usenet newsgroup alt.support.excult. Jews for Judaism. Dave's cults Page( David D http://www.ex-cult.org/ | |
5. Robert Jensen: The Fundamentalist General America's Best Political Newsletter. but they also believe those religions are nothing more than cults. That's what Boykin meant when he said All others are cults. The general can believe in http://www.counterpunch.org/jensen10212003.html | |
6. Cults, Spiritual Abuse, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, Occult, New Age, False T British Christian site examining cults, the occult and the New Age. Articles on general apologetics and theology and help for those involved with abusive religious groups. http://www.spotlightministries.org.uk/ | |
7. Cults - General cults general. Since the first edition was published in 1965, The Kingdom of the cults has been the authoritative reference work on all major cult systems. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/6535/cultsgeneral.html | |
8. Index Numerous articles, Real Audio lectures, and links covering general apologetics, history, philosophy, science, liberal theology, and cults. http://www.home.earthlink.net/~gbl111/ | |
9. Bible Prophecy And The Rapture Report cults and Deceptions and false teachers. Listing of information on various cults, false religions, and deceptions. Islam. general Cultism. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Rhodes/7895/aacults.html | |
10. Anjaneya Yoga Schedules, updates, and general information regarding Anjaneya Yoga and Douglas R Brooks, PhD, lecturer in Hindu Tantra and the esoteric cults of the Goddess. http://my.name-services.com/20349/ | |
11. General Information - Cults Isms Cult Awareness Information Centre Australia of Picking a Cult. Do cults Follow The Same Patterns Methods Used by cults. Danger Signs in cults. Myths and Facts Clinical Update on cults. References to Research in Coercive http://www.caicusa.org/zgeneral.htm |
12. IDENTIFYING A CULT There Has Been Much Confusion About Cults And They become very naive about life in general. SUMMARY Not all these points will be found in every cult, but all cults will have some if not most of them http://www.ex-cult.org/General/identifying-a-cult |
13. No-Nonsense Christian Links Links for Christians. Most of the links are for Christian content such as creation, missions, and cults. Some are for more general topics such as health. http://www.osterholm.info/links/ |
14. Welcome To Www.exbaba.com ! Contains testimonies and articles about his deception, sexual abuse and the killings in 1993. general information on cults is also available. http://home.hetnet.nl/~ex-baba/english.html | |
15. The Watchman Expositor: Index Of Cults And Religions Watchman Fellowships 2001 Index of cults and Religions modern usage, the term cult is often used by the general public to describe any religious group they view as strange http://www.watchman.org/cat95.htm | |
16. Scientology --- California Senate Bill 1493 Was Legislation To Protect Cults Fro California Senate Bill 1493 was Legislation to protect cults from investigation by attorney general. http//www.scientologykills http://www.holysmoke.org/cos/cal-sb1493.htm | |
17. Cult Information Network Provides general information about cults. http://hometown.aol.com/joriz/express/index.htm | |
18. Hilfe Für Aussteiger, LINKS (englisch) "Destructive Cults - General" Hilfe für Aussteiger. LINKS (englisch) Destructive cults general . Letzes Update 3.11.2000 Für den Inhalt der gelinkten Seiten http://www.karin-jaeckel-autorin.de/infosekten/adessenenglisch.html | |
19. Mason's Opinions On Cults And Religious Abuse Poetry, news, legal counsel, a moderated message board, personal stories, and general information and support from exmembers of a destructive cult. http://www.gospelassemblyfree.com/ | |
20. Trancenet.org: General Cult Links general Cult Information. excult.org Huge archive on many, if not most, groups. Steve Hassan Author of the best-selling book on recovering from cults, http://www.trancenet.org/links/cults.shtml | |
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