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1. 1997 Carrington Research Extension Center Report misc. alternative crops Carrington Crop. Variety. Days to Bloom/Head 09. PlantHeight inches. 1000 KWT gms. Test Weight lbs/bu. Grain Yield lb/ac. Borage. AgGrow.42. http://www.ag.ndsu.nodak.edu/carringt/97research/carr97_altcrop.htm | |
2. Fababean G. Robinson. 1968. misc. Report 83, December, 1968. Agric Grain Legumes as alternative crops. 1987. Proceedings of a symposium held July 2324, 1987, Univ http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/afcm/fababean.html | |
3. Agricultural Resources AGRICULTURE offers a bulk of agricultural web links including data bases and pests and diseases. ONLINE REFERENCES. misc INFORMATION. crops CROPPING. BSA Bundessortenamt alternative FARMING. AFSIC alternative Farming Systems Information Center http://www.stormloader.com/geocoop/agriculture.htm | |
4. Using Alternative Forages On Traditional Small Grain Crop Land In Rotational Gra Livestock grazing may provide another viable harvesting alternative that could 15th Annual Western Dakota crops Day, Hettinger Research Extension USDA misc. http://www.ag.ndsu.nodak.edu/dickinso/research/1999/beef99d.htm | |
5. 9-Misc: British Minister Of Environment Attacks GE Crops GENETnews@xs4all.nl ; Subject 9-misc British Minister Laboratory, which carriesout research into GM crops. supply to meet demand there is no alternative . http://www.gene.ch/genet/2003/Feb/msg00083.html | |
6. 8-Misc: Humane Society Of The US On GE Crops Feeding The World GENETnews@agoranet.be ; Subject 8-misc Humane Society a diversity of traditional,locally adapted crops are more I would suggest an alternative A singularly http://www.gene.ch/genet/2000/Feb/msg00020.html | |
7. ACSH > Search > Page Not Found Features, Rants, and misc. Scama-rama. Health Newsflash chemistry that showed that crops could be fertilized with inorganic does not have an alternative explanation nor does she offer http://www.acsh.org/forum/features/antitechnology.html | |
8. U Of MN Extension - Catalog Of Educational Materials crops, Specialty alternative Publications for Sale Alfalfa Stand 1.50 Pulse orGrain Legume crops for Minnesota Exhibit; FO Folder; FS Fact Sheet; MI misc. http://www.extension.umn.edu/units/dc/catalog_print.html?code=3 |
9. U Of MN Extension - Catalog Of Educational Materials . . . $ 0.75 alternative Financial/Organizational Publication; MR Minnesota Report;MS misc. $ 0.75 Selling the crops and Market Livestock FS06305 ( ) . . http://www.extension.umn.edu/units/dc/catalog_print.html?style=1&code=4 |
10. All Alternative Medicine Resources, Research, Clinical Studies, Information, Rep A comprehensive alternative medicine and health care resource for consumers and practitioners. Phytochemicals. Home Page. Please refer to our health precautions section before proceeding. not normally considered crops that have been consumed in 10/01/1999 misc Block Commercial site http://www.alternative-medicine-and-health.com/nutrition/phytochemicals.htm | |
11. Wild Rice 2 Center for alternative Plant and Animal Products, University of Minnesota, St. ofMinnesota, misc. Fertilizer Recommendations for Agronomic crops in Minnesota http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/afcm/wildrice.html | |
12. Results For '' in alternative fuels crops are trees and perennial grasses grown specifically to provide raw materials (feedstocks) for energy producers and http//bioenergy.ornl.gov/papers/misc http://search.nrel.gov/query.html?col=eren&qc=eren&qm=1&si=0&ht= |
13. 9-Misc: Friends Of The Earth Nigeria Warns On Ge Crops news@genetinfo.org ; Subject 9-misc Friends of Ola added that genetic engineeringof crops was being presented as the best and only alternative for resolving http://www.genet-info.org/genet/2004/May/msg00061.html | |
14. 9-Misc: U.S. Scientists Having Problems With The Term "GMO" of these regions, the differences were attributable to alternative alleles of reactionto West Australian ban on GM crops; Next by Date 9misc Monsanto and http://www.genet-info.org/genet/2004/Mar/msg00096.html | |
15. Where 2havefun - Jokes misc. be a farmer so could you make my home country fertile so my crops can grow Thelast day of the year arrived and Arthur had no alternative but to talk to http://2havefun.com/Comedy/misc.shtml | |
16. PFI Library Culture/Policy, alternative Approaches to OnFarm Research, the Promise - EcologicalRisks of transgenic crops, Union of misc, 20 Questions About the Amish, Good, M, http://www.pfi.iastate.edu/library.htm | |
17. Environmental Enhancement Using Short-Rotation Woody Crops And Perennial Grasses With the need for alternative fuel feedstocks, biomass crops may becomean economically competitive option for many farmers in the future. http://bioenergy.ornl.gov/papers/misc/envenh95.html | |
18. Environmental Benefits Of Cellulosic Energy Crops At A Landscape Scale of alternative energy options, while the environmental impact of producing biomassfrom energy crops must be considered in the context of alternative land uses http://bioenergy.ornl.gov/papers/misc/cellcrop.html | |
19. This Document (GUIDE) Is The Februrary 11, 1995 Update Of Ftp mg@ces.ncsu.edu List name foragemg (forage crops) Server almanac renewable alt.solar.thermalsci.engr.lighting misc.health.alternative alt.aromatherapy http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/academic/environment/environmental-resources/GUIDE |
20. Ergots (Oz) In effect they are being protected by the 99% of crops that are co.uk Newsgroupssci.med.nutrition,sci.lifeextension,misc.health.alternative,sci.bio http://yarchive.net/env/ergots.html | |
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