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1. FrontPage Magazine.com :: 'Hate Crime' Statistics Lie By NewsMax.com Email Article ' hate crime' Statistics Lie. By NewsMax.com According to the watereddown stats quoted, white 'hate crimes perps' only outnumber black ones 3-1 http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=4809 |
2. HateCrime.org Home Page MORE. hate crimes Statistics 2000 hate crime stats. MORE - More 2000 hatecrime stats. MORE - 1998 hate crime stats. MORE - FBI hate crime stats. http://hatecrime.org/ | |
3. Hate Crimes Project: Women's Studies 210 hate crimes Fact Sheetgay/lesbian stats. Community united against violence organization based in San Francisco do after a hate crime has been comitted. hate crimes Fact Sheet http://www.cc.colorado.edu/Dept/WS/WS210Duncombe/hatecrimes.html | |
4. Family.org - CitizenLink - FNIF News - Hate Crimes Down, FBI Says New FBI statistics show a significant drop in those offenses categorized as hate crimes. a change in crime stats. " We're not seeing the issue of hate crimes brought up in focusing on the issue of hate crimes so much, and we need http://www.family.org/cforum/fnif/news/a0028853.cfm | |
5. The Chronicle: Crime On College Campuses by 5% (5/8/1998) Some Colleges Use Undercover Stings to Stop Drug Sales (5/8/1998)Most Colleges Appear Unaware of Requirement That They Track hate crimes (5/8 http://chronicle.com/stats/crime/ | |
6. M I C H I G A N Â C R I M E Â V I C T I M S Â W E B S I T E - S E R V I C E S hate crimes IN MICHIGAN. The federal government now requires statesto monitor hate crimes. The following figures were reported on http://www.mivictims.org/services/stats/hate/ | |
7. GP Guide -- Hate Crimes 1. hate crime stats Show that Race is the Key. Race steadily topsthe list of motivation for bias crimes. The National Law Journal http://www.wiu.edu/library/govpubs/guides/hatecrme.htm | |
8. Clarkson University - Campus Safety - Crime Stats manifest evidence of prejudice based on race, religion, sexual orientation, gender,disability or ethnicity and can be classified as hate crimes as prescribed http://www.clarkson.edu/safety/stats.html | |
9. SFPD: Special Investigations Div: Hate Crimes Stats 2003 Special Investigations Div hate crimes stats 2003 hate crime stats. September2003, Catagory. Total. Disability, 0. Ethnicity/National Origin. http://www.ci.sf.ca.us/site/police_index.asp?id=23381 |
10. SFPD: Special Investigations Div: Hate Crimes Stats 2004 Special Investigations Div hate crimes stats 2004 hate crime stats. January 2004,Catagory. Total. Disability, 0. Ethnicity/National Origin. AntiHispanic 2. 2. http://www.ci.sf.ca.us/site/police_index.asp?id=24209 |
11. Texas Southern University  > About TSU  > Campus Police & Safety  > TSU Crime The Act was once again amended in 1998 to include hate crimes and public of Police(IACP) envisioned the need for statistics on crime in United States. http://www.tsu.edu/about/police/stats/index.asp | |
12. Bay Windows - New England's Largest Gay And Lesbian Newspaper. most law enforcement agencies are diligent about reporting hate crimes, Gortoncontended, and gather considerably more details than many other states. http://www.baywindows.com/news/2001/02/22/LocalNews/State.And.Federal.Bias.Crime | |
13. RUPD Annual Crime Stats crime stats. University Police Reports, 1994. 1995. Liquor Law Violations, 0, 4, 1,27 b. Drug Abuse Violations, 0, 2, 3 c, 6. Weapons Possession, 0, 1, 0, 2. hate crimes,0, 0, 0, 0. http://rupd.rice.edu/stats.html | |
14. Public Safety: Campus Crime Stats 0. Negligent Manslaughter. 0. 0. 0. hate crimes. 0, 0, 0. Non Campus Buildings. 1999.2000. 2001. 0. Negligent Manslaughter. 0. 0. 0. hate crimes. 0, 0, 0. Public Property.1999. 2000. http://www.tri-c.edu/publicsafety/docs/Metropolitan Crime Stats.htm | |
15. DenverPost.com - Cindy RodrÃguez the most recent year the FBI stats are available But here s a crime stat that youwon t are disproportionately attacked by whites during hate crimes, in which http://www.denverpost.com/Stories/0,1413,36~28388~2093169,00.html | |
16. UCPD Berkeley - Clery Act Publication: Safety Counts: Crime Statistics or perceived race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or disability(hate crimes). Download the crime stats Geographical Area Map (Acrobat PDF). http://public-safety.berkeley.edu/csp/scstats.html | |
17. Crime Statistics Larceny*, 466. 532. 474. 652. 523. hate crimes, 0. 0. 3. 1. 0. Arson, 2. 0.4. 2. 1. crime stats in reference to Campus Security Act 1990. Offense, 1999.2000. 2001. 2002. http://www.ncsu.edu/public_safety/campus_safety/stats.htm | |
18. LAHRC Stats SUMMARY OF 1998 hate crime REPORT The Commission received reports of 769 hate crimesthat occurred in 1998, a 6.2% decrease from 1997. IV. RACIAL hate crimeS. http://www.cahro.org/html/lahrc_stats.html | |
19. Crimes a violation of law has occurred. **hate crime hate crimes are crimes that manifestevidence that the victim was intentionally selected because of the. http://www.millikin.edu/Security/crime stats-2002.htm | |
20. Crimes a violation of law has occurred. **hate crime hate crimes are crimes that manifestevidence that the victim was intentionally selected because of the, http://www.millikin.edu/Security/crime stats 2000.htm | |
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