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41. TUP Subject Index: Law And Criminology Enticing Readers Choice Books Authors Subject index AfricanAmerican, Asian NgaireNaffine Feminism and criminology, Feminism and criminology Naffine, Ngaire http://www.temple.edu/tempress/law.html | |
42. BUBL LINK: 364 Criminology Author Florida State University School of criminology and Criminal Justice Subjectscrime DeweyClass 364 ResourceType index Location usa Criminal http://link.bubl.ac.uk/crime/ | |
43. Moving Images -- Subject Index (C) Subject index (C). criminology (See also Prisons) Blowing the Whistle Constant CompanionHiTech Culture Holding the Sun K-9 Corrections Making It Voyage of http://www.movingimages.bc.ca/catalogue/Subject/Subject_c.html | |
44. Index Of Units On Pathway BSc (Honours) Criminology And Criminal Justice index of units on pathway BSc (Honours) criminology and Criminal Justice.Level 1. Local Key, Credit Points, Semester, Status, Lecturer, Release Status. http://www.tech.port.ac.uk/tud/db/BScHonoCrimCrimJust2807.htm | |
45. KWSnet Crime, Criminology, Forensics Index Crime/criminology/Forensics index Click to go to top of page and navigationmenus. Also see Law Enforcement/Police/Private Investigators index.. http://www.kwsnet.com/crime.html | |
46. KWSnet Law Enforcement, Police, Private Investigators Index Law Enforcement/Police/Private Investigators index Click to go to top of pageand navigation menus. Also see Crime/criminology/Forensics index.. http://www.kwsnet.com/lawenfor.html | |
47. Criminology: Selected Resources: Library Instruction: Indiana State University L Criminal Justice Periodical index (online, part of ProQuest), includes fulltextaccess to Criminal Justice, Journal of Criminal Law criminology, Journal of http://library.indstate.edu/level1.dir/lio.dir/criminology.html | |
48. Institute Of Criminology: Annual Reports Index Annual Report for 1998; Annual Report for 1997. ^ to top. Office Institute of CriminologyContact Resource Centre Coordinator Updated 10 February 2004 / ela. http://www.uct.ac.za/depts/criminology/annrpts.htm | |
49. USM Libraries private sector. Academic Search Premier A multisubject index to articleson criminology and many other disciplines. PsycINFO An http://library.usm.maine.edu/guides/criminology/CrimGuide.html |
50. FindingWeb Directory - /Science/Social_Sciences/Criminology sock (111) Warning Can t connect to local MySQL server through socket /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock (111) in /home/fweb/findingweb.net/htdocs/fdir/index.php on http://dir.findingweb.com/Top/Science/Social_Sciences/Criminology | |
51. SFU Library - Criminology Information Resources These files are arranged by SFU criminology course number and contain pointers CanadianResearch index formerly known as Microlog; CPI.Q Canadian Periodical http://www.lib.sfu.ca/researchhelp/subjectguides/crim/crim.htm | |
52. THE BLANKET * Index: Current Articles index Current Articles. 11 August 2003. Other Articles From This Issue What is theNew School of Convict criminology? Jeffery Ian Ross and Stephen C. Richards. http://lark.phoblacht.net/newschool.html | |
53. UniMelb UGHB96 : Arts : Index Of Criminology Subjects criminology. Overview. criminology is the study of the process of criminalisationand social control developed by the state. criminology http://www.unimelb.edu.au/HB/1996/Arts/Criminology-subjects.html | |
54. Institute Of Criminology And Criminal Justice www.carleton.ca/registrar/fullcourses/index.htm. It contains instructions on howto request access. Any students who are Honours/criminology concentration in http://www.carleton.ca/criminology/ | |
55. BA (Hons) Criminology - University Of Lincoln BA (Hons) criminology. criminology offers the opportunity to studysome of the most intractable problems in contemporary society. http://www.lincoln.ac.uk/courses/criminology/index.shtm | |
56. PATHFINDERS: Criminology Social Sciences Citation index. Scott Reference Z 7163 S63 A valuable resourcefor information on crime and criminology from a social sciences perspective. http://www.info.library.yorku.ca/depts/ref/pathfinders/criminology.htm | |
57. Graduate Catalog 2001-2002 Index Criminal Justice and criminology. Master of Arts in Criminal Justice and criminology. SuggestedCourse of Study for an MA in Criminal Justice and criminology. http://www.etsu.edu/reg/cat-grad2001/cjcr.htm | |
58. Index Spatial Crime Analysis. criminology 320 · Advanced Research Methods. ResearchServices · TNT Research. Other Links of Interest · criminology Geography. http://www3.telus.net/niks/ | |
59. Gail's Catalog Index Because my catalog titles are somewhat general, I thought it would helpif I provided an index of the different subcategories. criminology. http://www.gailsbooks.com/subcat.htm | |
60. :: Ez2Find :: Criminology URL http//www.crimelibrary.com/criminology/danger/index.htm; Crime Mapping SiteInfo - Translate - Open New Window Article about how crime mapping and http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Science/Social_Sciences/Crim | |
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