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121. CCSU Criminology And Criminal Justice Helps to prepare students for careers in the field of criminal justice or for further graduate studies. http://www.crim.ccsu.edu/Undergrad/Undergraduate.html | |
122. Australia Reports Lowest Number Of Homicides In Nine Years (11 Feb 1999) [Media Press release from the Australian Institute of criminology. http://www.aic.gov.au/media/990211.html | |
123. Cyberstalking [T&I No. 166] Report written by Emma Ogilvie and published by Australian Institute of criminology. http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/tandi/tandi166.html | |
124. Undergraduate Studies In Sociology At KSU Undergraduate Studies in criminology. The Department of Sociology, Anthropologyand Social Work offers a specialization in criminology. http://www.ksu.edu/sasw/socio/ugrad/ugrad.html | |
125. LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC Offers books on criminal justice, criminology, sociology, immigration, ethnic studies, anthropology, political science, law and society, and American legal institutions. http://www.lfbscholarly.com |
126. The Jerry Lee Center Of Criminology The mission of the Jerry Lee Center of criminology at the University of Pennsylvaniais to produce major discoveries about the causes and prevention of crime http://www.sas.upenn.edu/jerrylee/ | |
127. Graduate Studies: Criminal Justice Program strongly emphasizes the application of theory and research in executive decision making, policy development and analysis, and the treatment of offenders. The Master of Science degree provides students with the knowledge and skills required for leadership positions in the Criminal Justice System or continued study at the doctoral level. http://www.ccsu.edu/grad/criminal_justice.htm | |
128. SAGE Publications - Theoretical Criminology The most recent Journal Citation Reports published by the Social Science CitationIndex (2002) ranks Theoretical criminology at number 12 out of the top 24 http://www.sagepub.co.uk/journal.aspx?pid=105792 |
129. The Critical Criminology (American Society Of Criminology) Division Critical papers from the American Society of criminology. http://sun.soci.niu.edu/~critcrim/ | |
130. Red Feather Journal Of Postmodern Criminology Peerreviewed journal. All contents available on-line. http://www.rf-institute.com/journal-pomocrim/pomocrimindex.html |
131. ECRI Environmental Criminology Research Inc. that Constable Kim Rossmo considered while working as a uniformed patrol, and becamepart of his thesis while studying for his Ph.D. in criminology at Simon http://www.geographicprofiling.com/about/ | |
132. Death Penalty Information (from: Http://www.soci.niu.edu/~critcrim) Anticapital punishment resources from the American Society of criminology's Critical criminology division. http://www.philosophy.niu.edu/~critcrim/dp/dp.html | |
133. Cyber-Stalking Article in The Crime Library, by Wayne Petherick. http://www.crimelibrary.com/criminology/cyberstalking/ | |
134. Welcome To The University Of Arkansas Department Of Sociology Designed to prepare students for course requirements and activities of the department and career potential in the field. http://www.uark.edu/depts/social/ | |
135. Deviance Discusses the sociology of deviance, criminal and noncriminal deviance, and related theories. Includes links to similar content. http://ryoung001.homestead.com/Deviance.html | |
136. Researching CJ Information and links to criminal justice and criminology statistics, downloadable data, citation styles, and other researcher needs. http://www.cjed.com/rschers.htm | |
137. British Society Of Criminology Home Page Aims to further the interests and knowledge, both academic and professional, of persons engaged in any aspect of teaching and research, advance, research public education about crime, criminal behaviour, and the criminal justice systems in the United Kingdom. http://www.britsoccrim.org/ | |
138. Backfire: When Incarceration Increases Crime Examines the ways in which prison may have inadvertently affected crime rates. By Todd R. Clear, Professor and Associate Dean, School of criminology and Criminal Justice, Florida State University. http://www.doc.state.ok.us/DOCS/OCJRC/Ocjrc96/Ocjrc7.htm | |
139. United Nations Interregional Crime And Justice Research Center (UNICRI) Organization created to advance policy and practice in the prevention and control of juvenile delinquency and adult criminality. Includes a collection of global criminology resources. http://www.unicri.it/ |
140. Master In European Criminology (M.A.), Faculty Of Law, Katholieke Universiteit L THE MASTER IN EUROPEAN criminology Brochure PROGRAMME 1. General background 2.Programme structure 3. List of courses 4. Course information 5. MA Paper 6 http://www.law.kuleuven.ac.be/cals/eurcrim/ | |
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