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         Creation Vs Evolution Religion:     more detail
  1. Creation vs. Evolution: What Do the Latest Scientific Discoveries Reveal? (Examine the Evidence®) by Ralph O. Muncaster, 2000-03-01
  2. CREATION Spelled Out for Us All by Mark W. Cadwallader, 2007-12-01
  3. The Facts on Creation vs. Evolution by John Ankerberg, John Weldon, 1993-08
  4. The 10 Things You Should Know About the Creation vs. Evolution Debate (Rhodes, Ron) by Ron Rhodes, 2004-01-01
  5. Christian Perspective on Creation Vs. Evolution by Michael L. McCoy, 1996-10-01
  6. Creation Vs Evolution Handbook by Thomas Heinze, 1988-09
  7. Creation vs. Evolution: What You Need to Know (Quick Reference Guides) by John Ankerberg, John Weldon, 1999-02-01
  8. Special Creation Vs Evolution: by Edward F. Blick, 1995-01
  9. Monkey Business: Creation Vs. Evolution by Jeff Diedrich, 1999-10
  10. Bible-Creation Vs Evolution-12: by Muncast, 1997-03
  13. Skewed study on Wiccans and Creationists.(Creation and Evolution Forum): An article from: Skeptic (Altadena, CA) by Joseph Max, 2004-01-01
  14. History of Life: Creation Studies 290 by Ph.D. David A. DeWitt, 2004

81. Creation Vs. Evolution
If man is not the creation of God but as a “fundamental constitutional right” because of Roe vs. killing of newborn babies by their mothers to evolution.
Creation VS Evolution The War of the Worldviews By Dave Johnson There are those who think that the debate over origins is just so much petty bickering among academics. They could not be more wrong. The creation/evolution controversy is, in reality, a war between two fundamentally different and opposing worldviews. The outcome of this war will determine the direction of our society in virtually every area of life. Are these statements a bit dramatic? Are they exaggerations? I think not. It is my contention that evolutionary thinking has had significant, detrimental effects on our culture, and if the evolutionists have their way, things can only become worse. There are evolutionary scientists who believe that religion in general and Christianity in particular is “the opiate of the masses.” The self-appointed role and duty of clear-thinking evolutionists are to save this society which has been deluded and led astray for decades by the superstitious ideas of the Church. Let’s examine s ome of the ways the teaching of evolution has had an impact on our daily lives. What really is at stake in this debate?

82. Creation Vs. Evolution
Posts 265. Re creation vs. evolution. I hate the whole evolution crap. Considering how deeply rooted so many of us are in our religions, Scientists are gonna
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Search Engines! Jamaica Talk - Jamaican Forums Creation vs. Evolution User Name Remember Me? Password Thread Tools Search this Thread Rate Thread Display Modes 03-29-2004, 09:59 PM vbmenu_register("postmenu_14353", true); Super Moderator
Join Date: Sep 2003 Location: Arizona Posts: 2,539 Creation vs. Evolution Alot of schools worldwide allows creation to be taught in science classes. Should creation or evolution be taught in schools? Tell us what you think.
SEX is like math. Add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs, and pray you don't multiply! View Public Profile Send a private message to kc4u Visit kc4u's homepage! Find More Posts by kc4u ... Add kc4u to Your Buddy List 04-09-2004, 10:06 AM JamCan vbmenu_register("postmenu_15178", true); Moderator
Join Date: Jul 2003 Location: CANADA Posts: 3,289 Re: Creation vs. Evolution I really could go on for days about this one.
Although I'm spiritual and a christian I sometimes get hit in the head with reality and wonder how creation could have just happened. Evolution seems a lot more plausible because we already know there were dinosaurs and cavemen. That's a fact. So if Adam and Eve were the first humans that confuses me. Cavemen were the first humans (or sub-humans). I can't even wrap my head around the order of events given what's ALREADY been proven by science vs. what's only written about creation. One we know for sure and one is speculation.

83. - Creation Vs. Evolution - Quotes Of Power
creation vs. Today, however, dissatisfaction with the synthesis is widespread, and creationists and antidarwinians are multiplying REGARDING STELLAR evolution .
Quotes Of Power
Insightful Quotes From Leading Evolutionists
...while you read
"No wonder paleontologists shied away from evolution for so long. It seems never to happen. Assiduous collecting up cliff faces yields zigzags, minor oscillations, and the very occasional slight accumulation of change over millions of years, at a rate too slow to really account for all the prodigious change that has occurred in evolutionary history. When we do see the introduction of evolutionary novelty, it usually shows up with a bang, and often with no firm evidence that the organisms did not evolve elsewhere! Evolution cannot forever be going on someplace else. Yet that's how the fossil record has struck many a forlorn paleontologist looking to learn something about evolution." Niles Eldredge Chairman and Curator of Invertebrates, American Museum of Natural History. "Reinventing Darwin: The Great Evolutionary Debate," (1995), phoenix: London, 1996, p. 95.

84. The Atheist Alliance Web Center | Atheism On The Internet | Creationism Vs. Evol
in the name of religion. Religious Court Rulings aspects of the evidence supporting evolution, and also positions taken by advocates of creation science and
an invaluable and comprehensive list of evolution resources from ranging from the web, to science and academia, print, and everything in between, updated, from our own August Berkshire.
Creation Science

keep your friends close, and your enemies closer... scientific creationism online
The Evolution Education Resource Center

a major starting point for the exploration of evolution on the web
Evolution FAQs

knowledge is power... many FAQs on evolution, biology, darwinism, speciation, and much more...
Evolution for Creationists

"Over the years I have discussed evolution and creationism with a number of theists, and they often have many misconceptions about exactly what evolution is. I would like to try to set the record straight here, as well as provide a useful introduction to the theory of evolution."
Evolution Revolution
417 pages of evolution related material including a guided tour, timelines, and biographies, and all built by students for ThinkQuest

85. Creation Vs Evolution
creation vs evolution. to produce logical analysis of the issues pertaining to creation and evolution. evolution is a theory, not a science, and in fact it is
Creation Vs Evolution
Last updated: 8th - March - 2004 Inside this issue: Authors Home Page Authors e-mail
  • General
  • Basis of Evolution ...
  • The Fossil Record
  • General
    Creation verses Evolution is one of the greatest controversial issues known to man. To many it would seem that it is not an issue at all, without even giving the matter another thought many believe one way or the other; usually in evolution. Many accept evolution as fact, and why would people believe any thing else, when evolution is pushed on us in schools, in books, in documentaries. If you believe in evolution, do you really know what you really believe in? No! I thought not. Let's clear things up by sorting out the facts, instead of allowing ourselves to believe in lies. I will be putting forward facts and ideas concerning creation as opposed to evolution. These facts and ideas have been collected over time and mulled over, to produce logical analysis of the issues pertaining to Creation and Evolution. Most of what I have written is from what I have heard from John Mackay and Ken Ham.
    Top Basis of Evolution.

    86. The Right Spin: Creation Vs. Evolution
    creation vs. evolution. I think that one can be a creationist without being religious but that taking the creationist point of view to the next logical step
    The Right Spin
    The rantings of a Christian conservative gamer. Main
    March 10, 2004
    Creation vs. Evolution
    I was unsure at first what category to place this post under but ultimately decided "Current Events." I feel it makes sense for a number of reasons. I think that one can be a Creationist without being religious but that taking the Creationist point of view to the next logical step leads to God or a god. Unfortunately many see the religious connotation and throw the baby out with the bath water. Is it so hard for Evolutionists or Darwinists to simply look at the evidence presented by Creationists and not ignore it because it may have religious significance? It's like they were afraid of religion. Or perhaps it's just a fear that they may be wrong. Now, don't get me wrong. I respect science and feel it has done great things. I am also a Creationist. However, I don't adhere to some of the beliefs many of the more vocal Creationists proponents try to advance. I don't believe in a young Earth or universe.
    I don't believe the Earth was created in seven literal days.

    87. Creation Vs Evolution
    1; Read a whole book about creation vs evolution that is God has created humans and all animals in pairs. an observer at the famous Scopes evolution trial that
    Last updated: 26 January 2002
    The words with orange color are links that have disappeared or been moved , but there is also a CD version where around 90-99% of the links functions, at least the first page, sometimes a whole book, Insh-Allah. Write to me about it at if you want the CD. Facts:
    Every possible media is full with lies about the evolution, dinosaurs etc. I hope you give yourself time to read the below if you don't already know it. The points below are just a few of very many scientific proofs for creation. Ref 1
  • There is only one possible combination of amino acids that gives life . One in The chance of 100 amino acids aligning in exactly the right order is one chance in one followed by 158 zeroes or something similar Edward Conklin, a biologist, has said that: "The probability of life originating from accident [or chance] is comparable to the probability of the unabridged dictionary resulting from an explosion in a print shop." Ref 1 An animal that lies dead in the desert will after a very short while loose all its skin and meat After a while even the bones are gone. The longer the animal lies in the elements, the less there is to fossilize. Yet
  • 88. Evolution-Creationist Debate
    Wesley Elsberry s page on evolution vs. that contains responses and commentary on the creation/evolution controversy from scientific, religious and other
    Evolution-Creationist Debate:
    updated: 2/2/04 The links provided below have been submitted by various CESE members as being of general interest in understanding the science behind the evolution-creationism debate. (You can also check out what the creationists are saying .) The following index provides a shortcut down into the list by topic of interest:
    List Index
    Sources of facts:
    Other items of interest:
    Albuquerque Journal If you like this cartoon, you may also want to check out one that graphically depicts the evolutionary adaptations of the "scientific" creationists on the Australian Skeptics web pages.
    Sources of facts:
    pro-evolution web sites

    89. Hypography Science Forums - Evolution Vs Religion
    Topic Title evolution vs religion Created On Tue Jan 27, 2004 223 PM, Topic View Branch View.

    90. Neil's World - Christianity Vs Evolution
    Christianity vs evolution. groups in America to have Darwin’s theory of evolution removed from The only evidence to prove the theory of creation is the Bible
    Neil's World
    You are here: Home March 2002 Tuesday 5
    Christianity vs Evolution
    Posted at 14:12 in Rants . 240 words. This article from The Observer has been troubling me. It was published in late February, but I was reminded of it today, and a second read made me realise how shocking it is. I also think that law-makers in the States forget that their country is very multicultured - how would a muslim, buddist, hindu or jew feel after being told that they were wrong? Perhaps we (as in the US, and the UK too) should look to the French political system where religion is kept well away from politics and education.
    I read this article and it reminds me that not may people think the way I do...that one does not have to separate science from religion. "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." This is a quote from Albert Einstein, who I am sure many have heard about. It's just a matter of doing research and creating the link between the two. Posted by: Le-Anne at July 7, 2003 08:55 PM i think that no one should be forced to believe anything , but being a christian i believe in creation. look outside at the sky and tell me that happened by chance its so beautiful it had to be created by the Lord.

    91. Creation And Evolution Links
    see Frequently Encountered Criticisms in evolution vs. creationism; creation/evolution documents Chris Stassen - see The evolution - Laurence A. Moran, Dept.
    Creation and Evolution Links
    "Claiming that the Bible teaches a young universe only adds an unnecessary stumbling block to those who are skeptical about the faith." - Matt Perman Contents
    Organisations devoted to the subject of Origins Evolutionist links Creation Science links: Intelligent Design sites ... Other Interesting Links (Astronomy)
    Organisations devoted to the subject of Origins
  • The Origins site features scholarly and popular resources concerning intelligent design and philosophical theism. I found this a very nice site. For the evolutionist viewpoint see Talk Origins Reasons to believe. Dr Hugh Ross, mainly cosmological reasons to believe, a welcome relief to the biological arguments (old earth)
  • Other resources I have found (Evolutionist)
  • Talk Origins Evolutionist, a good site that every creationist should study. For the creationist viewpoint see The Origins site Evolution vs. SciCre (Scientific Creationism) Resources and arguments from the evolutionist standpoint - Wesley R. Elsberry The Anti-Evolutionists: William A. Dembski
  • 92. Scientific Materialism, Intelligent Design & The Cosmological Argument Index Pag
    examination of St. Augustine s and St. Thomas Aquinas s Views on creation and evolution) (Dave Armstrong vs. five agnostics) 121K
    S cientific M aterialism, I ntelligent D esign, and the C osmological A rgument
    Click the banner to learn more about and purchase this book and additional popular apologetics and theology titles by Dave Armstrong
    Christian Worldview vs. Postmodernism

    (book by Dave Armstrong)
    (Purchase in Microsoft Word 97 or PDF format for only $6 on the Books Page
    Written from a generic Christian perspective for a wide
    Christian and humanist/agnostic/atheist/secularist audience; no distinctively Catholic teaching TABLE OF CONTENTS
    Dedication Chapter One: The Rationality of the Christian Worldview
    Chapter Two: Reflections on Agnosticism, Atheism, and Skepticism
    Chapter Three: Replies to Atheists’ and Agnostics’ Questions About Christianity
    Chapter Four: Christian Replies to the Argument From Evil (Free Will Defense): Is God Malevolent, Weak, or Non-Existent Because of the Existence of Evil and Suffering?
    Chapter Five: The “Problem of Good” and the Nature of Meaningfulness in Atheism (The Flip Side of the Problem of Evil Argument Against Christianity) Chapter Six: Miracles, Natural Scientific Laws, and the Relationship of Christianity and Metaphysics to the Scientific Method

    with religious views other than creation science. We concentrate on the various forms of creation science and on the two variants of evolution (naturalistic

    Click below to visit our sponsors.
    This section compares and contrasts the three main beliefs about origins: Naturalistic Evolution, Creation Science, and Theistic Evolution
    The media delight in talking about the warfare between evolution and creation science. However, there are not just two conflicting belief systems concerning the origin of plants, animals, humans, the rest of the world and the rest of the universe. There are literally many hundreds of theories: Hundreds of religious views: According David Barrett et al, editors of the " World Christian Encyclopedia " there are 19 major world religions which are subdivided into a total of 270 large religious groups, and many thousands of smaller ones. Among these various faith groups, there are probably at least 500 different creation stories to draw from all different. Creation science: This is a group of about a dozen different belief system which form some of the approximately 500 religious belief systems described above. They are very popular among conservative Christians. They can be divided into two different groups: New Earth creationists form the majority of creation scientists. They believe that the earth, its current life forms, and the rest of the universe were created by God, less than 10,000 years ago. Only very minor changes within various species have happened since creation; no new species have evolved or been created. This belief system is mainly promoted by people who believe in the

    94. Philosophy, Science, And Skepticism
    Personal page of Mark Vuletic, devoted to the defense of naturalism. Frequently Encountered Criticisms in evolution vs. Creationism
    The 2002 version of
    Frequently Encountered Criticisms in Evolution vs. Creationism
    is now available at This page should redirect you to the new site in 10 seconds.

    95. Evolution & Creationism: Issues, Science, And Religion
    People may lump all creationists together in one group, but it is important to understand where they differ and why. evolution religion Very often, it
    zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Agnosticism / Atheism Home Essentials ... Evolution vs. Creationism zau(256,152,145,'gob',''+gs,''); Does God Exist? Ethics and Morality Islam and Muslims Religious Right ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','','');w(xb+xb);
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    Is evolution a science? Is creationism a science? What is science? Is there evidence for either? Religious fundamentalists often attack evolution, but rarely from a positions of really understanding what evolution is and how it works. This FAQ will not only teach you more about the nature of evolution and evolutionary theory, but it will also explain some of the more common complaints and where they go wrong. News on Evolution and Creationism Wondering about what has been going on in the world when it comes to evolution and creationism? There are regular new stories about the efforts of creationists to insert creationism or 'Intelligent Design' into public schools that teach evolution. How are they doing this and how does it affect others?

    96. Creation Outreach
    Science or religionwho caresI want the TRUTH. They are NOT at liberty to go wherever evidence leads. They preach evolution or else. creation is the
    Welcome to - Creation Outreach
    Topics On This Page
    Creation is opposite to Evolution Christianity is glued to Creation The genetic code proves Creation Information is Always a Brain Child ... Basically two destinies - two eternities More Creation Outreach Pages Creation Photo Album Seven Powerful Evidences Confirming Creation Out of Time/Place Artifacts Wine, Health, The Creator, Natural Theology ... The Creator talks to Job Subliminal Mind Set You are visitor to this web site since 1/16/96. Updated 9/01/2003.
    Creation means God personally exists and made all things. This is opposite to Evolution
    Christianity is inseparable from Creation! This is the real reason for the heated debate between the two origins camps . The Redeemer, Jesus Christ, was needed to accomplish the redemption, because of the Fall of God's perfectly created world. God entrusted a perfect creation to the stewardship of Adam and Eve. In the New Testament (Romans 5) we learn that their failure to obey God's commandment resulted in the Fall of the world, with sin and death entering the universe for the very first time. Thus, redemption, and Christianity itself, are firmly tied to creation and the fall.

    97. Evolution Devolution
    the unconstitutional establishment of a religion. But creationists have changed strategy over the years, insisting, for example, that evolution through natural


    Evolution devolution

    Evolutionary evidence

    More evidence
    ... Evolution quiz Darwin threw a
    spanner into the
    works when he
    published his theory
    of evolutionin 1859.
    Here's how
    the magazine Punch saw the evolution revolution. Can science conquer Kansas? UPDATED 21 FEB 2001: Evolution is back in Kansas, where the state board of education reversed a 1999 decision that made teaching evolution by natural selection optional. Charles Darwin may sleep better or evolve into a frog for all we know to hear that the board, by a 7-3 vote, essentially required the teaching of evolution, much to the despair of creationists but the delight of scientists. The vote reflected electoral repudiation of board members who opposed teaching of the theory, a bedrock of biology. Two other fundamental scientific theories, cosmology (the origin and fate of the universe), and plate tectonics (the movement of vast chunks of the Earth), were also restored to the classroom. POSTED 27 SEP 1999 On Aug. 11, the Kansas State Board of Education fired another salvo in the long battle between religion and science by removing evolution from the high school curriculum.

    98. Geological Society Of America - Evolution And Creationism
    VI. The Kansas Decision and other recent creationism vs. evolution school debates. VII. 25 Creationists Arguments and 25 evolutionists Answers Michael Shermer

    Position Statements
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    Articles, essays, books, reports, and press releases
    The links below are related to evolution and the relationship between science and creationism. For more literature on these themes, search the archives of major newspapers and the Creation vs. Evolution Reference Database , or explore links to articles and recommended reading lists from other evolution vs. creationism sites MAIN TOPICS ON THIS PAGE: Physical and biological evolution of Earth
    Evolution vs. creationism in the classroom

    99. The Center For Scientific Creation: Home Of The Hydroplate Theory
    About This Site. The 7th Edition of In the Beginning Compelling Evidence for creation and the Flood by Dr. Walt Brown is available to order here. Does the scientific evidence favor creation or
    ", ""]; EndHiddenExpansion>

    100. Bible Instruction|Christianity, Christian Religion, Theology
    Free Bible instruction about religion, Christianity, Christian theology, and doctrine. Study the gospel of Christ, salvation, faith

    Free Bible instruction about religion, Christianity, "Christian theology," and doctrine. Study the gospel of Christ, salvation, faith, worship of God, the church, and denominations.
    Do you want free instruction about religion, the Bible, Christianity, doctrine, "Christian theology," and the gospel of Christ? What should a Christian believe about worship, faith, salvation, family relations, the church, morals, and eternity? Why are there so many "Christian denominations"? Our free Bible resources will help you understand true Christianity.
    God's inspired Word in the Bible is the only true source of religious instruction and "theology." The following free Bible study helps will answer your questions about religion, Christianity, doctrine, morals, and salvation from sin. Learn about the Christian gospel, morality, family relationships, the church, theology, denominations, the occult, comparative religions, etc.
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