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21. Media Coverage via simply reducing pesticide usage, costly genetically engineered crops are even these life science companies and the supportive media thoroughly confused. http://www.globalissues.org/EnvIssues/GEFood/Media.asp | |
22. EMS - Biomass, Ethanol, Environmental Impacts crops Agricultural Wastes. Ethanol and Smog. Where to Get More Information? Categoriesfor this topic Â, Energy. Visit related topics Environmental media http://www.ems.org/biomass/intro.html | |
23. "GREED OR NEED? Genetically Modified Crops" PANOS Media Briefing 30A, 2/99 is illinformed and sometimes hysterical , fanned by an irresponsible media. Aheated debate over genetically modified crops has been raging over recent http://www.ratical.org/co-globalize/GMcrops.html | |
24. Lime: Essential For Nursery Crops However, since most potting media are organic with little or no mineralmatter, a pH of 5.5 is adequate for containergrown crops. http://www.ncagr.com/agronomi/lime.htm | |
25. Fertilization Of Greenhouse Crops NOTE 9 Greenhouse crops. Lime. Potting media and the crop determine the amountof lime needed. In mineral soils, most plants grow well at a pH of 6.0. http://www.ncagr.com/agronomi/stnote9.htm | |
26. New Study Indicates Biotechnology-derived Crops Benefit The Environment For Immediate Release June 20, 2002 media ADVISORY. New Study IndicatesBiotechnologyderived crops Benefit the Environment. Study http://www.ncfap.org/CASTmediaadvisory.htm | |
27. Media Compilation # 14: As Biotech Crops Multiply, Consumers Get Little Choice + June 15, 2001 media Compilation 14 1. As Biotech crops Multiply, Consumers GetLittle Choice + 2. SOME MORE GMORELATED NEWS + 3. WILL EUROPE BAN ASPARTAME http://www.earthrainbownetwork.com/MediaCompilation14.htm | |
28. News And Media: Scientists Publish Evaluation Of Biotech Crops, Underscoring Saf Scientists Publish Evaluation of Biotech crops, Underscoring Safety andBenefits ST. The most significant benefits of Bt crops include http://www.monsanto.com/monsanto/layout/media/00/12-15-00.asp | |
29. News And Media: Golden" Crops: Part Of A Sustainable Solution To Global Vitamin Golden crops Part of a Sustainable Solution to Global Vitamin AMalnutrition According to the World Health Organization, vitamin http://www.monsanto.com/monsanto/layout/media/00/12-07-00c.asp | |
30. JD's New Media Musings: Will Genetic Crops Rescue Mother Earth? Will genetic crops rescue Mother Earth? And other crops are being developed totolerate soil contaminants like aluminum, a big problem in the tropics. http://www.newmediamusings.com/blog/2003/09/will_genetic_cr.html | |
31. US Govt. Launches Web Site Promoting Biotech Crops - Independent Six countries have banned crops already approved by the European Union, which hasnot here to view all items about Top Stories Ignored By US media Click here http://www.independent-media.tv/item.cfm?fmedia_id=6239&fcategory_desc=Environme |
32. MPs No GM Crops Without Further Trials - Independent Media TV Independent media TV. Environment. MPs no GM crops withoutfurther trials. March 05, 2004. By Matthew Tempest. http://www.independent-media.tv/item.cfm?fmedia_id=6068&fcategory_desc=Environme |
33. Arab Media Watch - US Soldiers Bulldoze Farmers' Crops US soldiers bulldoze farmers crops Posted on Sunday, October 12 @ 072719BST. News By Patrick Cockburn October 12, 2003 Independent on Sunday. http://www.arabmediawatch.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=920 |
34. Promise And Pitfalls Of Using Genetically Modified Crops In Developing Countries Home media Quik Stop Interview Archive Genetically Modified Cropsand Developing Countries. Promise and Pitfalls of Using Genetically http://www.foodfirst.org/media/interviews/2000/scifri4-00.html | |
35. Food First - Media Quick Stop May 05, 2004 Measure H Makes Mendocino the First County to Ban GM crops in the FoodFirst media Quik Stop Headlines can be linked to via RSS file at http http://www.foodfirst.org/media/ | |
36. BBSRC Media Releases - Genetically Modified Crops And The Countryside (14 Jun 99 Broom s Barn; Institute of Arable crops ResearchRothamsted; Institute of FoodResearch; John Innes Centre. Contact Andrew McLaughlin, BBSRC media Officer. http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/media/pressreleases/99_06_14_gencrop.html | |
37. BBSRC Media Releases - The Environmental Safety Of GM Crops (17 Feb 99) been obtained so far in laboratories and experimental plots, and to examine the wayin which GM crops might be Contact Andrew McLaughlin, BBSRC media Officer. http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/media/pressreleases/99_02_17_gmsafety.html | |
38. Position Statements - APS Media/Outreach Center Disease Threatens Cucumbers, Pumpkins, and Other Vine crops. St. Paul,Minn. (April 23, 2004) Plant pathologists with The American http://www.apsnet.org/media/press/04cucurbits.asp | |
39. Foei Media Centre media centre, home media centre gm publication, select campaign geneticallymodified crops, a decade of failure. part http://www.foei.org/media/gmdecade.html | |
40. South Asian Media Net > OPINION Kashmir crops up, Editorial Friday 2, April 2004. Source The Hindu. ProducedBy Free media Foundation For, South Asian Free media Association. http://www.southasianmedia.net/index_opinion4.cfm?id=26203 |
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