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41. Clery Reveals Increases In Crime Stats/UC Davis Dateline/09-27-02 Clery reveals increases in crime stats. policies and the 2001 statistics for specified crimes at UC Drugrelated arrests increased from 42 in 2000 to 117 last http://www-dateline.ucdavis.edu/092702/dl_crime.html | |
42. Baynews9.com - News : Brooksville Crime Stats Alarming To Some Brooksville Police Chief Ed Tincher helps compile the stats. a tremendous help when it comes to crime watch in a dent in the number of juvenile arrests in the http://www.baynews9.com/content/36/2004/5/16/42364.html | |
43. City Of Memphis - Police Crime Stats The UCR is not released by the FBI until October of each year for the preceding year s stats. Larceny. Auto Theft. Crimes, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000. 2000 arrests. http://www.cityofmemphis.org/navigate.asp?sec=publicsafety&opt=mpd_crimestats |
44. Campus Police - Crime Stats Police Department, District policy and crime and crime prevention. Please contact the Campus Police Department for a copy. Offenses Reported/arrests Made for http://www.cerritos.edu/police/cp-table.htm | |
45. Crime Stats Released crime stats released. which helps conduct surveillance and investigations of highcrime parking areas. Alcohol arrests have dropped from 69 in 1996 to 30 in 1998 http://www.siue.edu/ALESTLE/library/fall99/oct.05/crime.html | |
46. Metro Transit Police Department 48. Total. 87. 225. 104. 253. Part I crime by location. Bus. 7. 19. 5. 17. Rail. 286. 729. 268. 752. Enforcement efforts. arrests. 132. 367. 135. 380. Citations/summonses issued. 475. http://www.wmata.com/about/mtpd_crime_ytd.cfm |
47. FBI Crime Stats Explained,By Doug McVay, Editor Of Drug War Facts FBI crime stats explained. in the Index offenses; they only track violent and property crimes. a section in which it details data on all arrests, including drug http://www.november.org/razorwire/rzold/27/page30.html | |
48. John Brown University - Crime Stats arrests. All colleges and universities in the United States who receive any type of and employees their campus security policies and campus crime statistics. http://www.jbu.edu/campus_life/safety/crime/index.asp | |
49. Schaumburg, IL USA : Yearly Crime Stats Yearly crime stats 2003. Of the total incidents, 9,144 were crime related while 48,096 were service related. Schaumburg Police effected 2,921 arrests. http://www.ci.schaumburg.il.us/vos.nsf/schaumburg/DLDD-5WFMY9 | |
50. 2002 Crime Stats 9. Theft, 55, 57, 63, 57, 66, 92, 97, 89, 98, 107, 97, 88, 781. Drug crime arrests. Month. Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, Total. http://www.lincolnnet.net/users/lr1065k/TPPD/pages/02stats.htm | |
51. The Flat Hat - News crime stats released By Rob Margetta Flat Hat Managing Editor that that s not as serious a crime as robbery be added concerning whether the arrests were made http://flathat.wm.edu/October062000/newsstory10.html | |
52. Crime Stats crime stats. substance abuse as part of the University s comprehensive crime prevention efforts. full law enforcement authority and can make arrests and conduct http://www.longwood.edu/judicial/crimestats.htm |
53. UMD Hate Crime Stats disability or ethnicity and can be classified as Hate Crimes as prescribed by the Hate Crimes Statistics Act (28 Criminal Offenses Hate Offenses arrests. http://www.d.umn.edu/police/hatestats.htm | |
54. City Of Caldwell: Crime Stats methods of operation of individual criminals, providing crime pattern recognition, and providing analyses of data from field interrogations and arrests. http://city.cityofcaldwell.com/index.v3page?p=32392 |
55. Crime Stats For University Of Houston - Clear Lake definition of Public Property, UHCL crime stats have been corrected as of 4/21/2003 to reflect proper reporting. These incidents/arrests occurred on property http://prd1.prtl.uhcl.edu:7777/pls/portal/docs/page/pol/police_images/stats.html | |
56. Stats the primary means of collecting crime and arrest establish greater compliance in reporting by more states. territories now submit offenses and arrests to the http://www.state.ia.us/government/dps/asd/stats.htm | |
57. 2002 Crime Stats Released That effort translates to more officers on the streets, particularly in high crime areas, reduced response times and more arrests, Turner said. http://www.police.nashville.org/news/media/2003/january/01312003.htm | |
58. Western Carolina University Police ItÂs better than getting charged. 36. TOTAL. 137. crime REPORTS AND SELECTED arrests STATISTICS. ACTION DESCRIPTION AND COMMENTS. CENSUS. http://police.wcu.edu/stats.htm | |
59. News: University Crime Stats Announced University crime stats announced. In the same way crime often increases Drug violation arrests increased to 18 in 1999 from four in 1997, but compared to the http://orion.csuchico.edu/Pages/Vol44issue4/news/n.4.crimestats.html | |
60. Crime Stats The Sheriff s Department Reserves logged the following activity  arrests, 97.  Warnings, 175. 1998 crime stats. © 1997 detective@ctlnet.com. http://www.geocities.com/pentagon/7155/crimestats.html | |
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