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41. Civilrights.org FBI Report Shows Decrease In Hate Crimes The five states with the highest numbers of hate crime were California (1,648 incidents,22.1 percent of total reported incidents), New York (693, 9.3 percent http://www.civilrights.org/issues/hate/details.cfm?id=17044 |
42. Hate Crimes Violent crime has been declining throughout the United States in recent years,yet hate crimes against LGBT people continue to rise. hate crimes States. http://www.prideatwork.org/hcpa.html | |
43. Concerned Women For America - "Hate Crimes Laws: An Assault On Equal Protection report reads In 1998, a total of 10,730 law enforcement agencies in 46 statesand the District of Columbia participated in the hate crime Data Collection http://www.cwfa.org/articledisplay.asp?id=2575&department=CFI&categoryid=papers |
44. Society, Issues, Race-Ethnic-Religious Relations, Hate: Hate Crimes hate crimes The State Laws Overview of hate crime legislation inthe various United States compiled by MSNBC News. Homophobic http://www.combose.com/Society/Issues/Race-Ethnic-Religious_Relations/Hate/Hate_ | |
45. HUMAN EVENTS ONLINE :: FLASHBACK: An Unwise Hate Crimes Bill By Chris Field a hate crime. Nearly all violent crimes are prosecuted at the state and local levels.This is done for good reason the federal government, unlike states and http://www.humaneventsonline.com/article.php?id=3834 |
46. Houston Police Online -- Hate Crimes Program hate crimes are traditionally underreported. Over 20 states and theDistrict of Columbia have enacted hate crime legislation. hate http://www.ci.houston.tx.us/department/police/hate_crime2.htm | |
47. Hate Crimes, Fargo Police Department Those states that have hate crime statutes generally create sentenceenhancements for hate crimes, rather than a new category of crime. http://www.ci.fargo.nd.us/Police/NewWebSite/CrimePrevention/hatecrimes.htm | |
48. Hate Crimes - College Library Undergraduate Research Guide Sample keyword searches hate crimes hate crimes and united states hate crimes and case studies hate crimes and history http and hate crime? (to http://college.library.wisc.edu/resources/subject_guides/hatecrime.htm | |
49. Hate Crimes In other states the hate crime statute is a penalty enhancement. This means thatif an existing crime is committed and it is motivated by bias, the penalty http://www.violence.neu.edu/publication4.html | |
50. The Hate Crimes Prevention Act Of 1999 took place in states that have the most drastic legal sanction available underthe lawthe death penalty. The notion that any federal hate crime law could http://www.cato.org/testimony/ct-tl051199.html | |
51. Hate Crimes are some states that have hate crimes legislation and others that do not encourageshate crime victims and perpetrators to travel between states, and this in http://www.asuc.org/hatecrimes/legislation.php | |
52. Stats and arrests to the FBI In most states a department of are many data fields on eachincident of crime. hate crime In Iowa, the Department was preparing to move http://www.state.ia.us/government/dps/asd/stats.htm | |
53. Clinton Urges Expansion Of Hate Crime Law - April 6, 1999 More than 40 states have hate crimes laws but only 21 cover sexualorientation, 22 cover gender and 21 cover disability. Clinton http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/stories/1999/04/06/hate.crimes/ | |
54. Data Lounge: Good & Bad News In New Hate Crime Stats Good Bad News in New hate crime stats Friday, April 13th 2001 Source GayHealth.com,Overview of this issue. RE Good Bad News in New hate crime stats. http://www.datalounge.com/datalounge/news/record.html?record=14260 |
55. Federal Bureau Of Investigation - Uniform Crime Reports produced from data provided by nearly 17,000 law enforcement agencies across theUnited States. Other annual publications, such as hate crime Statistics and http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/ucr.htm | |
56. HateCrime.org Home Page The Web's comprehensive hate crime Web site with free gay rights email newsletter and information on bias attacks against gays lesians bisexuals transgender blacks people of color women and other http://www.hatecrime.org/ | |
57. Hate Crimes In the online magazine Slate, Eve Gerber writes, The definition of a hate crimevaries. Twenty-one states include mental and physical disability in their http://www.infoplease.com/spot/hatecrimes.html | |
58. Hate Crime, Bias Motivated Crime, Hate Speech And Hate Prejudice (statistics On Free information (no ads) from the StopViolence Education Project, featuring policy analysis, critical perspectives, best practices and statistics. complete navigation options. hate crime, Bias http://www.stopviolence.com/hate.htm | |
59. Hate Crimes Research Network Producing and Enforcing the Geography of HateRace, Housing Segregation, and HousingRelatedhate crimes in the United States, Jeff Crump AfterwordFinding and http://www.hatecrime.net/ | |
60. Related Links On Hate Crime Prevention hate crime Prevention Related Links. The following links provide several resources and information related to hate crime prevention on college campuses as well as organizations working to combat hate http://www.stophate.org/stophate/relatedlinks.html | |
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