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1. KYVL: Ky Stats: Crime Kentucky stats. Your browser does not support script The Contours of crime. This report discusses trends in crime where states rank in incarceration rates, prison spending, education http://www.kyvl.org/html/gia/sacrime.shtml | |
2. Online NewsHour: Crime Report: May 8, 2000 we have been doubling and trebling steadily the incarceration controls in the United States since the middle of learned from bringing down the crime stats that we can apply to http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/law/jan-june00/crime_5-08.html | |
3. Poynter Online - Web Tips QuickLink A12005. Online crime stats Better Than Sourcebooks stories on subjects like marijuana, rape and youth incarceration. And the section on "public attitudes toward crime and http://www.poynter.org/column.asp?id=32&aid=12005 |
4. Drugstory | Drug Stats | Crime Stats and disseminates information on crime, criminal offenders, victims of crime, andthe Also includes data on incarceration rates for the States and rankings http://www.drugstory.org/drug_stats/crime_statistics.asp | |
5. Salt Of The Earth: Stat HouseÂNovember 2000 incarceration and crime, 199198Âcrime rates declined nationally during this period,but the states that increased their use of incarceration greater than http://salt.claretianpubs.org/stats/2000/11/sh0011.html | |
6. Sheriff's Office | Media Information | SHERIFF O'FLYNN UNVEILS LOCAL CRIME STATS SHERIFF O'FLYNN UNVEILS LOCAL crime stats, SERIOUS OFFENSES DIP 4 a day, seven days a week, and provides automated telephone notification of an inmate's release from incarceration. http://www.monroecountysheriff.info/news/media/media_sheriff_unveils_local_crime | |
7. Crime Drug Rate for drug offenders in 27 Between 1972 to 1996, crime rates fluctuated but the incarceration rate quadrupled Uniform crime Rate stats and Campus crime Rate crime stats 1999 Arrests http://www.stungunresources.com/crime_drug_rate.html | |
8. Poynter Online - Online Crime Stats Better Than Sourcebooks comparision figures when doing local stories on subjects like marijuana, rape andyouth incarceration. The FBI s annual crime in the United States is a http://www.poynter.org/content/content_view.asp?id=12005 |
9. Crime Rate Uniform crime Rate stats and Campus crime Rate. crime stats. Reported FTE Stu/Emp crime Rate Murder Politics index consequence of America's high incarceration rate is a high prison http://www.stungunresources.com/crime_rate.html | |
10. Black Crime Here's the crimestats and other data about your inferior race. Based on current rates of first incarceration, an estimated 28% of black http://christianparty.net/blackcrime.htm | |
11. Frontline: Juvenile Justice: Stats: Does Treating Kids Like Adults Make A Differ However, all juveniles sentenced to incarceration received nearly on the level ofjuvenile crime in Idaho offenses with those in neighboring states Montana and http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/juvenile/stats/kidslikeadults.html | |
12. Stats on crime and incarceration rates among Western Nations. Also included are what votingrights are allowed to felons and exfelons in the United States (you may http://www.patrickcrusade.org/stats.htm | |
13. SSRN-Reciprocal Effects Of Crime And Incarceration In New York City Neighborhood Paper stats Abstract Views 355 Downloads 129 Download Rank 10982, ReciprocalEffects of crime and incarceration in New York City Neighborhoods, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=392120 |
14. SSRN-The Effect Of Education On Crime: Evidence From Prison Inmates, Arrests, An Paper stats Abstract Views 322 Downloads 22, The Effect of Education on CrimeEvidence from of high school graduation on incarceration using Census data http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=291280 |
16. Arizona Crime Rate 79 Page 4. Arizona crime Trends A System Review 2 incarceration RATE TREND, NewWeb site lists college crime stats Wednesday November 29, http://www.stungunresources.com/arizona_crime_rate.html | |
17. Criminal Justice Resources : Sentencing TIS portion of the Federal Violent Offender incarceration/Truth in of how the federalwar on crime is going? has the government s most extensive stats on who s http://www.lib.msu.edu/harris23/crimjust/sentence.htm | |
18. Prison Stats Prison stats. The average age of an inmate is about 35, and incarceration costsroughly who slip through the cracks at school age and get sucked into crime. http://www.bermuda.org.uk/prison.htm | |
19. STATS it shows that the American incarceration experiment has methods that have been provento cut crime. at the Statistical Assessment Service (stats), a nonprofit http://www.stats.org/record.jsp?type=oped&ID=52 |
20. STATS is now more dangerous than the US in every major crime except murder (and eventhere the gap is narrowing). But where the rate of incarceration has been http://www.stats.org/record.jsp?type=news&ID=54 |
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