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81. Active Public Consumer-related Investigation Of Paragon Laboratories, Inc., Subject of investigation Paragon laboratories, Inc., d/b Status of case investigationopened, AVC/settlement unit handling case Economic Crimes Division in http://myfloridalegal.com/lit_ec.nsf/0/16522C51A15D85A085256B81006FAB09?OpenDocu |
82. Active Public Consumer-related Investigation Of Jacqueline Sabal, Sable Laborato investigation Jacqueline Sabal, Sable laboratories, Inc., Contessa Status of caseinvestigation opened, Litigation handling case Economic Crimes Division in http://myfloridalegal.com/lit_ec.nsf/0/27C7D82E4E5BEACE85256333004E921D?OpenDocu |
83. USACIL History US Army Republic of Vietnam, crime Laboratory, Long the United States Army CriminalInvestigation Command (USACIDC Command and the three laboratories US Army http://www.cid.army.mil/lab/history.html | |
84. Evidence In The Genes was in fact involved in the transaction under investigation. here is that of the laboratoriesgetting stuck samples collected from the scene of crime and sent http://www.flonnet.com/fl2026/stories/20040102002710300.htm | |
85. FDLE Crime Laboratory Services LAB and maintains a statewide crime Laboratory System to to aid in the investigationand prosecution FDLE laboratories utilize proven scientific equipment and http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/CrimeLab/ | |
86. Section 650-052 Consultation With Crime Laboratories--D to the Missouri state highway patrol crime laboratory. 5. The state s forensic DNAlaboratories shall meet and the Federal Bureau of investigation to ensure http://www.moga.state.mo.us/statutes/C600-699/6500000052.HTM | |
87. Accreditation Services ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited laboratories. Georgia Bureau of Investigationcrime Laboratory System Atlanta. The Forensic crime Laboratory http://www.nfstc.org/accreditation.htm | |
88. ASCLD Home Page Welcome to the American Society of crime Laboratory Directors web site http://www.ascld.org/ | |
89. Log In ....Tribune--Feature Article They work with government and private investigating agencies or laboratoriesto assist the medical examiners and crime scene examiner. http://www.tribuneindia.com/2002/20020401/login/main5.htm | |
90. Past Successes And Future Goals local laboratories to search the database for possible suspects, as well as linkpossible serial crimes on statewide and nationwide levels. Investigators in http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/CJResCtr/dna_brochure/goals.asp | |
91. Boreal Laboratories: On-line Catalog: The Science Of Detection TheSKopeÂ, Boreal® laboratories, Borealene® and Teacher DevelopedÂClassroomTested are trademarks of Boreal laboratories®. Copyright© 2004. http://www.boreal.com/ec/products/Display.cfm?categoryid=272570 |
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