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61. JMU - 1321 when circumstances are identified that warrant further investigation. The provisions of the criminal history and and employees using the following methods http://www.jmu.edu/JMUpolicy/1321.shtml | |
62. DNA DETECTION OF SEXUAL AND VIOLENT OFFENDERS ACT upon written or electronic request and in furtherance of an official investigation of a criminal offense or offender or (b) methods of obtaining information http://members.aol.com/StatutesP1/35.Cp.46.html | |
63. City Of Bristol, VA Police are organized and the methods used to reduce Increases arrest and conviction of criminals http://www.bristolva.org/police/nhw.htm | |
64. Business Day prosecutors do not become involved in criminal investigations. She says the investigation methods of the Scorpions are by even allowing an investigation by the http://www.bday.co.za/bday/content/direct/1,3523,1620276-6099-0,00.html | |
65. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin,The: Statement Analysis Field Examination Technique has adapted traditional statement analysis methods to focus The authors used 24 random statements written police traffic collision investigation procedures and http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2194/is_4_72/ai_100876732 | |
66. Criminal Justice At Fairmont State College be instructed in the proper methods of preserving specialized techniques in the drug investigation as well Special Issues in criminal Justice Forum for special http://www.fscwv.edu/schools/socsci/cj/co_list.html | |
67. Frontline: What Jennifer Saw: Needed: Re-Evaluation | PBS and what might be done to reduce their occurrence in criminal investigations. making false identifications is influenced by methods used in constructing and http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/dna/etc/police.html | |
68. Frontline: What Jennifer Saw: Barry Scheck | PBS can be done with respect to the methods we use at the very beginning of the investigation to eliminate save money in terms of the entire criminal justice system http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/dna/interviews/scheck.html | |
69. College Catalog '03-'04 — Criminal Justice major issues confronting contemporary methods of handling completion of all required criminal Justice courses the presentence investigation report, levels of http://www.mwcc.mass.edu/catalog/criminal.html | |
70. JOB DESCRIPTION Some knowledge of the methods, techniques, and coursework in criminal Justice, Criminology, Forensic Science of experience in crime scene investigation or a http://www.accesslittlerock.org/HumanResources/C000170.htm | |
71. Forensic.e-symposium.com - TEK-Centre managed by the Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI). 2000, the judges in three separate criminal cases that Working Group on DNA Analysis methods (TWGDAM) and http://www.forensic.e-symposium.com/articles/e2003/sep18.html | |
72. Developer's Criminal Past Spurs Investigation By Housing Agency - 2000-02-28 - B company has succeeded by following the methods of long Developer s criminal past spurs investigation by housing agency. that he had ever been a criminal defendant http://www.bizjournals.com/boston/stories/2000/02/28/story3.html | |
73. JusticeAction ::: Forensic DNA Testing Alec Jeffries who first applied the methods of DNA DNA harvested and used in police investigations without their has been used in several criminal prosecutions http://www.justiceaction.org.au/actNow/Campaigns/DNA/papers/chippo.html | |
74. Integrity Bulletin March 2000 looking at their investigatory methods to find an internal affairs and criminal investigation resulting from been truthful during all of the investigations. http://www.azpost.state.az.us/integrity_bulletin/march2000.htm | |
75. ABSTRACTS FROM THE 48th ANNUAL MEETING to be a highly effective tool in criminal investigations. identification in unsolved criminal cases, suspect methods used are infrared spectroscopy, Scanning http://www.csfs.ca/journal/Toronto2001.htm | |
76. Faculty Of Business And SciencesApp.ied Social Sciences Forensic Investigation its place within the broader criminal justice system an aspect of forensic investigation and in methods include essays, examinations and assessed practicals . http://business-sciences.cant.ac.uk/applied-social-sciences/Programmes/Forensic/ | |
77. Undergraduate Program In Criminal Justice study examination of substantive criminal law. QuestionedDeath investigation.Historical development and current Research methods in Forensic Science.Resource http://www.uab.edu/justice/html/undergraduate_program_in_criminal_justice.html | |
78. Learn Online Course - Criminal Laws And Your Legal Rights - Expert Instruction To use any of these methods you must press the Join Related Classes in Criminology. Advanced Death investigation (Hot Class!) In order to take the Advanced http://home.universalclass.com/i/crn/4077.htm | |
79. Until Proven Innocent - The Process. in the interrogation with that of the investigation. information will actually encourage more forceful methods. one thing about the criminal process, it is http://www.scn.org/people/autistics/process.html | |
80. JS Online: School For Sleuths Teaches Investigation Methods Journal Sentinel Online is a multimedia news and information service of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Journal Communications Inc., covering news, sports, business, entertainment and community http://www.jsonline.com/news/state/may02/44199.asp | |
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