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41. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET DIRECTORY INTERNATIONAL:SPORTS LINKS cricket Cartoons Humorous anecdotes and cartoons about cricket players. Hereyou ll find bios, stats, news, upcoming events, and trivia questions. http://www.phone-soft.org/layout-3/cyber-world/o0181i.htm | |
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56. CaribbeanCricket.com - WICB Screw-Up Underscores Amateurism with the media and applicants have ranged from senior cricket writers around theepitome of incompetence with simple things like player bios containing wrong http://www.caribbeancricket.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1227 |
57. BravesBeat.com--Society & Baseball: Payroll Problems And Proposition team and player respectively are set by the countryÂs government, and players playon pride to represent their country, which makes cricket more enjoyable to http://www.bravesbeat.com/article_272.shtml | |
58. BravesBeat.com--Braves Rap: 12/31 Michael PS Sorry I havenÂt ever been able to get into cricket and don Baseballhistory is filled with players who served that role and contributed to their http://www.bravesbeat.com/article_528.shtml | |
59. SportsPunter.com - Football Betting - Sports Betting - Live Odds Comparison And Informative site dedicated to several sports including the AFL, NRL and cricket. Results,records, news, international news, and with full player bios and stats http://www.sportspunter.com.au/links.html | |
60. Australians Abroad - Sport The Pavilion.com.au For the latest Australian cricket news Australians tournament(ANZ Tour) coverage providing news, scores, stats, player bios, and year http://www.coolabah.com/oz/Sport.cfm | |
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