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141. Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Public information, community awareness programs, most wanted list and crime prevention guides provided by the county law enforcement guardians. http://la-sheriff.org/ | |
142. The City Of Batavia - Police Includes information on departments, programs, and history as well as crime prevention tips. http://www.batavianewyork.com/police/ | |
143. Police - Programs driving safety, gang identification and intervention programs, domestic and workplace violence presentations. Please contact the crime prevention Unit for more http://www.sugarlandtx.gov/content/Police_-_Programs.htm | |
144. Family Service Offerings include professional counseling, children's emergency inhome services, juvenile crime prevention, child care providers, community education, domestic abuse programs, neighborhood and senior services. http://www.familyservicemidlands.org/ | |
145. Macalester-Groveland Community Council The grassroots voice of Citizen Participation District 14. Offers crime prevention, environmental, and youth programs. Deals with land use, zoning, transportation, public safety and community issues. http://www.macgrove.org/ |
146. City Of Chicago Webportal crime prevention and reporting partnership between the city's police and the community. Includes information on how program works, beat meetings, tips, success stories, free training programs, and contacts. http://www.ci.chi.il.us/CommunityPolicing/AboutCAPS/CAPS.html | |
147. Strategy: Make Schools Safe From Bullying (1). The demand for bullying prevention programs has increased as parents, school administrators, and crime prevention specialists increasingly recognize the http://www.ncpc.org/ncpc/ncpc/?pg=2088-12360 |
148. Crime Prevention Program crime prevention PROGRAM. Our crime prevention Requests for crime prevention assistance or programs may be directed to Sr. Sgt. Pierce at dpierce http://www.ci.round-rock.tx.us/police/crimprev.htm | |
149. Greater Sudbury Police Service crime prevention / programs. Hydro / Transit / Municipal Watch The personality of a municipality and its neighbourhood communities http://www.police.sudbury.on.ca/crimeprevention/programs.php | |
150. Crime Prevention crime prevention PROGRAM. MISSION STATEMENT. The crime prevention Officer is responsible for developing crime prevention and public awareness programs. http://www.co.shenandoah.va.us/sheriff/crime_prevention.htm | |
151. Weprevent.org weprevent.org The National crime prevention Council partnered with the crime prevention Coalition of America, U.S. Department of Justice, and the Ad Council have developed a site for parents, http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.weprevent.org/&y=0241AD1F1D0CCC9 |
152. Juvenile Crime Prevention Program Evaluation Juvenile crime prevention Program Evaluation. This Page Provides Information and Forms for Juvenile crime prevention Program Evaluation. http://www.ocjc.state.or.us/JCP/JCPEvaluation.htm | |
153. Juvenile Crime Prevention Juvenile crime prevention Advisory Committee. The Criminal Justice Commission s largest program involves juvenile crime prevention. http://www.ocjc.state.or.us/JCP/JCP.htm | |
154. TCC -- Teens, Crime And The Community TCC is a joint program of the National crime prevention Council and Street Law, Inc., with substantial funding from OJJDP, OJP, USDOJ. http://www.nationaltcc.org/tcc/ | |
155. Economic Crime Prevention Program Contact number for Economic crime prevention Program is (720) 9139015. The Colorado Attorney General s Office is a partner in the efforts to prevent crime. http://www.denverda.org/html_website/denver_da/economic_crime_prevention2.html | |
156. Economic Crime Prevention Program crime prevention. Economic crime prevention Program. Contact number for Economic crime prevention Program is (720) 9139015. ©2001 Denver District Attorney. http://www.denverda.org/html_website/denver_da/economic_crime_prevention.html | |
157. USADOJO.COM: BREAKTHROUGH Crime Prevention Program BREAKTHROUGH is a drug, alcohol, gang, violence, and crime prevention program which builds self esteem and educates high risk youth and adults about life http://www.usadojo.com/breakthrough.htm | |
158. Crime Prevention Program crime prevention Program. Neighborhood Community Services Department. http://www.kcmo.org/neigh.nsf/web/crime?opendocument |
159. Page Not Found crime prevention Division Metro Nashville Police. TOPICAL LINKS. The BSA crime prevention Program. Involving Youth in crime prevention. Your Safety Tips. http://www.meritbadge.com/bsa/mb/131.htm | |
160. |Police Crime Prevention Program crime prevention Program Abstract Presentations Home Safety Personal Safety Senior Safety Burglary prevention Robbery prevention Rape/Date Rape Retail Theft http://www.cityofreadingpa.com/police/cwp/view.asp?a=3&Q=603564&policeNav= |
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