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41. Trend Indicators Pulse crops have provided producers in all areas with a viable alternative to cerealcrops. 5099. Pulse products  misc. Canadian Pulse and Milling Inc. http://www.agr.gov.sk.ca/docs/processing/pulses/Pulses.asp?printerversion=1 |
42. Alternative Systems Of Cannabis Control In New Zealand who are charged with (usually) relatively minor crimes are offered an alternativeresolution to You could get one crop per year outside and 34 crops a year http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/Misc/nz-can.htm | |
43. Latin America Working Group Encourages US Policy Toward Latin While this package includes funding for alternative development programs that helpsmall farmers switch away from drug crops to legal crops, as well as for http://www.lawg.org/misc/budget_analysis.htm | |
44. M1122 Risk Management 2000 fields with low yield histories to alternative crops such as disease problems as diligentlyas other crops, and be URL http//msucares.com/pubs/misc/m1122.htm http://msucares.com/pubs/misc/m1122.htm |
45. Mailgate: Sci.life-extension: Re: GM Canola Spreading Out Of Control Newsgroups sci.med.nutrition,misc.health.alternative,alt.health,sci.lifeextension; Howdoes it harm organic crops? So what?! http://mailgate.supereva.it/sci/sci.life-extension/msg11178.html | |
46. Mailgate: Sci.life-extension: Re: GM Canola Spreading Out Of Control Newsgroups sci.med.nutrition,misc.health.alternative,alt.health,sci.lifeextension;From Tom harm? How does it harm organic crops? Ie http://mailgate.supereva.it/sci/sci.life-extension/msg11146.html | |
47. Xasa - Re: SAINT GEORGE - Bringing In The Sheep ... the rites and what could be expected if the contract wasn t honored The fruit ofyour womb will be cursed, and the crops of your misc.health.alternative http://www.xasa.es/grupos/misc/article/416705/misc.health.alternative | |
48. Preparedness Nuggets misc Preparation Ideas. Home Independent Energy Resource site has a wide selectionof alternative power books July/August is the best time to plant crops to be http://members.tripod.com/~beardall/y2k/n-miscpr.html | |
49. Skeptic News - Archives - 2000 Week 22, May 21 - 27 Health alternative Medicine HealthCentral Study Results Disappointing AboutSt. misc Reuters - Sacred Oxen Predict Bumper crops Submitted by Joe http://www.skepticnews.com/archives/2000/week22.shtml | |
50. Organic Fruit Production -- Fruit & Nut Orchard Network For Commercial Growers - Weed Management for Organic crops Install the Acrobat Reader plugin to view misc. BriefingRoom National Agricultural Library (NAL) alternative Farming Systems http://oregonstate.edu/dept/hort/orchardnet/organic/ | |
51. New Crop Publications /Australian New Crops Newsletter encouraging and rewarding innovation, misc ellaneous matters conservation, improvementand promotion of minor crops. who are considering alternative enterprises http://www.newcrops.uq.edu.au/newslett/ncnl1027.htm | |
52. Alternative Chapter On Energy As seen in chapter * on Âalternative for Development of Water and with abundantwater, growing water intensive cash crops will benefit HT industry misc. http://www.narmada.org/ALTERNATIVES/alt/html/AlternativeEnergy.html | |
53. Misc. Posts By Fitzcoraldo | The Modern Antiquarian | Misc. Posts By Fitzcoraldo misc. An alternative explanaition for the name freebrough is from the Old EnglishFrithborh but as a symbol of a cult to promote the fertility of the crops. http://www.themodernantiquarian.com/user/328/misc/25 | |
54. Altweb-Animal Alternatives, Welfare And Ethics safety evaluation of cosmetic products the contribution of alternative methods FW methodologyfor the safety evaluation of transgenic food crops HPJM Noteborn http://altweb.jhsph.edu/publications/misc/alt_welfare_ethics.htm | |
55. No Plans To Stop Afghan Crops newsgrowingusagebotanylawaddictionchemis tryreviewsmisc. No Plans to Stop Afghan crops must still convince poppy farmers to grow alternative crops. With two weeks to go until http://www.poppies.org/news/103292146250841.shtml | |
56. Vegetables than 3 years ago, researchers in South America discovered a new alternative to controlling Givingcrops an extra boost of fertilizer is called side dressing. http://www.tinkersgardens.com/Vegtables/misc.htm | |
57. MC's Lethal Leather--Alternative Auction Sellers Project present Free listing service for alternative Auction sellers 03)~Leather rose ridingcrops, thrashers, leather 6/20/03)~Personalized,customized collars, misc. http://www.mclethalleather.com/Alternative_Auction_Sellers.html | |
58. Crop Ecology And Management Program The Maine potato ecosystem project alternative pest and soil management for MAFESMisc Public 728 Economic profitability of potatoes rotated with other crops. http://www.umaine.edu/pse/cme/porter.htm | |
59. World Future Society--April 2002 Future Survey and managed globalization 182 futures studies alternative futures 193 GBN conversationsmisc. warming IPCC 2001 report 154 GM crops policy/market http://www.wfs.org/fsrvapr02.htm | |
60. UN Stresses Alternate Crops For Afghans UN Stresses Alternate crops for Afghans Syndicate Poppies.org Content with XML Click breakinto the opium economy, you have to offer alternative economic means http://www.poppies.org/news/104440601962688.shtml | |
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