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61. Hate Crime - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Seven states have no hate crime laws, twenty states have hate crime laws that donot protect sexual orientation, and twentyfour states have hate crime laws http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_crime | |
62. Hate Crime Enforcement Only about 39 states have enacted laws against hate crime violence and intimidation,and most of these followed the ADL s model statute on intimidation laws. http://faculty.ncwc.edu/toconnor/soc/355lect05.htm | |
64. College And University Campus Crime Statistics Parents Students Victims Schools Lawyers Reporters crime stats Congress About SOC Site Map Home © copyright 2004 Security On Campus, Inc. http://www.securityoncampus.org/crimestats/ | |
65. Hate Crime Legislation The ADL reports (as of 2001SEP-21) that Seven states have no hate crime law (Arkansas,Hawaii, Indiana, Kansas, New Mexico, South Carolina, and Wyoming) 12. http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_hat3.htm | |
66. Resources For Responding To Hate Crimes JRSA provides a clearinghouse of information on criminal justice issues and projectsbeing carried out in the states, including hate crimes; training in the http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/help/hbcfts.htm | |
67. NCADI: CSAP Resource Guide: Violence In Schools The writers dispute the claim that the United States is undergoing a hatecrime epidemic, and try to isolate the prevalence of hate crimes. http://www.health.org/govpubs/ms716/ | |
68. Hate Crimes Legislation In addition, 42 states have hate crimes laws in effect, 21 of which includelegislation against acts of violence based on sexual orientation. http://racerelations.about.com/library/weekly/aa042500a.htm | |
69. Behind CAIR's Hate Crimes Report in the United States 2004. Newspapers (the Washington Post in particular) dutifullygave prominent play to CAIR s claim that hate crimes against Muslims http://www.weeklystandard.com/Check.asp?idArticle=4054&r=aycfi |
70. IACP - Publications - Publications The United States Department of Justice/United States Attorney hate crime TaskForce Initiative can serve as a model and a vehicle for coordinated efforts. http://www.theiacp.org/documents/index.cfm?fuseaction=document&document_id=160 |
71. ADL - The Page You're Looking For Has Moved Has Moved data, released in March, 1994, documented 7,442 hate crime incidents reported frommore than twice as many agencies, 6,181 representing 42 states and the http://www.adl.org/issue_government/hate_crime_statistics_act.html | |
72. Map Of State Statutes 4. Some other states have regulations mandating such enhancement limited to the crimeof aggravated Utah Statute ties penalties for hate crimes to violations http://www.adl.org/99hatecrime/provisions.asp | |
73. Hate Crimes gay men and lesbians in the United States and the need to do something about it.Beyond documenting the extent of the assaults, hate crimes explores their http://psychology.ucdavis.edu/rainbow/html/hate_crimes_book.html | |
74. NGLTF - State + Local Organizing - Understanding Key Elements Of Hate Crimes Leg of the next higher penalty classification than the penalty classification prescribedfor the criminal offense. Other states will punish a hate crime by using http://www.thetaskforce.org/statelocal/hatecrimes.htm | |
75. Publications - Criminal Justice Statistics Center - California Dept. Of Justice to support the expansion of the definition of hate crime to include to 1998 and comparesthese data against crime data for the United States less California http://caag.state.ca.us/cjsc/pubs.htm | |
76. Campus Crime Statistics: Bucknell Public Safety NonCampus Buildings or Property. Public Property. hate-crime Information. Total. Non-CampusBuildings or Property. Public Property. hate-crime Information. Total. http://www.bucknell.edu/PublicSafety/crimestats.shtm | |
77. The National Center For Victims Of Crime - Library/Document Viewer Community, State and National Responses. Fortysix states and the Districtof Columbia have enacted statues known commonly as Âhate crime laws. http://www.ncvc.org/ncvc/main.aspx?dbName=DocumentViewer&DocumentID=32356 |
78. State Action - Issues : Hate Crime Prevention - Overview States need to enact hate crime statutes if they do not already have them, oramend existing statutes to offer better protection to their residents. http://www.cfpa.org/issues/hatecrimes/index.cfm | |
79. Terrorism: Q & A | Hate Crimes Are there special laws covering hate crimes? Laws in 45 states set additionalpenalties for crimes motivated by bias. (The underlying http://cfrterrorism.org/policy/hatecrimes.html | |
80. David Duke's Official Website The Âhate crimes Statistics Act requires states to determine if crimescommitted under their jurisdiction were motivated by prejudice. http://www.davidduke.com/hatecrimes/hatecrimelawsexplained.shtml | |
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