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21. Crime Prevention - Subject Index - Alberta Solicitor General Contact Us Search. Government of Alberta. Location Alberta Government Home AlbertaSolicitor general Home Subject index crime prevention. Home. Ministry. http://www.solgen.gov.ab.ca/crime_prev/default.aspx | |
22. Neighbourhood Watch In The UK - Official Site Details of current crime prevention schemes. Information on how to set up a scheme. Includes general information regarding conferences, crime prevention advice and contact telephone numbers. http://www.neighbourhoodwatch.net/ |
23. Ringwood Police Department  Ringwood, New Jersey general information, mission statement, crime prevention, domestic violence, bicycle safety, DARE program and 911 information. http://www.ringwoodpd.com/ | |
24. SafeState - General Crime Prevention Printable Page Link general crime prevention The general crime preventionProgram encompasses a variety of crime prevention topics http://safestate.org/index.cfm?navid=115 |
25. Massachusetts Attorney General: Home Page Legal headlines, information on crime prevention and victim services, and press releases. http://www.ago.state.ma.us/ | |
26. "Crime Prevention - General ""Captain Crime Fighter""" crime prevention TIP REDUCING the ODDS. crime prevention - general" Captain crime Fighter" Ron Corbin, PhD - crime prevention hear the term crime prevention, one usually thinks of http://www.lvmpd.com/community/crmtip22.htm |
27. National Crime Prevention Programme - Homepage Back to Top Last Modified Tuesday 18, May 2004 National crime prevention ProgrammeAttorneygeneral s Department Privacy Statement Copyright Disclaimer. http://www.ag.gov.au/www/ncpHome.nsf/0/24D22FDEF10E0A83CA256B10001AAD96?OpenDocu |
28. Welcome To The Official Website Of The Chandler Arizona Police Department Information about agency organization, crime prevention tips, recruiting, numbers to call, and crime statistics as well as online report filing and department general orders. http://www.chandlerpd.com/ | |
29. "Crime Prevention - General ""Is There Really Such A Thing As 'True' crime prevention general" Is There Really Such a Thing as 'True' crime prevention?" http://www.lvmpd.com/community/crmtip25.htm |
30. Florida Attorney General - Crime Prevention News Releases. Citizen Safety Center. crime prevention. crime Victims Services.Sunshine Law. Attorney general Opinions. Civil Rights. Statewide Prosecutor. http://myfloridalegal.com/crime | |
31. Newport Police Department, Kentucky Includes general information, crime prevention, and upcoming events. http://www.newportkypd.org/ | |
32. Florida Attorney General - Crime Prevention Training Courses The Florida crime prevention Training Institute (FCPTI) was established in 1982in the Office of the Attorney general to provide crime prevention training to http://myfloridalegal.com/pages.nsf/0/bdf15890166ad56385256cca00570183?OpenDocum |
33. The Police At HCC - Front Door general information about the agency as well as crime prevention tips. This is an unofficial site. http://www.geocities.com/athens/forum/9472 | |
34. Sangamon County Sheriff's Office Covers special projects including DARE, KidPrint, and crime prevention, Safety, and pictures of the jail, as well as general information about the area. Also view the Most Wanted list, or the Criminal Sexual Offenders list. http://sheriff.co.sangamon.il.us/ | |
35. About The Crime Prevention Unit Copyright © crime prevention Unit, Attorneygeneral s Department 2003URL of this page http//www.cpu.sa.gov.au/cpu.htm Disclaimer. http://www.cpu.sa.gov.au/home.htm | |
36. Eufaula Police Department Includes crime prevention tips, D.A.R.E. information, answers to general traffic and criminal law, and current items of interest. http://www.angelfire.com/biz/EufaulaPolice/ | |
37. Prince William County - Residents / Crime Prevention / General Information Most Popular Pages in crime prevention general Information. March. 3-17-04 . Other Pages in crime prevention - general Information. http://www.co.prince-william.va.us/default.aspx?topic=01005200013 |
38. Prince William County - Residents / Crime Prevention / General Information Safety Connection Activities Prince William County Police Department.crime prevention Unit (703) 7927270. Safety Connection at http://www.co.prince-william.va.us/default.aspx?topic=010052000130002389 |
39. Welcome To The Braintree Divisional Neighbourhood Watch Info Site Includes crime details, alerts and warnings. Online social club for coordinators, advice on racial, homophobic, domestic violence issues and general crime prevention advice. http://www.infosite.org.uk/ | |
40. Child/Youth Crime Prevention - General Comments BEST PRACTICES. Child/Youth crime prevention. Child and adolescent crime preventionis a multifaceted and controversial subject. 1. Child/Youth crime prevention http://www.ccf.state.or.us/Mission/BestPrac/bestjc/mibestjc.html | |
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