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81. Make Criminal Penalties Fit The Severity Of The Crime fit the crime. Consider the following facts The United States is now the operator of the largest prison system on the planet. 71; The Federal Bureau of prisons http://www.csdp.org/edcs/page26.htm | |
82. Factbook: Crime Uniform crime Reports for the United States 1998 (Washington is associated with more violent crime than any of violent felons in state prisons committed their http://www.drugwarfacts.org/crime.htm | |
83. US: Tight Budgets Force States To Reconsider Crime And find?199 (Mandatory Minimum Sentencing) TIGHT BUDGETS FORCE STATES TO RECONSIDER crime AND PENALTIES After three decades of building more prisons and passing http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v02.n098.a01.html | |
84. Crime And Law Enforcement - Refdesk.com Federal Bureau of prisons includes a weekly population report Hate crime Report - from the FBI. Homicide Trends in the United States - This site contains a http://www.refdesk.com/crime.html | |
85. Before Texas Spends More On Prisons, Let's Think Molly Ivans 31aug00 BUT our crime rate has NOT dropped proportionately to crime in other states that did not expand their prisons and that incarcerate far fewer people. http://www.mindfully.org/Reform/Texas-Prisons-Ivans.htm | |
86. Study Finds 2.6% Increase In U.S. Prison Population effect of draconian sentencing laws passed in the 1990 s when the states could afford to build more prisons and politicians competed to sound tough on crime. http://www.wehaitians.com/study finds 2 6 percent increase in us prison populati | |
87. National Review Online (http://www.nationalreview.com) Violent offenders released from state prisons in 1992 If we hope to reduce crime rates further, we will have in PL 106386), which offers states incentives to http://www.nationalreview.com/script/printpage.asp?ref=/comment/comment-paranzin |
88. Prisons & Prisoners, Carnegie Library Of Pittsburgh Resource Guide Information Library Learn about Pennsylvania s prisons, including Monthly Population United States. inmates, corrections officers, victims of crime, judges and http://www.carnegielibrary.org/subject/law/prisons.html | |
89. The Crime Of Black Imprisonment findings were so nonsupportive of prisons that they are such a poor predictor of crime rates that researchers would find proximity of states to Canada http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~kastor/ceml_articles/continuing.html | |
90. Law, Crime, And Law Enforcement -- Encyclopædia Britannica The third largest city in the United States, Chicago dominates a enforcement in the case of juvenile crime and related on human rights abuse in prisons by the http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=415204 |
91. Grim Amusements / April 7, 2003 / Prisons And Inmates At Midyear 2002 Note that prisons and jails are not the same accepted correlation with population density (crime rates are higher in large cities), so states with most http://after-words.org/grim/mtarchives/2003/04/Apr071327.shtml | |
92. USATODAY.com - Study: Prisons Filled At Record Pace In Clinton Years the surge in prisoners on Clinton administration initiatives that provided more money to states for prisons, police officers and crime prevention programs. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2001-02-18-prison.htm | |
93. PRISONS DO NOT WORK prisons should have two results; 1) keep dangerous many released prisoners just commit another crime and are a special report from the United States Bureau of http://www.cwrl.utexas.edu/~tonya/final_projects/Prisons_Don't_Work-final.html | |
94. Crime Is Down increasing crime, but may mean fewer users, thus decreasing crime;. Incarceration ratesfor the last 10 years most states have built new prisons at record http://www.shsu.edu/~pin_www/T@S/2000/CrimeDown.html | |
95. Criminal Law: The University Of Waikato Library death penalty, prison labour, violence in prisons etc range of topics relating to crime and criminology Center, Administered by the United States Criminal Justice http://www.waikato.ac.nz/library/resources/law/s_crime.shtml | |
96. CNN.com - Study: Fuller Prisons Not Lowering Crime Rates - September 28, 2000 had a drop in crime comparable to many other states. In Maine, the crime rate dropped 19 percent, the study testing to stop revolving door at US prisons May 2 http://www.cnn.com/2000/US/09/28/incarceration.study.ap/ |
97. Citizenship Foundation:Issues Prisons Introduction of, particularly since most return to crime on release Our prisons have become social dustbins and the only the governmentÂs Strategy Unit states that prison http://www.citizenshipfoundation.org.uk/main/page.php?134 |
98. FEDERAL BUREAU OF PRISONS QUICK FACTS Federal Bureau of prisons QUICK FACTS. February 2004 http://www.bop.gov/fact0598.html | |
99. The Prison-Industrial Complex - 98.12 a straightforward explanation for why the United States has lately too many criminals committing too many crimes. Indeed, the nation s prisons now hold http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/98dec/prisons.htm | |
100. Search down on juvenile lawbreakers and giving states incentives to do stat the same index of violent crimes among kids that sending teens to adult prisons will onlt http://www.citylimits.org/content/articles/weeklyView.cfm?articlenumber=630 |
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