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61. SCADPlus: Organised Crime: Crime Prevention In The European Union A list of priority actions should be drawn up, with a view to the fact that crimeprevention is a new Union policy. As regards general crime, priorities were http://europa.eu.int/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/l33134.htm | |
62. Community Programs - Ministry Of Public Safety And Solicitor of Public Safety and Solicitor general recognizes individuals, groups and programsthat have made outstanding contributions to crime prevention and community http://www.pssg.gov.bc.ca/community_programs/ |
63. General Crime Prevention And Safety [Local Government Crime Prevention] general crime prevention and safety. crime prevention a shared responsibilitycrime prevention Unit, Attorney-general s Department, South Australia; http://www.aic.gov.au/research/localgovt/safety.html | |
64. Safe Design [Local Government Crime Prevention] See also general crime prevention and safety. Public safety Nationalcrime prevention, Commonwealth Attorneygeneral s Department; http://www.aic.gov.au/research/localgovt/design.html | |
65. 1994/16. Strengthening The United Nations Crime Prevention And Criminal Justice 1. Reaffirms the priority attached to the United Nations crime prevention and criminaljustice programme, in accordance with general Assembly resolutions 46 http://www.un.org/documents/ecosoc/res/1994/eres1994-16.htm | |
66. General Crime Prevention Tips general crime prevention TIPS. Three factors must be present fora crime to occur desire, ability and opportunity. YOU can have http://www.sacpd.org/gentips.html | |
67. SPD > Crime Prevention Materials general Information about the Seattle Police Department http://www.cityofseattle.net/Police/Publications/Prevention/default.htm | |
68. Webster University: Crime Prevention etc.) is available to provide, distribute and participate in discussion groupsto address topics such as crime/fire prevention, general or specific safety http://www.webster.edu/admin/pubsafety/crime.html | |
69. General Services general Services. crime prevention. If a criminal hazard, crime trendor potential threat is identified the department will make every http://www.umsl.edu/~asd/InstSfty/Police/Ponew2ma.htm | |
70. National Crime Prevention Programme - Fear Of Crime Last Modified Tuesday 04, February 2003 National crime prevention ProgrammeAttorneygeneral s Department Privacy Statement Copyright Disclaimer. http://www.crimeprevention.gov.au/www/ncpHome.nsf/0/5D6955CF39E9AABACA256B130009 |
71. National Crime Prevention Programme - About Us Last Modified Tuesday 27, January 2004 National crime prevention Programme Attorneygeneral sDepartment Privacy Statement Copyright Disclaimer. http://www.crimeprevention.gov.au/www/ncpHome.nsf/HeadingPagesDisplay/Overview?O |
72. Attorney General - Crime Prevention Tips crime prevention Tips from the National crime prevention Council.Home safety Make sure you have sturdy, metal or solid wood doors http://www.state.de.us/attgen/main_page/crimeprev.htm | |
73. Alberta Community Crime Prevention Association This Plan will be presented at the Annual general Meeting, in June 2004.Newsletter ACCPA is pleased to provide you its newsletter online. http://www.accpa.org/ | |
74. City Of San Mateo » Police Department National crime prevention Council; California Attorney generalÂscrime and Violence prevention Center (Child Safety) (Child Abuse); http://www.ci.sanmateo.ca.us/dept/police/prevention_websites.html | |
75. Message From The Assistant Attorney General - Crime Prevention - Our Shared Resp prevention partners, the National crime prevention Council, offers a in working toprevent crime and protect J. Daniels Assistant Attorney general Office of http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/aag/messages/crimeprev102003.htm | |
76. Literature Catalogue - General Crime Prevention Literature Home Literature catalogue general crime prevention literature. Literature Catalogue.general crime prevention Literature. Order literature online. http://www.west-midlands.police.uk/literature/crime_prevention.shtml | |
77. Crime, Emergency, And General Assistance/ Crime Prevention Tips crime, Emergency, and general Assistance. crime prevention Tips. Rape, armedrobbery, and battery are examples of crimes directed against individuals. http://www.adpc.purdue.edu/PhysFac/police/pages/assist/cr_tips.htm | |
78. Crime-Security-Safety-Lighting - Darksky.org (pdf); ProblemOriented Policing - Google Search. crime and crimeprevention - general Canadian crime prevention Center; crime Times http://www.darksky.org/links/crsesali.html | |
79. Gilbert Police - Crime Prevention crime prevention PROGRAMS crime prevention Your Town articles -.1. Automobile Theft Reduction Program. general information request. http://www.ci.gilbert.az.us/police/prevention/default.html |
80. Wise Owls - Heads Up BC - BC Crime Prevention Association Own Business general Public Fraud Awareness Publications Hot Tips Disclaimer Sponsors. BCCPA Home Page. British Columbia crime prevention Association 131 http://www.bccpa.org/headsup/awareness.html | |
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