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1. Government And Politics Of Cuba DISCLAIMER This site is an unofficial resource compiled from public sourcesand it is not affiliated with nor sanctioned by the cuban government. http://www.cubapolidata.com/gpc/gpc.html | |
2. NET FOR CUBA INTERNATIONAL Official Documents cuban government. Economy General view. Government - cuban government. COUNCIL OF MINISTERS - CUBA http://www.netforcuba.org/cubangovernment.htm | |
3. Catholic World News : CUBAN GOVERNMENT CONCERNED BY LOW BIRTH RATE An issue that has received surprisingly little attention since. http://www.cwnews.com/news/viewstory.cfm?recnum=23 |
4. Cuban Government 3 Cuban Government 3 Links to two previous pages alleging pervasive discrimination by CubanAmericans in positions of power, by author Clyde Cates. Email addresses of local, state and national elected officials with extensive links to print and broadcast media as well as political organizations of interest to Cuban-Americans. http://www.expage.com/page/cubangovernment3 | |
5. Nbc6.net - Hank Tester - Cuban Government Releases List Of 'Terrorists' names, was released late Sunday by the cuban government and printed in the state controlled newspapers the names of persons the cuban government regards as terrorists people who http://www.nbc6.net/hanktester/1927005/detail.html | |
6. CHE SUCKS - Sodomizing The Sacred Cows Of The Left Offers media links exposing US supporters of current cuban government, and describing activities to oppose their work and to support US economic sanctions. http://www.geocities.com/pastorswatch/ | |
7. NET FOR CUBA INTERNATIONAL Human Rights Violation Massacres Executed by the cuban government. 1. MASSACREOF THE TUGBOAT 13 OF MARCH THE COMPLETE LIST OF PASSENGERS KILLED THAT DAY http://www.netforcuba.org/massacres.htm | |
8. The Miami Herald 02/12/2003 Cuban Exiles Shifting Hard-line Florida say they support dialogue with cuban government officials and believe that dissidents on the at dialogue between exiles and cuban government officials, according to a poll http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/5160039.htm |
9. Cubafacts.com Cuban Government Institutions, Chapt 1 - Constitutional Basis And A detailed description of Cuba s political system, leadership, cuban governmentinstitutions, and the Communist Party of Cuba. cuban government, Page 1 of 5. http://www.cubafacts.com/Polsys/poloverview.htm | |
10. CNN.com - Ferry Hijacking Ends, Cuban Government Says - Apr. 4, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/WORLD/americas/04/04/cuba.ferry/index.html | |
11. Cuban Government Newspaper Ignores Carter's Remarks On Civil Liberties -- 05/15/ Site Search. cuban government Newspaper Ignores Carter's Remarks On Civil Liberties prominent coverage in the official Cuban Communist Party newspaper "Granma" Wednesday, but http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewForeignBureaus.asp?Page=\ForeignBureaus\archive\20020 |
12. Cubafacts.com - Cuban Government Institutions, Chapt 4 - Decision Making | Repre cuban government Institutions, Prev Page Page 4 of 5. Constitutional Basis, Governmentencroachment on the rights of Cuban citizens is systematic. http://www.cubafacts.com/Polsys/government_structure4.htm | |
13. CNN.com - Poll: South Florida Cubans Favor Dialogue With Cuban Government - Octo CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/americas/10/22/carib.cuban.americans.ap/index.html | |
14. Cuban Government 2 Cuban Government 2 cuban government 2. cuban government 2 cuban government 2 cuban governmentin Miami cuban government in Miami -The real problem. http://www.expage.com/page/cubangovernment2 | |
15. CNN - Cuban Government Calls Dissidents' Fast A 'cheap Show' - June 11, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/americas/9906/11/cuba.protest/index.html | |
16. Faces Of Cuba: Government Cuban History, The Cuban Economy, Cuban geography, The Arts, The music scene, Thecuban government, Religion in Cuba, Family in Cuba, Food, Fun Quiz, Recreation inCuba, | |
17. History Of The Cuban Republic cuban government documents, Castro speeches, and history of the Revolution. http://www.marxists.org/history/cuba/index.htm | |
18. Catholic World News : Cuban Government Rejects Changes In Political System Netscape ISP just $9.95/month. cuban government Rejects Changes In PoliticalSystem. HAVANA (CWN) The cuban government sent a clearly http://www.cwnews.com/news/viewstory.cfm?recnum=3233 |
19. Cuban Government Shuts Dollar-only Stores cuban government shuts dollaronly stores. Mesa-Lago said the measures be aimedat strengthening the cuban government s control over the economy. http://www.rep-am.com/worldnews/8c79.htm |
20. Travel To Cuba HOME. CUBAN VISA INFO, VISA FORM, TOURISM IN CUBA, cuban government,MAP OF CUBA, WEATHER IN CUBA, CUBAN NEWS, DIS CLAIMER. TC, CUBAN VISA http://cuba.embassyhomepage.com/cuba_government_cuban_embassy_london_uk.htm | |
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