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1. Drugstory | Drug Stats | Crime Stats crime in the United States, 2000 (October 2001) See Section IV Persons Arrested. Tracks the number of arrests made in the United States, including those http://www.drugstory.org/drug_stats/crime_statistics.asp | |
2. Platte County Crime Stats Platte County crime Statistics, Year 2002. Violent crime arrests. Murder/Nonneg Manslaughter, 0, Robbery, 0, Aggravated Assault, 13, Total Violent crime arrests, 13. http://www.uwyo.edu/wysac/content/stats/PlatteStats.asp | |
3. Goshen County Crime Stats Goshen County crime Statistics, Year 2002. Violent crime arrests. Murder/Nonneg Manslaughter, 1, Robbery, 0, Aggravated Assault, 18, Total Violent crime arrests, 21. http://www.uwyo.edu/wysac/content/stats/GoshenStats.asp | |
4. The Truth About Pensacola And Escambia County Crime Stats The Truth About Pensacola City. and Escambia County crime stats. By Dale C. Crow. See the bottom of the page for the Jan/June 1997 stats. 1995 vs 1996 I asked him if he could look up the total drug arrests for 96 and he did http://www.godnet.org/crime.htm | |
5. Crime Statistics, City Of Peoria, IL Items of Interest Career Opportunities crime stats Contact Us HomeWelcome Message Divisions crime by District 2004. Juvenile arrests by District 2004. crime and Statistics http://www.peoriapd.com/crimstat.htm | |
6. Geostat Center: Collections: Uniform Crime Reports County Data to differences in the completeness of the reporting of arrests and crimes and Statistical Data Center http//fisher.lib.virginia.edu/collections/stats/crime/. http://fisher.lib.virginia.edu/collections/stats/crime/ | |
7. Geostat Center: Uniform Crime Reports: Adult Arrests 1990 - 1993 Show ONLY Counties in These States (Chose from the pick list 1 AFFECTED) GRAND TOTAL (TOTAL NUMBER OF arrests) PART 1-TOTAL (INDEX CRIMES- MURDER THROUGH http://fisher.lib.virginia.edu/collections/stats/crime/adults.html | |
8. RUPD Annual Crime Stats crime stats. University Police Reports. 1994. 1995. 1996. 1997. Murder. 0. 0. 0. 0. Rape. Forcible. Non forcible. 2. 0. 2. 0. 1. 0. 2 a. 0. Robbery. 9 d. 0. 1. 1. Aggravated Assault. 8. 5. 3. 7. Burglary. 27. 14. 6. 6. Motor Vehicle Theft. 10. 11. 4. 11. arrests For http://www.rupd.rice.edu/Stats.html | |
9. Crime Stats - Bethel College & Seminary crime stats. stats updated on 10/01/03. Select crime Statistics Annual Year. Incest, 0, 0, 0, 0. Statutory Rape, 0, 0, 0, 0. Larceny **, 38, 7, 0, 45. Liquor Law arrests, 0, 0, 0, 0. http://www.bethel.edu/campus-security/crimestats.html | |
10. C-U Crime Stats CHAMPAIGN / URBANA, ILLINOIS. crime STATISTICS. January to June, 1997, Compared to 1998 25. 62. Serious crime arrests. 393. 459. TOTAL arrests Juvenile. 59. 70. Serious crime arrests. 218. 232 http://www.hughesre.com/cucrime.htm | |
11. Crime Stats - Bethel College & Seminary crime stats. stats updated on 10/01/03. Select crime Statistics Annual Year. Incest, 0, 0, 0, 0. Statutory Rape, 0, 0, 0, 0. Larceny **, 47, 0, 0, 47. Liquor Law arrests, 0, 0, 0, 0. http://www.bethel.edu/campus-security/crimestats.html?year=2000 |
12. RUPD Annual Crime Stats Both arrests were not university affiliated. This arrest was not university affiliated. Click here for Rice Weekly crime stats. Last http://rupd.rice.edu/stats.html | |
13. Crime Statistics, City Of Peoria, IL 1994 2003 Hate crime Report 1998 - August 2003 (A pdf file) DUI arrests, Citations Issued, and Accident/Crash Data 1994 - 2002 Police crimes stats for 2002 vs http://www.peoriapd.com/crimestat.htm | |
14. Clarkson University - Campus Safety - Crime Stats religion, sexual orientation, gender, disability or ethnicity and can be classified as Hate Crimes as prescribed by the Hate Crimes Statistics Act Top. arrests. http://www.clarkson.edu/safety/stats.html | |
15. Casino Watch-MGC Crime Stats crime arrests AT CASINOS. This list does gambling winnings. MISSOURI GAMING COMMISSION crime arrests AT CASINOS as of 9/30/02. we http://www.casinowatch.org/crime/arrests_at_casinos.html | |
16. Crime Stats Information above reflects only those crimes reported to the Tiffin Police Department. This information includes both alcohol arrests and DUI arrests. http://www.tiffinohio.com/tiffinpd/crime.htm | |
17. Times Leader | 05/16/2004 | School Crime Stats Bone Of Contention 16, 2004. School crime stats bone of contention. According to state figures, the high school had three arrests during the 19992000 school year. http://www.sanluisobispo.com/mld/timesleader/8640758.htm | |
18. York College crime stats 2002 TOTALS, 174, 113, 0, 0, 0, 0. arrests, All OnCampus Areas, Residence Halls, Non-Campus Buildings, Public Property, Boundary Avenue Facility, Hanover. http://www.ycp.edu/security/867.htm | |
19. UMB:University Police crime stats. the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus crime Statistics Act and shown together as BA/VA except for 2001 and 2002 arrests. http://www.umaryland.edu/police/crimestats.html | |
20. Rockford Register Star - Rockford's Newspaper And Website - Local & State News LOCAL NEWS South Beloit S. Beloit crime stats released The numbers show Â03 arrests are up dramatically from Â02, but the cityÂs police chief attributes http://www.rrstar.com/localnews/your_community/roscoerockton/20040310-16407.shtm | |
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