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1. Crime Prevention General Information CRIME PREVENTION INFORMATION. Must Know Info . General Informationfor the University Community. KEYS. In 1988, the Kentucky State http://www.uky.edu/Police/CP General.htm | |
2. City Of Lenexa, Kansas - Crime Prevention General Safety Here are general tips for staying safe in a variety of situations,including walking, jogging, shopping, or riding elevators Stay http://www.ci.lenexa.ks.us/police/crimeprevention.html | |
3. LSP - Safety Information - General Tips On Crime Prevention General Tips on Crime Prevention. Prevent Theft You can make a thief sjob significantly more difficult by obeying these guidelines http://www.lsp.org/safety_tips10.html | |
4. Greater Manchester Police - Community Policing, Crime Prevention, Manchester Cri general. When I want to report an Incident or a crime, where does my call go to?If you ring either via 999 or the non emergency number of 0161 872 5050. http://www.gmp.police.uk/faqs/general.asp | |
5. ACJS Security And Crime Prevention Annoucements 400p.m.530p.m. Corrections General Business Meeting (Balboa). 400p.m.-530p.m.Security and crime prevention general Business Meeting (North Exhibit Hall A). http://www.wiu.edu/users/mfkac/acjs_scp/htmfiles/annoucements.htm | |
6. City Of Albuquerque, Police Department COMMUNITY crime prevention general Presentation Personal Safety, Sexual Assaultand Rape Prevention Fraud and ConGame Prevention Child Safety/Child Abuse http://www.cabq.gov/police/prevention/ |
7. Hawaii Attorney General - Crime Prevention & Justice Assistance crime prevention Justice Assistance Division Department of the Attorney General235 South Beretania Street, Suite 401 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 USA http://www.cpja.ag.state.hi.us/ | |
8. SafeState - Home Page California Attorney general s crime and Violence prevention Center has foundedSafestate.org, online resource providing information and helpful tips on http://safestate.org/ | |
9. Documents Commissions on crime prevention and Criminal Justice Vienna, October 227 2000) general Assembly documents (A/55/383 Add.1, Add.2, Add.3 http://www.uncjin.org/Documents/documents.html | |
10. Welcome To The Escondido Police Department Contains a brief biography of the Chief of Police, department history, general and contact information and crime statistics. Includes programs for youth, such as D.A.R.E. and a school violence hotline, crime prevention and safety tips, and recruitment information. http://WWW.CI.ESCONDIDO.CA.US/police/ | |
11. The McGruff Safe Kids Total Identification System Of Central Louisiana - Home Pa Offers an electronic/digital fingerprinting child identification program that features fingerprints and digital photographs to educate children and their families on crime prevention, general safety issues and child abduction. http://www.cenla.mcgruff-safe-kids.com | |
12. Hawaii Attorney General - CPJA: Community & Crime Prevention Info about the Hawaii State Attorney general s crime prevention programs, includingSafety Action Seminars and the MacGruff Take a Bite Out of crime program. http://www.cpja.ag.state.hi.us/ccp/index.shtml | |
13. Hawaii Attorney General - CPJA: Crime In Hawaii Contains Hawaii's Uniform crime Report, crime research and statistics, and more crime related information. http://www.cpja.ag.state.hi.us/rs/cih/ | |
14. Lawlink NSW: Crime Prevention Division The New South Wales Attorney generalÂs Department (Australia) crime PreventionDivision is developing a coordinated way to prevent crime in NSW; advises on http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/cpd.nsf/pages/index |
15. SafeState - Home Page California Attorney general's crime and Violence prevention Center has founded Safestate.org, online resource providing information and helpful tips on preventing crime and violence in California http://www.safestate.org/ | |
16. Lawlink NSW: CPRM - Chapter 2 - Crime Prevention In New South Wales 2. The establishment of The Violence Against Women Specialist Unit withinthe crime prevention Division of the Attorney general s Department. http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/cpd.nsf/pages/module_2 | |
17. Home general information about the county sheriffs department as well as regional crime rate information. Provides FAQs, crime prevention tips, and a phone directory. Based in Ft. Myers. http://www.sheriffleefl.org/ | |
18. Crime Prevention Awards - Crime Prevention - Alberta Solicitor General 2004 Alberta Solicitor general crime prevention Award Recipients. Top. For yourconvenience, clicking on a link will open a new window for you to view it. http://www.solgen.gov.ab.ca/crime_prev/awards.aspx | |
19. Los Angeles County Sheriff's Dept. - West Hollywood Station Providing general station information, pictures of wanted suspects, information on specialized units, crime prevention information, and related links. http://www.lasd.org/stations/for2/westh-ucity/index.html | |
20. UNCJIN CICP Home Centre for International crime prevention. Office for Drug Control and crime prevention On 15 November 2000, the general Assembly adopted the firstUN Treaty against Transnational http://www.uncjin.org/ | |
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