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41. CIIDS - LandGrant Media Home Plants Field crops. Alfalfa. Barley. Canola. Soybean. Tobacco (24). Wheat (4).* Number in parentheses indicates number of media items in that classification. http://www.lgmedia.org/index.cfm?a=Plants&c=Field crops |
42. CIIDS - LandGrant Media Home Plants Beverage crops. Cocoa. Coffee. Hops. Mate. Teas. Vanilla. * Numberin parentheses indicates number of media items in that classification. http://www.lgmedia.org/index.cfm?a=Plants&c=Beverage crops |
43. Field And Fodder Crops - Wheat - Media Releases Field and Fodder crops, Wheat, media releases. media ReleasesThis Australian Government page provides access to media releases http://www.agriculture.gov.au/product4.cfm?display2=Field and Fodder Crops&displ |
44. Field And Fodder Crops - Pests And Diseases - Media Releases Field and Fodder crops, Pests and diseases, media releases.Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus This Western Australia government media http://www.agriculture.gov.au/product4.cfm?display2=Field and Fodder Crops&displ |
45. HorTIPS: Tech Priorities : Protected Crops Scotts UK Professional is launched, a new line of reducedpeat growing media. Compostfor trials with bedding, pot-plant and general nursery stock crops. http://www.hortips.co.uk/pc_9.htm | |
46. Agri-Media Sites Idaho agricultural news and classified ads. Dairy, livestock, crops, hay, marketnews. All materials copyright of LEE Agrimedia, Lee Enterprises, Inc. http://www.minnesotafarmguide.com/links/ | |
47. S&T Media Service - Grow Crops Without Soil With Snap Hydroponics Residents in these types of houses can grow crops for their own consumption. no.(049) 5362697. (Adoracion Armada, PCARRD S T media Service). http://www.dost.gov.ph/media/article.php?sid=332 |
48. S&T Media Service - Philippine Crops Join The Biotechnology Bandwagon bandwagon Posted on Thursday, July 24 @ 102910 PHT by crpd Biotechnology FivePhilippine cropsÂpapaya, mango (Arlene R. Obmerga, PCARRD S T media Service), http://www.dost.gov.ph/media/article.php?sid=255 |
49. Media Argentina WN Education WN Environment WN Science WN Technology Advertising Company ContactEmployment media Kit WN Links WN Toolbar. Climate change affecting crops. http://www.argentinenews.com/ | |
50. Water Quality For Floriculture Crops, HYG-1249-96 Consequently, the effect of water alkalinity on media pH will be different on cropsgrown in warm weather (with high transpiration) than on crops grown in http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/1000/1249.html | |
51. Preserving The Identity Of Non-GM Crops In South Australia - Media Release - 27- media Release Discussion paper released on preserving the identityof non-GM crops in South Australia. http://www.dhs.sa.gov.au/pehs/Alerts-&-Recalls/preserve-id-non-gm-crops.htm | |
52. Yes On Measure H - Media Coverage Yes on Measure H Press Releases. LATEST NEWS Mar 3, VICTORY! MENDOCINO COUNTY FIRSTCOUNTY IN NATION TO BAN THE GROWING OF GENETICALLY ALTERED crops AND ANIMALS. http://www.gmofreemendo.com/media.html | |
53. ERMA New Zealand Media Release - Contaminated Crops Destroyed By MAF Contaminated crops destroyed by MAF. Weed contamination in commercial crops candramatically escalate costs to producers by increasing the need for control. http://www.ermanz.govt.nz/news-events/archives/media-releases/2000/mr-20001109.a | |
54. Weed Control In Field Crops: Common Chickweed (Stellaria Media) Weed Control In Field crops Common Chickweed (Stellaria media). AuthorMike Cowbrough Weed Management Program Lead/OMAF Peter http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/crops/field/news/croppest/2004/01cpo04a6.htm | |
55. The Scientist - GM Crops Face Heat Of Debate poisons monarch caterpillars fed dusted milkweed leaves in the laboratory, new callsto curb GM crops followed close on the heels of uncritical media reports. http://www.the-scientist.com/yr1999/oct/lewis_p1_991011.html | |
56. Genome BC :: Media Centre GMO refers to organisms (often plants) that have had very different Âgeneticmodifications than the selective breeding of traditional farmers crops. http://www.genomebc.ca/GBCMedia/inTheNewsDetails.asp?id=2010&l= |
57. Integrated Pest Management For Greenhouse Crops solarization in Southern European countries, with emphasis on soilborne disease controlof protected crops. Solarization for the Recycling of Container media. http://attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/gh-ipm.html | |
58. Pharm Crops Publications Media Center Greenpeace USA media Center, Q A. What is a pharm crop? Genetic engineering (GE) corporationsare creating crops that produce proteins that are pharmaceuticals, vaccines http://www.greenpeaceusa.org/media/publications/pharm_croptext.htm |
59. Flawed Science Behind EPA Approval Of Biotech Crops Press We now know that EPA s approval of insectresistant crops was based on CONTACT CharlesMargulis, (410) 327-3770 Craig Culp, Greenpeace media, (202) 319-2461 http://www.greenpeaceusa.org/media/press_releases/00_04_18btext.htm |
60. Media Releases 2002: Scientists Issue Statement On GM Crops However, Mr Gillfillan is trying to push through legislation to block GMcrops. media Contacts Dr Rick Roush Telephone +61 8 8303 6590 (work). http://www.adelaide.edu.au/pr/media/releases/2002/gm_crops.html | |
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