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61. MSN Encarta - Related Items - Crete (Greece) Greek literature flourishes on crete in 16th and 17th centuries. Iráklion, capitalof crete. Minoan culture. Minotaur, legendary monster of ancient crete. http://encarta.msn.com/related_761552414/Crete_(Greece).html | |
62. MSN Encarta - Related Items - Crete (Greece) Minoan Pithoi, Minoan culture, Bronze Age culture that developed on the islandof crete (KrÃti) prior to the coming of the mainland Greeks (Achaeans). http://encarta.msn.com/related_761552414_3/Minoan_Culture.html | |
63. Lychnostatis Open-Air Museum In Hersonissos, Crete as texts for the interpretation of the museum s exhibits at the 1st NationalConference for the Folk culture of crete Localities ÃÃôéóôÃóåéò http://www.lychnostatis.gr/news.html | |
64. Met Special Topics Page | Minoan Crete stylistic traits. Eventually, by the beginning of the eleventh centuryBC, the Minoan culture on crete was in decline. Explore http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/mino/hd_mino.htm | |
65. ATM: Classical Culture Of Crete - AME Info Business News 0935. ATM Classical culture of crete. Holidaymakers wanting sun,culture, and luxury can look to the Greek isle of crete. It boasts http://www.ameinfo.com/news/Detailed/39533.html | |
66. Centre For Continuing Education Semester One Programme - Culture And Civilisatio be of interest to anyone wanting to know more about the history, culture, art and onmainland Greece and in the Minoan and Byzantine sites on crete will be http://www.cce.auckland.ac.nz/Community_Courses/Autumn_Programme/index.cfm?fusea |
67. Culturaltec: Conferences culture and New Technologies. Planning for the Introduction ofNew Technologies in the Historic Museum of creteÂ. PARAGAMIAN http://www.aegean.gr/culturaltec/eventsb.htm | |
68. HYDROPONIC CULTURE OF STRAWBERRIES IN PERLITE 717238-9985, HYDROPONIC culture OF STRAWBERRIES IN PERLITE. by DK Linardakisand BI Manios Institute of Vine, Horticulture Floriculture Heraklion, crete. http://www.perlite.org/guides/pg12.htm | |
69. Encyclopedia4U - Minoan Civilization - Encyclopedia Article The Minoans were an ancient civilisation on what is now crete (in the Mediterranean),during the Bronze Age, prior to classical Greek culture. http://www.encyclopedia4u.com/m/minoan-civilization.html | |
70. HACAC: Crete And The Trojan War the Trojan War. This is really the question of the relationship betweenmainland Greek culture and the Minoan culture of crete. http://www.hacac.org/culture/e9904.html | |
71. Salento Vacanze .COM - Puglia Translate this page attica, athens, crete, heraklion, rethymno, hania, chania, lesvos, syros, Iraklio,Hania, Rethimnon, Ierapetra, Aegean, crete, culture, Minoan, Herakleion http://www.salentovacanze.com/ | |
72. Women In The Aegean: Minoan Snake Goddess: 10. Women In Minoan Culture 4. Evans s Snake Goddess . 5. Snake Goddess in Minoan culture. 6. SnakeGoddesses on crete. 7. Fertility Deity? 8. Snakes, Egypt, Women Magic. http://witcombe.sbc.edu/snakegoddess/minoanwomen.html | |
73. Crete University Press: Presentation Of Recent Publications - New York: The Foun Press Release. Presentations of Recent Editions from crete University PressPresentation hosted by The Foundation for Hellenic culture, Inc. http://www.artnewschannel.net/publications/creteuniversitypress/2002recenteditio | |
74. Destination: Crete On the surface, crete may seem typically Greek. But a deeper digreveals that crete s culture is unique. The island became part http://www.cnn.com/TRAVEL/DESTINATIONS/9803/crete/ | |
75. Greece Guide Art & Culture places in the world with so rich and diverse an artistic and cultural history as SamosThe Oracle at Delphi The Minoan palace city of Knossos, crete The ruins http://www.travelinfo.gr/greece/info/art.htm | |
76. Culture Of The Red Porgy, Pagrus Pagrus, In Crete. Present Knowledge, Problems A culture of the red porgy, Pagrus pagrus, in crete. Present knowledge,problems and perspectives M. Kentouri (1)(2), M. Pavlides http://www.imbc.gr/biblio_serv/imbccr/X0101.html | |
77. Crete Greece: Hotel Mythos, Luxury Traditional Boutique Hotel Suites In Rethymno crete/rethymno/sights.html. Prefecture of RETHYMNON http//www.culture.gr/maps/crete/rethimno/rethimno.html.Historical and Folk Art http://www.mythos-crete.gr/rethymnon-crete.html | |
78. VirtualTourist.com - Pavlik_NL's Crete Island Travel Page IKriti (crete), oldest culture in Europe. by Pavlik_NL - last update Dec 31, 2002. Longtime ago there was a great culture building on the big island of crete. http://www.virtualtourist.com/m/31ce3/670c3/ | |
79. CRETE GREECE NEWS, Travel To Crete Island Greece The exhibition curated by Nikos Hatzinikolaou, professor of History of Art atthe University of crete, is also to be Author Greek Ministry of culture. http://www.travel-to-crete.com/newsplace.php?idplace=1 |
80. Republic Of Turkey, Ministry Of Culture - Crete OTTOMAN ARCHITECTURAL WORKS OUTSIDE TURKEY. Greece crete (Girit). Bath. Holy Lands.Rebuplic of Turkey Ministry of culture and Tourism 2004 © All Rights Reserved. http://www.kultur.gov.tr/portal/tarih_en.asp?belgeno=1436 |
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