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81. Wake Forest Symposium To Highlight Cuban Culture, Politics, Business, Environmen Wake Forest symposium to highlight cuban culture, politics, business, environmentalconcerns. WFU News Service. QuickFind . . . http://www.wfu.edu/wfunews/2002/021902s.html | |
82. WWW.AFROCUBA.ORG The Roots Of Africa In The Cuban Culture Palo Monte Project It is a Project for the diffusion of the Afrocuban culturethat welcomes events, festivals, congresses, shops, seminars, art fairs. http://www.afrocuba.org/eng/English.htm | |
83. Cuban Culture When clicked, Show still image. cuban culture. 43 KB (434 KB). 9/20/2001 920 AM. http://www.as.wvu.edu/~tdingess/photos/cip/PicHomePage8/vw_1.html | |
84. Proposal For Contemporary Cuban Culture, Literature, And Film Course Code SPAN451, Minimum Credits 3 Maximum Credits 3. Formal Course TitleContemporary cuban culture, Literature, and Film. Transcript Title Cont. http://www.vpac.umd.edu/Proposal/offviewable.cfm?Year=3&LogNo=3907 |
85. Proposal For Contemporary Cuban Culture, Literature And Film Course Code SPAN451, Minimum Credits 3 Maximum Credits 3. Formal Course Title Contemporarycuban culture, Literature and Film. Transcript Title Contemporary Cuba. http://www.vpac.umd.edu/Proposal/offviewable.cfm?Year=1&LogNo=1409 |
86. Culture And The Cuban Revolution Conversations In Havana-John M. Kirk And Leonar and with the firstrate index of topics covered in the interviews, it can have aninfluential role to play in bringing knowledge about cuban culture to a wide http://www.upf.com/Spring2001/kirk_padura.html | |
87. IC / US: Cuban Cultural Resources ed. Fine Arts Library, Stacks. The light inside Abakua society arts and Cubancultural history. Cuban festivals a century of Afrocuban culture. http://www.indiana.edu/~libugls/multicultural/cuba.html | |
88. London Socialist Historians Group Seminar Paper Kate Quinn, cuban culture and intellectuals in the age of perestroika Paper presentedto the New Socialist Approaches to History seminar at the Institute of http://www.londonsocialisthistorians.org/papers/nsa031110.html | |
89. Corpora Jul 2001 To Sep 2001: Corpora: Spanish And Cuban Cultur Corpora Spanish and cuban culture Course. From Leonel Ruiz Miyares (leonel@lingapli.ciges.inf.cu)Date Tue Jul 03 2001 011006 MET DST. http://helmer.aksis.uib.no/corpora/2001-3/0001.html | |
90. Chimes Online - Oscar Hijuelos: Combining Catholic Art And Cuban Culture Oscar Hijuelos combining Catholic art and cuban culture. By Erin Miller.Editor in chief. Pulitzer Prize winner Oscar Hijuelos opened http://clubs.calvin.edu/chimes/2002.04.26/fea1.html | |
91. IDS: Festival Celebrates Cuban Culture (Campus, 11/06/2001) The festival, the brainchild of junior Jessica Hernandez, is all about advancingknowledge of cuban culture and providing a deeper understanding of Cubans in http://www.idsnews.com/story.php?id=6875 |
92. Cuban Adventures Inc. Your Cuban Travel Agency Offers guided tours focusing on culture, jazz, and cigars, as well as customized packages. In English, French, and Spanish. http://www.cubanadventures.com |
93. CUBANOW - The Digital Magazine Of Cuban Arts And Culture Magazine of cuban arts and culture. English/Spanish http://www.cubanow.net | |
94. Home Information on santeria, cuban history and culture, and prominent artists, writers, and musicians. In mixed English and Spanish. http://alocubano.com | |
95. Go Cuba Offers information about tourist destinations, culture, climate, news, and travel tips. http://www.gocuba.ca/ | |
96. CUBAN EXILE CULTURE Havana Social Directory 1959, DADE COUNTY 1968, cuban Divorce Law, AngloAmerican Directory of Cuba 1960, Miami-Dade County Florida Alternate Street Names, Santeria Religion cuban INFORMATION ARCHIVES. cuban EXILE culture. Main Site Menu http://www.cuban-exile.com/menu1/!culture.html | |
97. Cuban Art Culture (Arte Y Cultura) Expatriate resources, Resources for Americans fleeing America, Search the largest expatriate database of embassies, international jobs offshore financial services web sites. cuban Art culture http://www.escapeartist.com/cuba1/cuba1.htm | |
98. Welcome To The FSC Research on all aspects of cuban politics, history, culture and economy. News on events and conferences in cuban Studies, an online international directory of academic research on Cuba, and details of periodicals. http://asp2.wlv.ac.uk/hlss/research/Cuba/ | |
99. Exklusive Reisen Auf Die Etwas Andere Art... Exclusive Travels, Somehow Differen Fahrradreisen durch Kuba. http://www.ccc-tours.de/ | |
100. World History Archives: The Culture History Of Cuba Under the heading "Glances at cuban popular culture " the SeptemberOctober 1998 issue of La Gaceta de Cuba abolish it in forging the cuban nation, and the ongoing battle today http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/43b/index-f.html | |
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