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101. Needle Conversion Crochet And Knitting. Although we tend to associate wool yarns with knitting and cotton threads withcrocheting, the yarn or thread used can, of course, be made of any fiber http://www.craftown.com/instruction/conversion.htm | |
102. Free Crochet And Knit Patterns Index You are welcome to help yourself to patterns as long as you recreate them forpersonal use only. Crochet Patterns. Yarn Ball, Mittens in double knitting. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/6910/patterns.htm | |
103. Knit-Out & Crochet Too! The 3rd Annual KnitOut Crochet, Too! is the place to start. Everyone is knittingand crocheting! Bring the family, learn to knit and crochet, have fun. http://www.knit-out.org/ | |
104. WannaLearn.com: Crafts And Hobbies : Crochet video clips, drawn illustrations and textbased material on all types of stitching,including crochet, cross stitching, embroidery, knitting, plastic canvas http://www.wannalearn.com/Crafts_and_Hobbies/Crochet/ | |
105. Lee's World - Crochet And Knitting; Free Patterns browser. Crochet And Knit Mostly Crochet. If you would like to have yoursite listed here please email me aj514@chebucto.ns.ca. Looking http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~aj514/crandkn.html | |
106. EHow.com: How To Convert A Knitting Pattern To A Crochet Pattern How to Convert a knitting Pattern to a Crochet Pattern. Most knitting instructionsare easy to convert. How to Convert a knitting Pattern to a Crochet Pattern. http://www.ehow.com/how_18632_convert-knitting-pattern.html | |
107. Learn To Crochet Or Knit - BevÂs Needle - Learn To Crochet Or Knit, Free. Shop StarGazer s Crochet Instruction Links Susanne s Crochet Directory stitches and hintsfrom A to Z with illustrations. Learn to Knit About.com knitting Lessons. http://www.netcastles.com/bevsneedle/learn.html | |
108. WHY CROCHET AND KNIT CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY. CROCHET AND KNIT GROUP. family. · knitting andCrocheting is Âportable  take it anywhere! · Provides http://www.puffin.creighton.edu/crochetknit/why_crochet_and_knit.htm | |
109. Chie's Crochet & Knitting ))) This blog is the record of my crochet and knitting projects. My knitting experienceis longer than crochet, but now I crochet (a lot) more than I knit. http://chiescrochetandknitting.blogspot.com/ | |
110. Ananova - G-strings Save The Art Of Crochet Ananova Gstrings save the art of crochet. She added We need a way toencourage young girls to keep the tradition of crocheting alive. http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_813508.html?menu=news.quirkies |
111. Projects Granny s Jewels Afghan Crochet (July 00). Easy to Make Shawls Knit Crochet (June 00). Tunisian Crochet Knit Vest(September/October 98). http://www.thesmartyarns.com/project1.html | |
112. FreePatterns.com Your email address Your password Forgot your password? Choose a category Crafts. http://www.freepatterns.com/ | |
113. I Appreciate All The Ladies Who Have Donated These Hat And Mittens Crochet or knit hats and mittens for the homeless. Also, chemo hats available.FREE patterns available.Be a blessing to someone in need! http://www.angelfire.com/ct/barnart/index5.html | |
114. CROCHET CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY. CROCHET AND KNIT GROUP. CROCHET AND KNIT GROUP.In January, 2000, the crochet and knit group was organized at http://www.puffin.creighton.edu/crochetknit/ | |
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