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61. Handbook\Promotion And Tenure AppC of the significance and quality of the candidate s scholarly and/or creative contributions? eligible for tenure and promotion and for writing a justification http://www.uh.edu/fs/handbook/promtenc.htm | |
62. The Radii - A Collaborative Writing Website For All - Creative Writing Games required by older Australians can be funded by the contributions of younger The Radii a collaborative writing website for all - creative writing games http://www.theradii.com/cgi-bin/ezine.cgi?action=read&filename=94821Publi.txt&ID |
63. Are You Creative And Need To Express Yourself contributions in English should be submitted by email any monetary compensation for your creative work, unless previously agreed for in writing by the http://www.hindinest.com/contri.htm | |
64. Case NRHH OTM Tips Also, include if this is a creative way to Further, give examples of other dorm contributions the RA have been primarily reproduced from the writing a winning http://nrhh.case.edu/otmhelp.html | |
65. Draft Statement On Intellectual Property Rights development of a Web site for the Department of writing and Linguistics of the creator or originator to take credit for creative contributions, to reproduce http://www.georgiasouthern.edu/~jwalker/ip/ | |
66. Madison's Role Menu: The Creative Burst The creative Burst. Alexander Hamilton had enlisted Madison in the writing of the Federalist Papers, but Madison s contributions are the most quoted today. http://www.jmu.edu/madison/gpos225-madison2/creativeburst.htm | |
67. Ja A Jahannes - What S New reap the benefits of their creative contributions to contemporary capitalize on the cultural contributions by African DRAMAT SOUTH, Dramatic writing and Acting http://www.jahannes.com/whatnew.htm |
68. The Institute For Humane Studies - About The Award academic research; teaching; public policy; journalism, writing, or publishing; film, fiction, or other creative contributions; political http://www.theihs.org/article.php/582.html?menuid=1 |
69. Tag You're It - TYI - Collaborative Writing Community tag writing is a communal form of creative outlet. first few posts, and make their own contributions to the In a nutshell, that s what tag writing is all about http://www.tagyoureit.org/ | |
70. Writing Opportunities seeks proposals for courses teaching writing on the ideas for critical, academic or creative essays as re primarily interested in contributions in Scandinavian http://www.hypertextkitchen.com/Calls.html | |
71. Bedford/St. Martin's - The Bedford Bibliography Curriculum ; and Lynn Bloom, creative Nonfiction, Is Defining Advanced Composition contributions from the Advanced writing students must demonstrate mastery http://www.bedfordstmartins.com/bb/curr5.html | |
72. Ideas And Contributions - Quest-net overcome, but they are now much more confident about their writing abilities. you have a set of guidelines to deal with contributions that are creative writing. http://www.quest-net.org/show.asp?ID=5813 |
73. Earlham School Of Religion | Writing As Ministry pens (and keyboards!) flow with creative insight fostered presence as you read these contributions from students in the ministry of writing courses. http://esr.earlham.edu/writing_as_ministry/ | |
74. Kennesaw State University - Mission accounting, business fields, public administration, professional writing and nursing. governmental, business or health interests; creative contributions in the http://www.kennesaw.edu/about/mission.shtml | |
75. Art:21 . Labor & CraftsmanshipÂDictators, Collaborators, Managers, & Soloists | may collaborate with each person providing creative contributions to the and working alone in the creative process? to create truly original writing and images http://www.pbs.org/art21/education/labor/lesson1.html | |
76. Jonobacon@home May 2004, June 2004, A discussion all about the creative commons A discussion of the problems faced in free software when balancing contributions from developers http://www.jonobacon.org/writing/ | |
77. CyberBee addition, Vangar produces the creative writing Newsletter in very active page, with contributions from children loads of student art, writing, and HyperStudio http://www.infotoday.com/MMSchools/mar97/cybee397.htm | |
78. UNIVERSITY OF KENT AT CANTERBURY intellectual, practical and creative contributions and evidence The presentation of practical / creative work through of rehearsal, writing, devising, directing http://www.kent.ac.uk/sdfva/prosp-ug/SH MDra prog spec 04.html | |
79. Calls For Papers: Collections: CFP: Writing Macao: Creative Tex Submissions are now sought for the second number of writing Macaocreative text and teaching, to appear in November of 2004. contributions are particularly http://www.english.upenn.edu/CFP/archive/Collections/1030.html | |
80. Calls For Papers: UPDATE: Writing Macao: Teaching, Creative Wri Submissions are now sought for the first number of writing Macaocreative text and teaching, to appear in June of 2003. contributions are particularly sought http://www.english.upenn.edu/CFP/archive/2003-01/0202.html | |
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