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81. SearchBug Directory: Science: Social_Sciences: Criminology of A Criminal http//www.crimelibrary.com/criminology/danger/index.htm Analyzingthe ways and habits of criminals to see if they will strike again. http://www.searchbug.com/directory.aspx/Science/Social_Sciences/Criminology/ | |
82. Wauu.DE: Science: Social Sciences: Criminology http//www.crimelibrary.com/criminology/danger/index.htm. Crime Mapping Articleabout how crime mapping and analysis has been helping to reduce crime. http://www.wauu.de/Science/Social_Sciences/Criminology/ | |
83. De Montfort University - Online Prospectus All Courses index. 2004. criminology BA/BSc Honours (joint), UG 2004.criminology and Education BA Honours, UG 2005. criminology http://www.dmu.ac.uk/Subjects/Db/?index=all |
84. National Research Insitute Of Police Science, JAPAN Responsible for the research and case work in the field of forensic sciences, researches on criminology and behavioral science, and researches on traffic safety and regulation. http://www.nrips.go.jp/index-e.html | |
85. Index.html2 Personal page of a criminologist. Includes analysis of several issues and links to related websites. http://www.users.bigpond.com/christianpwfaust/ | |
86. Welcome To The FSU School Of Criminology And Criminal Justice School of criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida State University. Welcome page. http://www.criminology.fsu.edu/ | |
87. Criminology Home Page Admission. The faculty and staff of the Department of criminology at theUniversity of South Florida, Tampa campus, welcome you to our website. http://www.cas.usf.edu/criminology/ | |
88. FSU School Of Criminology Criminal Justice Links Florida State University. School of criminology Criminal Justice. Criminal Justice Links. Created and Maintained by Cecil Greek. Major Pages Include Federal Criminal Justice Agencies. International Criminal Justice Sources Using the Internet as a Newsmaking criminology Tool by Cecil Greek. Return to FSU School of criminology Home Page http://www.criminology.fsu.edu/cj.html | |
89. Clinical Criminology Home Page The Clinical criminology Home Page. If I The Clinical criminology Home Page gets a small commission from each find more information related to criminology or on anything else you http://members.tripod.com/~dazc |
90. Internet Journal Of Criminology Publishes international and scholarly criminology articles, written by leading experts, on criminal justice, crime reduction, and deviant social behaviour. http://www.flashmousepublishing.com | |
91. ECRI - Environmental Criminology Research Inc. Focuses on geographic profiling, which uses sophisticated computer software to determine the most likely area of offender residence in cases of serial murder, rape and arson. http://www.ecricanada.com/ | |
92. Ãñ¹Ãü»çä忬±¸¿ø Assists in policy formulation by analyzing the current state of crime phenomena, conducts scientific studies, and contributes to public education through publication of the results of research projects. http://www.kic.re.kr/ |
93. SociologyOnline | The Site For All Students Of Sociology And Social Theory A site for students of sociology, criminology and social theory. The site has slideshows, quizzes and documents as well as a SocioNews page. http://www.sociologyonline.f9.co.uk/ | |
94. Criminal Justice MegaLinks A comprehensive library of resources and lectures in crime, justice, criminology, and law. http://faculty.ncwc.edu/toconnor | |
95. CCSU Criminology And Criminal Justice Interdisciplinary field which studies the definition of crime, the causes and control of criminal behavior, and the operation of the criminal justice system. Internships are available with the State of Connecticut's criminal justice agencies. http://www.crim.ccsu.edu/ | |
96. European Academy Of Criminology® Dedicato a tutti coloro che sono interessati a far eseguire accertamenti tecnici peritali, studi e perizie in campo civile e penale. http://www.euroacademy.it/ | |
97. Restorative Justice not be correctly formatted. We recommend that you upgrade to a standardscompliantbrowser. Australian Institute of criminology. http://www.aic.gov.au/rjustice/ | |
98. Forensic Criminology Associates Consulting and expert services for security matters, including premises security litigation. Based in Troy, Michigan. http://www.forensiccriminology.com/ | |
99. Behavioral Criminology International: Gregg McCrary Expert in criminal profiling and crime analysis. Located in Virginia. http://www.Criminalprofiler.com/ | |
100. European Society Of Criminology European Society of criminology. The European Society of criminologywas founded in 2000. The Society aims to bring together in Europe http://www.esc-eurocrim.org/ | |
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