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101. Croatia - Countrywatch.com croatia. Cultural Disorientation and Transitional Adjustment This section is a primer for use by CountryWatch.com users in learning http://aol.countrywatch.com/aol_topic.asp?vCOUNTRY=44&SECTION=APP&TOPIC=CDATA&TY |
102. Study Abroad & Cultural Immersion With Languages Abroad - Croatia A listing of language schools and study abroad oppurtunities worldwide. Learn French, Spanish, Italian, German and a host of other languages worldwide! http://www.languagesabroad.com/countries/croatia.html | |
103. Happy (Croatian) Mother's Day - Croatiagifts.safeshopper.com CROATIAN MOTHER S DAY. Almost every culture on the face of the earth celebrates and honors its mothers; the Croatian culture is no exception. http://croatiagifts.safeshopper.com/157/cat157.htm?568 |
104. Ministarstvo Kulture Dan kulturne raznolikosti Odobreni programi za 2004. kulturna dobra, casopisi, manifestacije, otkup knjiga, medunarodna suradnja http://www.min-kulture.hr/ | |
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