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1. Kruglick's Forensic Bibliography: General Investigation To listed books, articles, or publishers most are available published by Anderson pub Co. publication date October 1991 Kirk, crime investigation, (2nd Edition) (John Wiley Sons http://www.kruglaw.com/b_inv-gen.htm | |
2. National Crime Information Center (NCIC) - FBI Information Systems Bureau of. investigation. National crime Information Center (NCIC) of Justice Appropriation Act, 1973, pub. L. 92544 Article File Unrecovered stolen articles will be retained for http://www.fas.org/irp/agency/doj/fbi/is/ncic.htm | |
3. Handbook Of Computer Crime Investigation Handbook of Computer crime investigation Forensic Tools and Technology http//www.spsk.com/articles/artdscov.cfm NDIC(ftp//ftp.cis.fed.gov/pub/HashKeeper/Docs http://www.disclosedigital.com/chapter2.html | |
4. Computer Crime, Justice, Law And Society List For Newsletters. Magazine articles - SEARCHER. Magazine Store - CheapPrices Organizing for Computer crime investigation and Prosecution Dallas, Tex. Chantico pub. Co., 1986 http://www.ghostship.com/infosyssec/compcrim1.htm | |
5. Computer Crime Investigator's Toolkit Also Practical explanation. Unix, DOS, Windows, Browsers, email and networks covered. math.utah.edu8080/ftp/pub/tex/bib/toc/ cryptologia.html ) has articles from time to time on an ever-increasing role in computer crime investigation. To see how it http://secinf.net/info/misc/invest.html | |
6. Computer Crime Investigator's Toolkit - Private Investigator, Private Detective, math.utah.edu8080/ftp/pub/tex/bib/toc/ cryptologia.html ) has articles from time to time on an everincreasing role in computer crime investigation. To see how it http://www.diogenesllc.com/computerinvestigatortoolkit.html | |
7. Crime Article crime article. 100 links. Read this article before you talk to law enforcment. Daniel Horowitz, criminal defense specialist. http//home.earthlink.net. Questia online library has over 70 000 books and journal articles. articles, training, evidence collection, response, photography, and more about the business of crime scene investigation www.saf.org/pub/rkba/Legal/ GunControlAscrimeControl.html http://www.stungunresources.com/crime_article.html | |
8. Crime, Law Enforcement, And Prisons: General Law: Internet Law Library Hate crime Statistics Act (pub. L. 101275 Ireland Constitution, articles 38-39 (trial of offences 1998) (immunity to criminal investigation participants) Texas Administrative Code http://www.priweb.com/internetlawlib/96.htm |
9. Kruglick's Forensic Bibliography: Pathology And Death Investigation Shelf Other Hyperlinks = To listed books, articles, or publishers Hardcover publishedby Aspen pub publication date of Pathology to crime investigation (Amazon) by http://www.kruglaw.com/b_pathology.htm | |
10. Neil F. Johnson - Publications Journal Papers, Technical Reports, articles. Cyber crime Just how vulnerableare we? Steganography and Computer Forensics The investigation of Hidden http://www.jjtc.com/pub/ | |
11. Crime Scene Investigation Official Page - Related Articles @ Funny.co.uk the wanderers official page 1979 funny investigation summaries scene the uk 18thcenturycrime uk crime directory page Four guys were telling stories in a pub. http://www.funny.co.uk/keywords/crime-scene-investigation-official-page.html | |
12. Clan MacGaming - Articles Catherine, and the entire crime Scene investigation team. into the mysteries of fivebaffling crime scenes to is at ftp//ftp.aspyr.com/pub/Nascar2003_v1.2.8 http://www.clanmacgaming.com/articles.php?show=all |
13. Weekly Solaris Security Digest Dru Lavigne http//www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/bsd www.securityfocus.com/focus/ih/articles/crimeguide7.html. maybe of importance to a computer crime investigation. http://boran.linuxsecurity.com/solarisdigest/2001/solaris20010305.html | |
14. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - The Complete First Season (2000-2001): William Season. Please check out other CSI crime Scene investigation TheComplete First Season articles below RATING FRESH READING 100%. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/CSICrimeSceneInvestigationTheCompleteFirstSeason | |
15. Crime Scene Investigation Training crime scene investigation resources, training, articles and related links in the United States. http://www.crime-scene-investigator.net/csi-training.html | |
16. Professionals Against Confidence Crime Site information provided by a network of law enforcement and business professionals involved in the investigation and prevention of frauds and confidence crimes. Free fraud prevention programs, articles and message forum available. http://www.pac-c.org | |
17. Crime And Clues articles on crime scene investigation, physical evidence, as well as book reviews, calendar of investigation training courses and link to discussion group, maintained by a crime scene technician in Grand Rapids, Michigan. http://crimeandclues.com/ | |
18. Guardian Unlimited | Special Reports | Crime: Archived Articles Click on an article to view it. 25 Feb 2004, Cybercrime costs business billions. 25Feb 2004, Schoolboy released pending further investigation. http://www.guardian.co.uk/crime/archive/0,3332,339241,00.html | |
19. Virginia Institute Of Forensic Science And Medicine: Forensic Training For Medic Overview of nonprofit organization, providing education and training programs for professionals dealing with crime or death scene investigation. articles, glossary, bulletin board for alumni, and calendar for courses in Richmond, VA. http://www.vifsm.org/ | |
20. Guardian Unlimited | Special Reports | Special Report: Crime Criminal justice a special investigation by Nick Davies July 2003 How notoriousblackspots for drug abuse, prostitution, gun crime and gang Recent articles. http://www.guardian.co.uk/crime/0,2759,339240,00.html | |
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