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1. Teacher Tools: Puzzle, Quiz, And Activity Builders teachnology Rubric Generator - learn to create a dozen online calendar. Other Puzzle and quiz Builders - May Hot Potatoes - create multiple-choice, short-answer http://www.eduscapes.com/tap/topic39.htm | |
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4. Sams Teach Yourself Paint Shop Pro 7 In 24 Hours Series Sams teach Yourself. Save up to 25% Become a Member. Testing Your Understanding of Channels. Using Channels to create Masks. Summary. quiz. Answers. http://www.samspublishing.com/title/0672320304 | |
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8. SynchronEyes Computer Lab Instruction Software - Download SynchronEyes Computer The software automatically tallies the results. quiz students. create a quiz, send it to the class and save Ideas ConceptMappi - teach your students to become creative thinkers! http://www.sharewareriver.com/products/2056.htm | |
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11. Using The Internet In Economics Lessons Using the Internet to teach Economics An Idea Page. by having them work in teams to create a Web demand and supply, with explanations followed by a self quiz. http://ecedweb.unomaha.edu/teachsug.htm | |
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17. Utilizing Quizzes To Teach Agricultural Literacy One simple method to teach agricultural facts is to create a quiz or list of questions for the audience to answer. A quiz activley involves the audience. http://www.joe.org/joe/1997august/tt1.html | |
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20. For Geography Teachers by state Personal Educational Press create flash cards quizie.com - make your own online quiz Rubric Generators 15 different types from teach-nology RubiStar http://members.aol.com/bowermanb/teach.html | |
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