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1. Criminon: Criminal Rehabilitation Programs Criminon addresses the causes of crime, provides a rehabilitation program for both juvenile and adult offenders so they learn honest and moral behavior. Home Worldwide Activities Criminon http://www.scientology.org/en_US/world/betterment/criminon | |
2. The Way To Happiness - Police Programs better world. . Criminon® Successfully Incorporates The Way to Happinessin its criminal rehabilitation programs. Criminon graduates http://twth.org/school_police-police-pgms.html |
3. The Way To Happiness - Police Programs crime prevention as well as criminal rehabilitation programs. Programs can range from reprinting the Second Chance and Criminon programs for criminal rehabilitation, and the V.I http://www.thewaytohappiness.org/school_police-police-pgms.html |
4. What Works? (criminal Rehabilitation Programs)(includes Related HighBeam Research, Free Preview 'What works? (criminal rehabilitation programs)(includes related article)' Full Membership required for unlimited access. Comprehensive archive of newspapers, http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.highbeam.com/library/doc0.asp?docid= |
5. Corrections Today : What Works? (criminal Rehabilitation Programs)(includes Rela (criminal rehabilitation programs)(includes related article) @ HighBeam Research. Whatworks? (criminal rehabilitation programs)(includes related article). http://static.highbeam.com/c/correctionstoday/december011995/whatworkscriminalre | |
6. Crime Prevention And Rehabilitation Founded to identify, scientifically evaluate, and implement through public policy promising new technologies and programs that offer practical solutions to problems facing our nation. entitled Transcendental Meditation in criminal rehabilitation and Crime Prevention (J Offender journals for research on rehabilitation programs and their impact on prisoners http://www.istpp.org/rehabilitation | |
7. CJAD - Rehabilitation And Victim Services Programs The Texas Department of criminal Justice operates State Prisons, State Jails, Parole, and provides funding and certain oversight of Community Supervision (previously known as adult probation). may offer the following rehabilitation programs. For details on specific rehabilitation programs, contact your impaired offender from the criminal justice system, or to provide http://www.tdcj.state.tx.us/cjad/cjad-rehab.htm | |
8. Criminal Rehabilitation - Criminal Recidivism A new look at crime and punishment, criminal rehabilitation, recidivism rates, prison education our astronomical crime rate, incarceration policies, and more. intensive probation and scientifically based rehabilitation programs now, and less on more work, in prison education and criminal rehabilitation, or with probationers and parolees http://www.crimrehab.com/ACP.shtml | |
9. The Canadian Mental Health Association - Thunder Bay Branch Provides support for individuals and families living with mental illness. programs include, social activities, rehabilitation, education, training, criminal justice diversion, and a 24 hour 7 days a week crisis response hotline. http://www.cmha-tb.on.ca/ | |
10. The Way To Happiness - Communities Programs The Second Chance and Criminon programs for criminal rehabilitation. The VIVE program,a communitybased crime prevention program used by police and schools. http://twth.org/school_police-commun-pgms.html |
11. U.S. Catholic Bishops - Social Development & World Peace rehabilitation. The common good is undermined by criminal behavior that threatens the lives and of a clear commitment to rehabilitation programs within prisons, turns prisons into http://www.nccbuscc.org/sdwp/criminal.htm | |
12. Criminal Justice Reform To reduce crime, to reduce cost, and to restore offenders to taxpaying productivity, we need to be aware of the needs for reform of the criminal justice system. This site provides that on the 2002 NYS criminal Justice Budget. What Works rehabilitation programs that reduce crime and recidivism, from four types of rehabilitation programs, are worth, in dollars and http://www.bestweb.net/~cureny | |
13. Criminon: A Workable Rehabilitation Solution - Freedom Magazine Published By The Because 80 percent of prisoners in these facilities currently use drugs,both criminal reform and drug rehabilitation programs are vital. http://www.freedommag.org/english/vol27I6/page40.htm | |
14. Home We are offering a consciousnessbased approach to criminal rehabilitation, usingthe Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique and proven programs for stress http://www.enlightenedsentencing.org/ | |
15. Evaluation Of The Performance Of The Texas Department Of Criminal Evaluation of the Performance of the Texas Department of criminal Justice rehabilitation Tier programs. criminal Justice Policy Council Prepared for the 77th Texas Legislature, 2001. Tony Fabelo, Ph.D. http://www.cjpc.state.tx.us/reports/alphalist/RehabilitationTier.pdf |
16. Vacant Property Rehabilitation Programs, Neighborhood Code Compliance Department The Vacant Properties Program manages a grant for the rehabilitation of vacant doI protect my vacant property from urban predators and criminal activity http://www.sannet.gov/nccd/housing/vacant.shtml | |
17. The Second Biennial Report On The Performance Of The Texas Department The Second Biennial Report on the Performance of the Texas Department of criminal Justice rehabilitation Tier programs. criminal Justice Policy Council February 2003. Tony Fabelo, Ph.D. http://www.cjpc.state.tx.us/reports/alphalist/2ndBiennial.pdf |
18. Criminal Justice Reform How to Save a HalfBillion Dollars Recommendations on the 2002 NYS criminal JusticeBudget. What Works rehabilitation programs that reduce crime and cost, and http://users.bestweb.net/~cureny/ | |
19. Texas Criminal Justice Policy Council - Adult Correctional Rehabilitation Progra Click to download report. The Second Biennial Report on the Performance of the TexasDepartment of criminal Justice rehabilitation Tier programs, February 2003. http://www.cjpc.state.tx.us/reports/adltrehab/ | |
20. Alcoholism And AddictionIndex Diego Drug Rehabilitation San Vista San Diego, California CA Vista San Diego criminal Defense lawyer alternativeto jail, alcohol and/or drug rehabilitation programs, electronic monitoring http://www.drugrehabcenter.com/5/diego-drug-rehabilitation-san.html | |
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