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61. Discussion Groups - Miscellaneous Discussion Groups miscellaneous Subject Nursery crops Author Dan Date 1/6/2003. I am interested if anyone has any experience http://www.farmworks.com/discuss/article.cgi?g=other&msg=ann.msg |
62. The University Of Melbourne - PBR Project - Links Note their World Scientists Statement, an open letter from scientists who wanta 5year moratorium on the release of GM crops. miscellaneous. IP Menu PBR http://www.philosophy.unimelb.edu.au/cappe/plantbreedersrights/links.html | |
63. Martindale's Calculators On-Line Center: Part I:A-E - Agriculture: Crops & Horti and potassium that is removed by the harvest of agricultural crops. IncludesCereal and Oil crops; Forage crops; Fiber and miscellaneous crops; Tree and http://www.martindalecenter.com/Calculators1_2_Ag_Crops.html | |
64. The Pesticides (Maximum Residue Levels In Crops, Food And Feeding 1999 2. (1) The Pesticides (Maximum Residue Levels in crops, Food and 3 - (a)in paragraph 1(vi) opposite the Group of products miscellaneous fruit there http://www.legislation.hmso.gov.uk/si/si2001/20011113.htm |
65. G4090 Alternative Crops In Double-Crop Systems For Missouri miscellaneous costs were based on Moore s (1994) estimates for wheat, soybeanand Missouri, and include any expected drying or storage costs for all crops. http://muextension.missouri.edu/explore/agguides/crops/g04090.htm | |
66. Genetic Improvement Of Vegetable Crops book brings together the results of such research on crops grouped as alliums, crucifers,cucurbits, leaf crops, tropical underground and miscellaneous crops. http://www.cplpress.com/contents/C131.htm | |
67. Miscellaneous MISC1 - miscellaneous 1 Â Insects, fiber crops, drug crops, oilcrops. Slide Number 1 Date 1/5/89 Site CATIE, Costa Rica Hosts http://www.tropag-fieldtrip.cornell.edu/docthurston/Folderindices/Misc1doc.html | |
68. Government Of Saskatchewan - Statistics crops crops statistical data on area, yield, production and prices . miscellaneous Reports Available for Purchase or Download http://www.gov.sk.ca/topics/keyword/keyword?topic=science-technology&keyword=263 |
69. ARS Research Listings By Subject - 2299 ryegrass) Winter annual legumes (includes subterranean clover, arrowleaf clover)Wood and wood products Wool fiber, miscellaneous and new crops, general/other, http://www.ars.usda.gov/research/projects.htm?slicetype=keyword&soi_code=2299 |
70. Publications: Forage And Field Crops Forage crops. Bulletin, Number, Title. 252, Performance of RyegrassVarieties in Alabama, 200203. miscellaneous. Bulletin, Number, Title. http://www.ag.auburn.edu/aaes/communications/publications/forageandfield.html | |
71. Food And Booze - Commercial Production Of GM Crops Expected By Next Year Parboil Emulsify Julienne Commercial production of GM crops expected by NutritionSoup Nutrition Salad Nutrition Vegetarian and miscellaneous food Nutrition http://www.foodnboozelog.com/20030211043000937.htm | |
72. All Products Nutrileaf (Fertilisers). 21 3 - 12 - 3S - 2 Mg + TE, General purposesoluble foliar fertiliser for all crops. NutripHlo (miscellaneous). http://www.elliottchemicals.co.nz/cgi-bin/products.pl?0 |
73. D.6 The Miscellaneous Parameter File set of parameters that are experimental since some miscellaneous parameters in indicatesstresses start affecting harvest index near flowering for many crops. http://www.brc.tamus.edu/epic/modifying/miscellaneous.html | |
74. Principles Of Field Crop Production 3rd Edition By John Martin, Warren Leonard, Tobacco; Sugarbeets; Potatoes; Sweetpotatoes and Yams; miscellaneousForage crops; miscellaneous Industrial crops. PART FIVE Appendix http://www.chipsbooks.com/prinfiel.htm | |
75. OALJ Law Library, DOT, Miscellaneous Occupations 921.683-050 To 962.162-010 and motion picture services; mining; graphic arts; and various miscellaneous activities Tendspowered hoist to load vine crops, such as green peas or lima bean http://www.oalj.dol.gov/public/dot/refrnc/dot09b.htm | |
76. MISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS OUTLINE collaborative projects, JIRCAS conducts a variety of miscellaneous projects domesticprojects Division, 19962000) New usages for wheat crops The development http://ss.jircas.affrc.go.jp/engpage/annualreport/1996/overview/miscpro.html | |
77. Horticultural Statistics Stats Main Menu Hort crops Field crops Dairy Livestock miscellaneous Farm Finance Food Industry Trade Census More Information . Graphs http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/stats/hort/ | |
78. Cooperative Extension Catalog Of Publications--Field Crops You've reached the Animal Diseases subject category in the Resource Catalog, a reference published by Nebraska Cooperative Extension at the University of Nebraska. Beef. Irrigation Engineering . http://www.ianr.unl.edu/pubs/fieldcrops | |
79. Insect Pests Of Field Crops, Bulletin 545 Insect Pests of Field crops. Bulletin 545. Small Grains. MiscellaneousPests of Wheat. Insect pests such as wheat stem sawflies, wheat http://ohioline.osu.edu/b545/b545_46.html | |
80. List Of Publications Yiassemides, P. 1967. Norm inputoutput data of the main citrus and vinecrops of Cyprus. miscellaneous Publications 2, 130p. Webster, AB 1967. http://kypros.org/ARI/aepubl1.html | |
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