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61. FBI Press Room - Press Release - 2003 - Crime In The United States 2002 Fortythree percent of arsons cleared in the Nation in 2002 involved juvenile offenders In a special study included in crime in the United States, 2002, the http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/pressrel03/ucr2002.htm |
62. Related Sites 2001 Reports from the States to the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data Systems Administration for Children and Families. juvenile crime Statistics Office of http://www.childstats.gov/results.asp?field=SbjID&value=4 |
63. CJCJ The justreleased Federal Bureau of Investigation s 1996 crime in the United States survey showed that since 1994, the overall juvenile violent crime rate http://www.cjcj.org/jpi/runaway.html |
64. BCSO Crime Analysis - Juvenile Statistics juvenile Arrests By Year 1992 to 1999 These statistics are for the Bexar County Sheriff s Office Gilbert Urias, crime Analysis Officer Email gurias@co.bexar.tx http://www.co.bexar.tx.us/BCsheriff/CrimeAnalysis/juvenilestats.htm | |
65. SCC-LRC/Library: Research Guide For Criminal Justice juvenile delinquency United States juvenile justice Administration of United States Murderers United States Psychology Organized crime Police Police http://www2.scc-fl.edu/lrc/guides/criminal_justice.htm | |
66. True Crimes: Juvenile Crime Organizations and victimization by Support ing States and local to the needs of families and each individual juvenile. Is also dedicated to assisting campus crime victims in http://www.karisable.com/crssorg.htm | |
67. SexCriminals.com: Facts And Statistics crime in the United States (Federal Bureau of Investigations) juvenile Sex Offenders (Paper presented at the New Hampshire Conference on Family Violence http://www.sexcriminals.com/facts.html | |
68. BRIA(16:2) Transportation Of Criminals To Australia, Juvenile Justice, Children In the 1820s, juvenile crime grew rapidly in the United States. With juvenile violent crime rising, many states are trying violent offenders as adults. http://www.crf-usa.org/bria/bria11_2.html | |
69. Juvenile Crime; No Hope? This has to be learned behavior. There seems to be growing awareness now of this juvenile crime problem in the United States. Several http://www.emergency.com/juvycrim.htm | |
70. NCPA - BA #235 - The Long Arm Of Federal Juvenile Crime Law Shortened Both approaches return authority to states and local governments, allowing them to control juvenile crime as they have adult crime. http://www.ncpa.org/ba/ba235.html | |
71. 1996-97 National High School Debate Topic: Juvenile Crime juvenile crime How should the federal government reduce juvenile crime in the United States? Resolved That the federal government http://www.ncpa.org/hotlines/juvcrm/eocp1.html | |
72. TalkLeft: FBI Crime Stats Omit Male Rape Victims Wednesday October 30, 2002. FBI crime stats Omit Male Rape Victims From the sponsors of the website Stop Prisoner Rape The FBI http://talkleft.com/new_archives/000811.html | |
73. Frequently Asked Questions What proportion of juvenile offenders in residential placement in were charged with Violent crime Index offenses States with the highest proportions of Violent http://ncjj.servehttp.com/NCJJWebsite/faq/crimestats.htm |
74. Juvenile Crime In Hawaii: Wild In The Streets? the actual extent and nature of local juvenile crime during the editions of the Federal Bureau of Investigation s crime in the United States Uniform crime http://www.cpja.ag.state.hi.us/rs/cts/mediajuv/ | |
75. Juvenile Death Penalty Cases 17 years old at the time of crime, Texas Edward The United States Supreme Court has granted him a reconsider the consitutionality of the juvenile death penalty http://www.abanet.org/crimjust/juvjus/juvcases.html | |
76. Juvenile Justice Facts And Figures Block grants to states that get tough on juvenile crime The House and Senate are each working on bills that would provide some $1.5 billion to states that http://www.abanet.org/media/jjqa.html | |
77. Juvenile Crime - High School Debate Topic, 1996 Resolved That the Federal government should establish a program to substantially reduce juvenile crime in the United States. General Sources. http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/debate96.html | |
78. Juvenile Fact Sheet was 10 years old at the time of his crime. 224 death sentences have been imposed upon juvenile offenders Only three states account for exactly half of the death http://www.ncadp.org/html/juvenile_fact_sheet.html | |
79. Juvenile Crime--Outlook For California national average. There are several reasons for this difference, including how different states count juvenile crime. For example http://www.lao.ca.gov/1995/050195_juv_crime/kkpart2.html | |
80. Power Reporting data on juvenile crime, recommends other appropriate sources for juvenile crime data, and provides comparisons between states responses to juvenile crime. http://powerreporting.com/category/Beat_by_beat/Crime_courts_law | |
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