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81. GovEngine.com - State Government - Texas Texas Health and Human Services System Department of Protective and Legislation; courts.Net state County courts; Library of Congress state local http://www.govengine.com/stategov/texas.html | |
82. WashLaw Web - State Government Utah - Wyoming US Representative Adam Smith 9th district. Miscellaneous Washington state Law Library; Opinion Search Wisconsin court System (Scope); Wis Bar state Bar of http://www.washlaw.edu/uslaw/uslut_wy.html | |
83. Office Of The State Court Administrator which is a statewide, unified court system with almost judicial district has a Trial court Administrator who To contact the state court Administrator, write or http://www.ojd.state.or.us/osca/ | |
84. Florida Supreme Court lobbied for the creation of the districtcourt system to provide that the Legislature shall divide the state into appellate court districts and that there http://www.flcourts.org/pubinfo/system2.html | |
85. Minnesota Legal Resources 10th district Anoka, Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec, Pine, Sherburne, Washington court Rules (Minnesota state court System) Appellate court Rules, Rules of http://www.law.umn.edu/library/tools/EResources/MNWeb.html | |
86. Maryland Government, State, Local & Federal Created by state, county and municipal governments, special taxing districts exist in US Congress, and is part of the federal court system and other http://www.mdarchives.state.md.us/msa/mdmanual/01glance/html/govern.html | |
87. Court Records - Kansas State Historical Society In 1977 the state of Kansas simplified the court system so that Sometimes these courts had jurisdiction over the entire township, which encompassed a http://www.kshs.org/genealogists/localgovt/court.htm | |
88. Washington Courts Washington state Bar Association. are being squeezed by funding of the law and justice system. Only 50% of Superior court Judges salaries are paid by the state http://www.courts.wa.gov/programs_orgs/pos_bja/?fa=pos_bja.cftf&cftf=min20021007 |
89. Williamson County Circuit Court Home Page 4, Tim Easter. peggya@tscmail.state.tn.us. The Williamson County court House is located on the Public by the Williamson County Department of Information systems. http://www.williamson-tn.org/co_gov/depts/judges/circuit/home.htm | |
90. Legal Technology Institute - Electronic Public Access To Court Records - Executi Because the state of Washington court System is a statewide system, all local court technical support is handled through the individual county MIS http://www.law.ufl.edu/lti/research/eparecords/cswash.htm | |
91. THE NEW YORK STATE UNIFIED COURT SYSTEM COMMITTEES AND COMMISSIONS implementation of the recommendations of the state Committee to Trust and Confidence in the Legal System and helping to make the courts more responsive http://www.nycourts.gov/Community_Outreach/committees/committees.html | |
92. Citizen's Guide To Nebraska's Courts administrator s office has helped the state s courts in case for county courts, a personnel system, and improved service training programs for court personnel. http://court.nol.org/publications/citizenGuide.htm | |
93. Fifth Judicial District Court is one of the largest districts in the state of New welcome you to visit the courthouses in this district to view all aspects of your trial court system. http://www.fifthdistrictcourt.com/ | |
94. Wisconsin State Law Library - Wisconsin Law & Government Eastern district (WI) Bankruptcy court. Wisconsin Supreme court. Opinions Sept. 1995 (WI Supreme court); Opinions 1995- (state Bar of WI); Opinions http://wsll.state.wi.us/wisco.html | |
95. The Steuben County District Attorney of the office into the New York state appellate system as well as into the Federal court system. there are three county level superior court judges in http://www.steubencony.org/da/distattorneytext.html | |
96. American Bar Association Legal Technology Resource Center court (1790present) and selected federal and state court (since 1996 Search systems Pac-Info summaries, current and historic stock quotes, and state of the http://www.lawtechnology.org/lawlink/home.html | |
97. Public School Finance Hearing Set In District Court unconstitutional (Edgewood III) because school district taxes weren CED tax represented a state property tax years, while the federal court system considered the http://www.tea.state.tx.us/press/pr010627.html | |
98. Pennsylvania's Unified Judicial System and independent branches of state government, Pennsylvania s Unified Judicial System s role is http://www.courts.state.pa.us/ | |
99. FIFTH JUDICIAL SERVICES The court of last resort in the state court system is the law enforcement agencies concerning violations of state law or her spouse in lieu of court proceedings http://www.co.hernando.fl.us/judicial/ | |
100. LINX - Pierce County Legal Information Network Exchange officials provided for by the state Constitution warrants in support of the court s decisions, as well as administration of the Mandatory Arbitration System. http://www.co.pierce.wa.us/cfapps/linx/ |
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