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41. WHY THE CUBAN GOVERNMENT SHOULD BE NEXT Cuba, WHY THE cuban government SHOULD BE NEXT. MANUEL CEREIJO. PREAMBLE. Theprincipal intelligence collection arms of the cuban government are the. http://www.cubainfolinks.net/Articles-2/next.htm | |
42. Sacbee.com -- 24-Hour News: World News -- Cuban Government Decries U.S. Proposal AP Photo/Jose Goitia. cuban government decries US proposals. By JOHNRICE, Associated Press Last Updated 845 pm PDT Friday, May 7, 2004. http://www.sacbee.com/24hour/world/story/1352520p-8552650c.html | |
43. The Sacramento Bee -- Sacbee.com -- E-mail A Story cuban government decries US proposals. Over 100 Argentine policemen ousted. Perupolice report warns of social unrest. cuban government decries US proposals. http://www.sacbee.com/24hour/world/v-email/story/1352520p-8552650c.html | |
44. Cuba Solidarity Campaign - NEWS cuban government note warns of days of work and sacrificeahead . Official note in full. 11 May 2004. http://www.cuba-solidarity.org.uk/news.asp?ItemID=220 |
45. Cuba Solidarity Campaign - US Diplomatic Relations It was not the nationalizations carried out by the cuban government that cause thebreaking down of diplomatic relations, it was because the cuban government http://www.cuba-solidarity.org.uk/diprel.htm | |
46. HIGH-RANKING CUBAN GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS ARRESTED IN CORRUPTION SWEEP Highranking cuban government officials arrested in corruption sweep. HAVANA,April 15 (Moisés Leonardo RodrÃguez, Grupo Decoro / CUBANET) -. http://www.canf.org/2004/&in/desde cuba/2004-abr-20 HIGH-RANKING CUBAN GOVERNMEN | |
47. Guardian Unlimited | World Latest | Mexico Recalls Ambassador From Cuba `The recent actions of the cuban government have led Mexico toconclude that the government of Cuba has directly interfered http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story/0,1280,-4047111,00.html | |
48. Cuban Government Cubans Republic-last 7 Days Cuban-older Than 7 cuban government, CubanâÂÂs February Power Government Cuban CUBA del HomesWeb Business Cuban on STATEMENT People Politics Electorate Florida http://www.hearthstonedesigns.com/cuban-government.htm |
49. Action File Manuel Gonzalez Castellanos File Write To Cuban Translate this page Action File Manuel Gonzalez Castellanos file Write to cuban government.Detailed information. Addresses of cuban government and officials http://amnesty.narod.ru/en/campaigns/action-file/castellanos/government.htm | |
50. The First Orthodox Church The construction of the church, which was founded on January 10, 2002at a UNESCO property, was entirely funded by the cuban government. http://www.orthodoxnews.netfirms.com/50/The First Orthodox Church.htm | |
51. CubaCentral :: Cuban Government Seeking Life Sentences For At Least 10 Of 78 Dis cuban government seeking life sentences for at least 10 of 78 dissidentsarrested in crackdown. By ANITA SNOW, Associated Press Writer. http://www.cubacentral.com/article.asp?ID=30 |
52. Impeach Reno Now The cuban government declared Monday that Elian will return to his communist homelandno matter how a US appellate court in Atlanta rules on a request by the http://www.impeachreno.org/news34.shtml | |
53. Cuban Government 1 cuban government 1. cuban government in Miami The Real Problem -City of Miami government. IN A LETTER (1-17-99) published by the http://mywebpage.netscape.com/cates4929/instant/writing.html | |
54. US Relaxes Cuba Embargo, Cuban Government Wary - Global Policy US Relaxes Cuba Embargo, cuban government Wary. By Randall Mikkelsen.Reuters January 5, 1999. President Clinton Tuesday further relaxed http://www.globalpolicy.org/security/sanction/cuba/cuba3.htm |
55. Caribbean Net News: Cuban Government Releases Ailing Dissident News from the Caribbean as of. cuban government releases ailing dissident.Friday, April 16, 2004. HAVANA, Cuba (AFP) Cuban authorities http://www.caribbeannetnews.com/2004/04/16/dissident.htm | |
56. Caribbean Net News: Amnesty Int'l Calls On Cuban Government To Release Prisoners Caribbean Net News Amnesty Int l calls on cuban government to releaseprisoners of conscience. Welcome to Caribbean http://www.caribbeannetnews.com/2004/03/18/prisoners.htm | |
57. Cuba Provoked? Lincoln DiazBalart and the Free Cuba Foundation were not formenting the overthrowof the cuban government. JULIA POLANCO. Miami. Copyright 1999 Miami Herald. http://www.fiu.edu/~fcf/cubprk.html | |
58. Cuban Government Must Free Prisoners Of Conscience / International Secretariat O August 7, 1998 cuban government must free prisoners of conscience. P International Secretariat of Amnesty International 16 july. http://www.fiu.edu/~fcf/aidefendspatriatodos8798.html | |
59. The Cuban Government Crackdown And Project Varela The cuban government Crackdown and Project Varela Agenda Item 9 Question of theviolation of human rights and fundamental freedoms in any part of the world http://www.room17.org:81/cuba3 | |
60. Online NewsHour: Cuban Response To Shootdown Because of these recent events, each time bolder than the last one and in particularthe most recent one, the cuban government has again warned of the gravity http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/latin_america/cuba_statement_2-26.html | |
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